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Bibliography of Tobacco Use and Health Disparities

This bibliography features literature on tobacco-related health disparities and focuses on special populations and themes such as:

  • Asian American and Pacific Islander
  • Native American
  • African American
  • Latino/ Hispanic American
  • Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT)
  • gender
  • religion
  • mental illness
  • disabilities
  • correctional facilities
  • occupation
  • rural/urban areas

Ahijevych,K., & Gillespie,J. (1997). Nicotine dependence and smoking topography among black and white women. Research in Nursing and Health, 20(6), 505-514.

Ahluwalia,J.S., Harris,K.J., Catley,D., Okuyemi,K.S., & Mayo,M.S. (2002). Sustained-release bupropion for smoking cessation in African Americans: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 288(4), 468-474.

Alexander,C.S., Allen,P., Crawford,M.A., & McCormick,L.K. (1999). Taking a first puff: cigarette smoking experiences among ethnically diverse adolescents. Ethnicity and Health, 4(4), 245-257.

Appleyard,J., Messeri,P., & Haviland,M.L. (2001). Smoking among Asian American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander youth: data from the 2000 National Youth Tobacco Survey. Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health, 9(1), 5-14.

Awofeso,N. (1999). Controlling tobacco use within prisons. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 3(6), 547-548.

Baezconde-Garbanati,L., & Garbanati,J.A. (2000). Tailoring tobacco control messages for Hispanic populations. Tobacco Control, 9 Suppl 1:I51.

Bang,K.M., & Kim,J.H. (2001). Prevalence of cigarette smoking by occupation and industry in the United States. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 40(3), 233-239.

Barbeau,E.L., Li,Y.I., Sorensen,G., Conlan,K.M., Youngstrom,R., & Emmons,K. (2001). Coverage of smoking cessation treatment by union health and welfare funds. American Journal of Public Health, 91(9), 1412-1415.

Benowitz,N.L., Perez-Stable,E.J., Herrera,B., & Jacob,P., III. (2002). Slower metabolism and reduced intake of nicotine from cigarette smoking in Chinese-Americans. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 94(2), 108-115.

Berman,B.A., & Gritz,E.R. (1991). Women and smoking: current trends and issues for the 1990s. Journal of Substance Abuse, 3(2), 221-238.

Brawarsky,P., Brooks,D.R., Wilber,N., Gertz,R.E., Jr., & Klein,W.D. (2002). Tobacco use among adults with disabilities in Massachusetts. Tobacco Control, 11 Suppl 2:ii29-33.

Carpenter,M.J., Hughes,J.R., Solomon,L.J., & Powell,T.A. (2001). Smoking in correctional facilities: a survey of employees. Tobacco Control, 10(1), 38-42.

Chen,M.S., Jr., Guthrie,R., Moeschberger,M., Wewers,M.E., Anderson,J., Kuun,P., & Nguyen,H. (1993). Lessons learned and baseline data from initiating smoking cessation research with Southeast Asian adults. Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health, 1(2), 194-214.

Chen,M.S., Jr. (2001). The status of tobacco cessation research for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health, 9(1), 61-65.

Chen,M.S., Jr., Ferketich,A.K., Moeschberger,M.L., & Wewers,M.E. (2001). Preparing the "ground war" against tobacco among Chinese Americans in New York City: baseline data. Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health, 9(1), 88-94.

Chen,X., Unger,J.B., Cruz,T.B., & Johnson,C.A. (1999). Smoking patterns of Asian-American youth in California and their relationship with acculturation. Journal of Adolescent Health, 24(5), 321-328.

Chen,X., Unger,J.B., & Johnson,C.A. (1999). Is acculturation a risk factor for early smoking initiation among Chinese American minors? A comparative perspective. Tobacco Control, 8(4), 402-410.

Epstein,J.A., Botvin,G.J., & Diaz,T. (1998). Linguistic acculturation and gender effects on smoking among Hispanic youth. Preventive Medicine, 27(4), 583-589.

Eriksen,M.P., & Gottlieb,N.H. (1998). A review of the health impact of smoking control at the workplace. American Journal of Health Promotion, 13(2), 83-104.

Ernster,V., Kaufman,N., Nichter,M., Samet,J., & Yoon,S.Y. (2000). Women and tobacco: moving from policy to action. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(7), 891-901.

Falkin,G.P., Strauss,S.M., & Lankenou,S.E. (1998). Cigarette smoking polices in American jails. American Jails, July/August, 9-14.

Fortuine,R. (1996). Historical notes on the introduction of tobacco into Alaska. Alaska Medicine, 38(1), 3-7.

