U.S. Representative Trent Franks, AZ-2nd District

For Immediate Release

Contact: Lindsey Mask   202-226-5536


Trent Franks to Speak at CPAC 2006
Arizona Congressman to participate in Judicial Panel

February 9, 2006—Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) will be joining top conservative leaders and political activists from across the United States for the 2006 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).  Because of Franks’ seat on the House Judiciary Committee, Vice Chairmanship of the Constitution subcommittee and his extensive efforts to battle judicial activism, he has been invited to be a speaker on the Judicial Panel.

In his remarks, Franks will examine various ways to reign in the out-of-control federal judiciary.  He will outline solid, constitutional points such as:

  • Limiting the jurisdiction of the federal courts
  • Conducting oversight hearings
  • Exercising Congress’ “power of the purse”

Franks will challenge CPAC to continue being active in the pursuit of a fair judiciary – a judiciary that follows the original intent of the Constitution as written by America’s founding fathers.

Members of the Judicial Panel include:  Rep. Trent Franks (AZ); Judge Charles Pickering (MS); Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch; Sandy Froman, National Rifle Association; Moderator: Judge Janice Law (TX)

CPAC will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. from February 9-11, 2006.  Franks will speak on Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 1:30 PM EST.

Other speakers at the conference include:  Vice President Dick Cheney, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, author and columnist George Will, Representative Mike Pence, Texas Governor Rick Perry, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, and others.
Trent Franks is the Congressman from the 2nd Congressional District of Arizona.  He is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, the House Judiciary Committee and Vice Chairman of the Constitution

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