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Lung and Aerodigestive Cancer Faculty
The goals of the NCI Lung and Aerodigestive Faculty are to:

1) Coordinate requests for access to tumor and normal tissue archives.

2) Refine activities regarding tobacco control opportunities relevant to the Faculty structure.

3) Define technology opportunities relative to the Faculty structure.

4) Conduct forums to discuss developing Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) collaborations.
Initiatives sponsored by the Lung and Aerodigestive Faculty include:

1) Establishing a mechanism for small-batch drug formulation to generate sufficient material for in vivo drug evaluation, using reagents with requisite stability and solubility.

2) Developing a mechanism for pilot evaluation of aerosolized drug delivery in rodent carcinogen-exposure models as a tool to evaluate relevant lead compounds.

3) Organizing a workshop to explore further systems for optimizing epithelial drug delivery for intraepithelial neoplasia.

4) Initiating an early lung cancer screening trial with high-resolution, spiral computerized tomography.

5) Creating a venue to help evaluate new targets for diagnostic and/or therapeutic intervention as well as to ensure candidates for participation in add-on investigator-initiated clinical trials with new, molecularly targeted early therapies.

6) Explore the utility of molecular targets including retinoids, hsp90, PI3K, COX, and NF-kappaB in the setting of early upper aerodigestive cancers.
This page was last updated on 12/15/2008.

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