Gerlach,K.K., Shopland,D.R., Hartman,A.M., Gibson,J.T., & Pechacek,T.F. (1997). Workplace smoking policies in the United States: results from a national survey of more than 100,000 workers. Tobacco Control, 6(3), 199-206.

Gittelsohn,J., McCormick,L.K., Allen,P., Grieser,M., Crawford,M., & Davis,S. (1999). Inter-ethnic differences in youth tobacco language and cigarette brand preferences. Ethnicity and Health, 4(4), 285-303.

Graham,H., & Der,G. (1999). Patterns and predictors of smoking cessation among British women. Health Promotion International, 14(3), 231-239.

Grunbaum,J.A., Tortolero,S., Weller,N., & Gingiss,P. (2000). Cultural, social, and intrapersonal factors associated with substance use among alternative high school students. Addictive Behaviors, 25(1), 145-151.

Gruskin,E.P., Hart,S., Gordon,N., & Ackerson,L. (2001). Patterns of cigarette smoking and alcohol use among lesbians and bisexual women enrolled in a large health maintenance organization. American Journal of Public Health, 91(6), 976-979.

Headen,S.W., & Robinson,R.G. (2001). "Tobacco: from slavery to addiction" in Braithwaite and Taylor (eds). Health Issues in the Black Community, (2nd edition)

Hodge,F.S., & Casken,J. (1999). Characteristics of American Indian women cigarette smokers: prevalence and cessation status. Health Care for Women International, 20(5), 455-469.

Hoffman-Goetz,L., Gerlach,K.K., Marino,C., & Mills,S.L. (1997). Cancer coverage and tobacco advertising in African-American women's popular magazines. Journal of Community Health, 22(4), 261-270.

Hurt,R.D., Croghan,G.A., Beede,S.D., Wolter,T.D., Croghan,I.T., & Patten,C.A. (2000). Nicotine patch therapy in 101 adolescent smokers: efficacy, withdrawal symptom relief, and carbon monoxide and plasma cotinine levels. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 154(1), 31-37.

Johnson,K.M., Lando,H.A., Schmid,L.S., & Solberg,L.I. (1997). The GAINS project: outcome of smoking cessation strategies in four urban Native American clinics. Giving American Indians No-smoking Strategies. Addictive Behaviors, 22(2), 207-218.

Kawakami,N., Takatsuka,N., & Shimizu,H. (1997). Occupational factors, smoking habits and tobacco withdrawal symptoms among male Japanese employees. Industrial Health, 35(1), 9-15.

Kegler,M.C., Cleaver,V.L., & Yazzie-Valencia,M. (2000). An exploration of the influence of family on cigarette smoking among American Indian adolescents. Health Education Research, 15(5), 547-557.

King,G. (1997). The "race" concept in smoking: a review of the research on African Americans. Social Science and Medicine, 45(7), 1075-1087.

King,G., Bendel,R., & Delaronde,S.R. (1998). Social heterogeneity in smoking among African Americans. American Journal of Public Health, 88(7), 1081-1085.

King,G., Polednak,A.P., & Bendel,R. (1999). Regional variation in smoking among African Americans. Preventive Medicine, 29(2), 126-132.

Klonoff,E.A., & Landrine,H. (1996). Acculturation and cigarette smoking among African American adults. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19(5), 501-514.

Koenig,H.G., George,L.K., Cohen,H.J., Hays,J.C., Larson,D.B., & Blazer,D.G. (1998). The relationship between religious activities and cigarette smoking in older adults. The Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 53(6), M426-M434

Koenig,H.G. (2001). Religion and medicine II: religion, mental health, and related behaviors. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 31(1), 97-109.

Lasser,K., Boyd,J.W., Woolhandler,S., Himmelstein,D.U., McCormick,D., & Bor,D.H. (2000). Smoking and mental illness: A population-based prevalence study. JAMA, 284(20), 2606-2610.

Leischow,S.J., Hill,A., Cook,G., Muramoto,M., & Lundergan,L. (1996). The effects of transdermal nicotine for the treatment of Hispanic smokers. American Journal of Health Behavior, 20(5), 304-311.

LeMaster,P.L., Connell,C.M., Mitchell,C.M., & Manson,S.M. (2002). Tobacco use among American Indian adolescents: protective and risk factors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 30(6), 426-432.

Lew,R., Moskowitz,J.M., Wismer,B.A., Min,K., Kang,S.H., Chen,A.M., & Tager,I.B. (2001). Correlates of cigarette smoking among Korean American adults in Alameda County, California. Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health, 9(1), 49-60.

