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Heart health

Heart patients’ bad habits undercutting drug benefits

Heart patients are taking more medication than ever to lower their blood pressure and cholesterol, but bad habits are undermining the drugs, a new study says. Full story

Also making headlines
Better trauma tests urged for troops

A group of doctors and scientists said Thursday the U.S. needs to devise a uniform test for traumatic brain injury to be performed on all troops who are exposed to a blast. Full story

Army reaches out to families to stem suicides
Health care
Image: DNA seed
Kim Carney /

Control your DNA destiny

Some genetic traits (like your mom’s mousy hair) are easy to defy. Others, such as cancer, are not so simple to escape — but you can cut your risk. Full story

Know your roots

What family history says about your health. Full story

Tempted by an
at-home gene test?
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