U.S. Representative Trent Franks, AZ-2nd District

For Immediate Release Contact: Elaine Dalbo

The Children’s Hope Act Gains Momentum


Grassroots efforts are key to the success of H.R. 2347

September 23, 2003Today Congressman Franks announced that there have been nine added co-sponsors to H.R.2347, The Children’s Hope Act, bringing the total to 42.


“Now more than ever, members in Congress on both sides of the aisle are seeking ways to empower parents when it comes to their children’s education,” Franks said.  “It is the perfect time to enlist the support of those members who have supported recent school choice legislation, and the best way to do that is through the efforts of impassioned individuals and grassroots organizations.”


Here are some ways you can make a difference, and give parents education choice and give children education hope:


Personal Visits to Congressional Offices – Whether in D.C. or in District Offices, visiting your Member office can put a “face” on school choice.  Many members already support the idea of a scholarship tax credit, but just need extra encouragement, to tell them how this state-focused legislation can reform the entire education system into one based on competition.


Letter Writing Campaigns –Asking parents to write their Members of Congress shows them—and their policy staff—that this is an important piece of legislation.  Organizing a campaign can involve the use of already existing email distribution lists, newsletters, or “legislative alerts.”


Enlisting the Support of State Legislatures – A letter from a state legislator, or the enactment of a resolution by a legislature—highlighting the state benefits of The Children’s Hope Act—could positively influence a Congressional delegation to support H.R.2347. 


Obtaining Letters of Support from Coalition Groups and Non-Profit Organizations – The more letters of support received by Congressman Franks from organizations on the local, state, or national level, the easier it becomes to gain support from federal legislators.


Letters to the Editor and Calls to Talk Radio Shows – This is a great way to spread the word to the rest of the community, and to increase the number of people taking an active role in promoting school choice across the nation.


The Children’s Hope Act encourages states to enact their own state scholarship tax credit.  If a state enacts a scholarship tax credit of $250 or more, residents of that state are then eligible to take part in an additional federal tax credit of $100 ($200 for joint returns).  The federal tax credit is for those individuals contributing to education investment organizations that distribute at least half of their scholarships to low-income children.  For those nine states that do not have an income tax, they can take a dollar for dollar credit against their property taxes.


For the latest information on H.R. 2347, and the most recent list of co-sponsors, visit the The Children’s Hope Act Information Center at www.house.gov/franks


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