Lichtenstein,E., Glasgow,R.E., Lopez,K., Hall,R., McRae,S.G., & Meyers,G.B. (1995). Promoting tobacco control policies in northwest Indian tribes. American Journal of Public Health, 85(7), 991-994.

Lichtenstein,E., Lopez,K., Glasgow,R.E., Gilbert-McRae,S., & Hall,R. (1996). Effectiveness of a consultation intervention to promote tobacco control policies in Northwest Indian tribes: integrating experimental evaluation and service delivery. American Journal of Community Psychology, 24(5), 639-655.

Ma,G.X. (2000). Prevalence and predictors of smoking behaviors among Asian Americans. American Journal of Public Health, 92(6), 1013-1020.

Ma,G.X., Tan,Y., Feeley,R.M., & Thomas,P. (2002). Perceived risks of certain types of cancer and heart disease among Asian American smokers and non-smokers. Journal of Community Health, 27(4), 233-246.

Marable,S., Crim,C., Dennis,G.C., Epps,R.P., Freeman,H., Mills,S., Coolchan,E.T., Robinson,L., Robinson,R., Cole,L., & Payne,P.H. (2002). Tobacco control: consensus report of the National Medical Association. Journal of the National Medical Association, 94(2), 78-87.

Marin,G., & Perez-Stable,E.J. (1995). Effectiveness of disseminating culturally appropriate smoking-cessation information: Programa Latino Para Dejar de Fumar. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, (18), 155-163.

McBride,C.M., Bepler,G., Lipkus,I.M., Lyna,P., Samsa,G., Albright,J., Datta,S., & Rimer,B.K. (2002). Incorporating genetic susceptibility feedback into a smoking cessation program for African-American smokers with low income. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 11(6), 521-528.

Mermelstein,R. (1999). Explanations of ethnic and gender differences in youth smoking: a multi-site, qualitative investigation. The Tobacco Control Network Writing Group. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 1(Suppl 1), S91-S98

Minihan,P.M. (1999). Smoking policies and practices in a state-supported residential system for people with mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 104(2), 131-142.

Moeschberger,M.L., Anderson,J., Kuo,Y.F., Chen,M.S., Jr., Wewers,M.E., & Guthrie,R. (1997). Multivariate profile of smoking in Southeast Asian men: a biochemically verified analysis. Preventive Medicine, 26(1), 53-58.

Moolchan,E.T., Berlin,I., Robinson,M.L., & Cadet,J.L. (2000). African-American teen smokers: issues to consider for cessation treatment. Journal of the National Medical Association, 92(12), 558-562.

Moore,D.J., Williams,J.D., & Qualls,W.J. (1996). Target marketing of tobacco and alcohol-related products to ethnic minority groups in the United States. Ethnicity and Disease, 6(1-2), 83-98.

Okuyemi,K.S., Ahluwalia,J.S., Richter,K.P., Mayo,M.S., & Resnicow,K. (2001). Differences among African American light, moderate, and heavy smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 3(1), 45-50.

Payne,S. (2001). 'Smoke like a man, die like a man'?: a review of the relationship between gender, sex and lung cancer. Social Science and Medicine, 53(8), 1067-1080.

Pederson,L.L., Ahluwalia,J.S., Harris,K.J., & McGrady,G.A. (2000). Smoking cessation among African Americans: what we know and do not know about interventions and self-quitting. Preventive Medicine, 31(1), 23-38.

Perez-Stable,E.J., Sabogal,F., Marin,G., Marin,B.V., & Otero-Sabogal,R. (1991). Evaluation of "Guia para Dejar de Fumar," a self-help guide in Spanish to quit smoking. Public Health Reports, 106(5), 564-570.

Perez-Stable,E.J., Herrera,B., Jacob,P., III, & Benowitz,N.L. (1998). Nicotine metabolism and intake in black and white smokers. JAMA, 280(2), 152-156.

Perkins,K.A. (2001). Smoking cessation in women. Special considerations. CNS Drugs, 15(5), 391-411.

Piper,M.E., Fox,B.J., Welsch,S.K., Fiore,M.C., & Baker,T.B. (2001). Gender and racial/ethnic differences in tobacco-dependence treatment: a commentary and research recommendations. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 3(4), 291-297.

Preston,A.M., Ramos,L.J., Calderon,C., & Sahai,H. (1997). Exposure of Puerto Rican children to environmental tobacco smoke. Preventive Medicine, 26(1), 1-7.

