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AAP-NICHD Workshop on Research in Neonatology

On January 15-16, 2004, the Pregnancy and Perinatology Brach, Center for Developmental Biology and Perinatal Medicine, NICHD, in collaboration with the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) organized a Workshop on Research in Neonatology in Rockville, Maryland. The focus of the workshop was: to address the basic and translational research issues in neonatal-perinatal medicine; identify knowledge gaps; and review the role of promising methods, such as genomics, proteomics, imaging, and molecular biology in neonatal-perinatal research fields. Other issues addressed were: the training needs for physician-scientists in neonatal-perinatal medicine; board-certification issues; and strategies to overcome the dwindling pool of physician-scientists, especially of women and under-represented minorities in academic medicine. The executive summaries from the workshop are being published in Pediatrics (Volume 115, 2005), and the presentations will be published in Journal of Perinatology (2005). The topics identified in these publications may help the scientific community, professional organizations, and educational institutions to formulate research agendas, and funding agencies to prioritize research initiatives. The workshop was organized under the direction of Drs. Tonse N. K. Raju (NICHD), in collaboration with Ronald L. Ariagno, Stanford University, Stanford, California, representing the AAP.

Conference Agenda and Participants' List