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Voluntary ethanol consumption according to Aldh2 alleles in UChB and UChA Wistar-derived rats

Voluntary ethanol consumption according to Aldh2 alleles in UChB and UChA Wistar-derived rats

Alcohol-naïve rats of the UChA and UChB lines were allowed free access to 10 percent alcohol and tap water from two separate bottles for 30 days. The animals’ status with respect to Aldh2 alleles (i.e., the Aldh2 genotype) was determined before they received access to alcohol. The animals’ alcohol consumption was calculated daily and averaged. UChB animals drank significantly more alcohol than UChA animals. Moreover, UChB animals with an Aldh21/Aldh21 genotype consumed more alcohol than UChB animals with an Aldh23/Aldh23 genotype.

Source: Quintanilla et al. 2006.

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Prepared: December 2008

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