Puisis,M. (1998). Update on public health in correctional facilities. Western Journal of Medicine, 169(6), 374.

Resnicow,K., Vaughan,R., Futterman,R., Weston,R.E., Royce,J., Parms,C., Hearn,M.D., Smith,M., Freeman,H.P., & Orlandi,M.A. (1997). A self-help smoking cessation program for inner-city African Americans: results from the Harlem Health Connection Project. Health Education and Behavior, 24(2), 201-217.

Robinson,R. (1998). African American farmers and workers in the tobacco industry. Southern Research Report, 10.

Robinson,R.G. (1999). U.S. Department of Health and Human services, " African American" in Cultural Issues in Substance Abuse Treatment. DHHS Publication No., 99-3278.

Robinson,R.G., & Headen,S.W. (1999). "Tobacco use and the African American community: a conceptual framework for the year 2000 and beyond" in Planning and Implementing Effective Tobacco Education and Prevention Programs, Martin L. Frost (ed) 83-111.

Robinson,R.G. (2000). Eliminating population disparities in tobacco control. Nobacco News, 6(1), 5

Robinson,R.G. (in press). Community development model for public health applications: overview of a model to eliminate population disparities. Journal of Health Education.

Royce,J.M., Hymowitz,N., Corbett,K., Hartwell,T.D., & Orlandi,M.A. (1993). Smoking cessation factors among African Americans and whites. COMMIT Research Group. American Journal of Public Health, 83(2), 220-226.

Ryan,H., Wortley,P.M., Easton,A., Pederson,L., & Greenwood,G. (2001). Smoking among lesbians, gays, and bisexuals: a review of the literature. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 21(2), 142-149.

Sarvela,P.D., Cronk,C.E., & Isberner,F.R. (1997). A secondary analysis of smoking among rural and urban youth using the MTF data set. Journal of School Health, 67(9), 372-375.

Shopland,D.R., Hartman,A.M., Gibson,J.T., Mueller,M.D., Kessler,L.G., & Lynn,W.R. (1996). Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults by state and region: estimates from the current population survey. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 88(23), 1748-1758.

Sorensen,G. (1996). Organized labor and worksite smoking policies: results of a survey of labor leaders. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 6(4), 57-60.

Sorensen,G., Glasgow,R.E., Topor,M., & Corbett,K. (1997). Worksite characteristics and changes in worksite tobacco-control initiatives. Results from the COMMIT study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 39(6), 520-526.

Spangler,J.G., Bell,R.A., Knick,S., Michielutte,R., Dignan,M.B., & Summerson,J.H. (1999). Epidemiology of tobacco use among Lumbee Indians in North Carolina. Journal of Cancer Education, 14(1), 34-40.

Spigner,C., & Gran-O'Donnell,S. (2001). Establishing baseline information on cigarette smoking behavior from ethnic-specific groups of Asian American and Pacific Islander youth in Seattle, Washington, 1996-1998. Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health, 9(1), 34-39.

Stall,R.D., Greenwood,G.L., Acree,M., Paul,J., & Coates,T.J. (1999). Cigarette smoking among gay and bisexual men. American Journal of Public Health, 89(12), 1875-1878.

Stillman,F.A., Bone,L.R., Rand,C., Levine,D.M., & Becker,D.M. (1993). Heart, body, and soul: a church-based smoking-cessation program for urban African Americans. Preventive Medicine, 22(3), 335-349.

Sussman,S. (2002). Effects of sixty-six adolescent tobacco use cessation trials and seventeen prospective studies of self-initiated quitting. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 1(1), 35-81.

Thompson,B., Emmons,K., Abrams,D., Ockene,J.K., & Feng,Z. (1995). ETS exposure in the workplace. Perceptions and reactions by employees in 114 work sites. Working Well Research Group [corrected]. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 37(9), 1086-1092.

Toh,Y.M., & Tan,S.Y. (1997). The effectiveness of church-based lay counselors: a controlled outcome study. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 16, 260-267.

Unger,J.B., Yan,L., Shakib,S., Rohrbach,L.A., Chen,X., Qian,G., Chou,C.P., Jianguo,S., Azen,S., Zheng,H., & Johnson,C.A. (2002). Peer influences and access to cigarettes as correlates of adolescent smoking: a cross-cultural comparison of Wuhan, China, and California. Preventive Medicine, 34(4), 476-484.

Williams,C.D., Lewis-Jack,O., Johnson,K., & Adams-Campbell,L. (2001). Environmental influences, employment status, and religious activity predict current cigarette smoking in the elderly. Addictive Behaviors, 26(2), 297-301.


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