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Neuro-Oncology Branch
Brain X-ray
NOB - Dedicated To The Treatment Of Adult & Pediatric Brain Tumors
Contact Us National Cancer Institute National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
About The Clinic
About NOB
Laboratory Research
Clinical Trials
Patient Referrals
Career & Fellowship Opportunities
Education & Resources

Education & Resources


What You Need To Know About Brain Tumors: Information on detection, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of brain tumors

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS): Brain and Spinal Tumors Information Page

Adult Brain Tumors (PDQ®): Treatment Information

Childhood Brain Tumors (PDQ®): Treatment Information

Healthfinder®: Guide to reliable health information on brain tumors

Brain Tumor Progress Review Group

Information on cancer support organizations, finances, insurance, and care

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Helpful Links

National Cancer Institute
The Federal Government's principal agency for cancer research and training.

Home Page
Brain Tumor Information Page
Brain Tumor Research Projects

Other NIH Links

Home Page
Clinical Center: The NIH Hospital
NINDS: Information page on brain and spinal tumors
Research and Training Opportunities at the NIH

New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy (NABTT)
Consortium of nine medical institutions conducting Phase I and II clinical trials.

North American Brain Tumor Consortium (NABTC)
Consortium of eleven institutions conducting Phase I and II clinical trials.

Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium
Consortium of institutions conducting clinical trials.

American Brain Tumor Association
Supports individuals globally and award funds to researchers.

People Living with Cancer  (ASCO Website)
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is the world's leading professional organization representing physicians who treat people with cancer.

American Cancer Society
Nationwide, voluntary organization dedicated to eliminating cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.

Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation
Raises funds for scientific research and to heighten public awareness.

National Brain Tumor Foundation
Non-profit providing information and support for brain tumor patients, family members, and professionals.

The Brain Tumor Society
Disseminates educational information, provides access to psycho-social support, and raises research funds.

Johns Hopkins Oncology Center
Clinical research and treatment of primary brain tumors.

Florida Brain Tumor Association
Serving brain tumor survivors and their families.

Society for Neuro-Oncology
Multidisciplinary organization dedicated to promoting advances in neuro-oncology through research and education.

For additional links, please go to: Organizations listed at Brain and Spinal Tumors/NINDS/NIH

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National Cancer Institute's : Resources Available from the CANERLIT® Database




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National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Dept. Of Health And Human Services
National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services