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Volume 9(5);  May 2000
Research Articles
Removal of the N-terminal hexapeptide from human beta2-microglobulin facilitates protein aggregation and fibril formation.
G. Esposito, R. Michelutti, G. Verdone, P. Viglino, H. Hernández, C. V. Robinson, A. Amoresano, F. Dal Piaz, M. Monti, P. Pucci, P. Mangione, M. Stoppini, G. Merlini, G. Ferri, and V. Bellotti
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 831–845.
PMCID: PMC2144642
The structure and dynamics in solution of Cu(I) pseudoazurin from Paracoccus pantotrophus.
G. S. Thompson, Y. C. Leung, S. J. Ferguson, S. E. Radford, and C. Redfield
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 846–858.
PMCID: PMC2144627
Binding of Zn2+ to a Ca2+ loop allosterically attenuates the activity of factor VIIa and reduces its affinity for tissue factor.
L. C. Petersen, O. H. Olsen, L. S. Nielsen, P. O. Freskgård, and E. Persson
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 859–866.
PMCID: PMC2144641
Conformational transitions and fibrillation mechanism of human calcitonin as studied by high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR.
M. Kamihira, A. Naito, S. Tuzi, A. Y. Nosaka, and H. Saitô
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 867–877.
PMCID: PMC2144639
Ser45 plays an important role in managing both the equilibrium and transition state energetics of the streptavidin-biotin system.
D. E. Hyre, I. Le Trong, S. Freitag, R. E. Stenkamp, and P. S. Stayton
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 878–885.
PMCID: PMC2144626
Conformational flexibility in the apolipoprotein E amino-terminal domain structure determined from three new crystal forms: implications for lipid binding.
B. W. Segelke, M. Forstner, M. Knapp, S. D. Trakhanov, S. Parkin, Y. M. Newhouse, H. D. Bellamy, K. H. Weisgraber, and B. Rupp
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 886–897.
PMCID: PMC2144644
Evidence for phosphorylation-dependent conformational changes in methylesterase CheB.
G. S. Anand, P. N. Goudreau, J. K. Lewis, and A. M. Stoc
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 898–906.
PMCID: PMC2144634
Alternate modes of binding in two crystal structures of alkaline phosphatase-inhibitor complexes.
K. M. Holtz, B. Stec, J. K. Myers, S. M. Antonelli, T. S. Widlanski, and E. R. Kantrowitz
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 907–915.
PMCID: PMC2144633
Comparative model building of interleukin-7 using interleukin-4 as a template: a structural hypothesis that displays atypical surface chemistry in helix D important for receptor activation.
L. Cosenza, A. Rosenbach, J. V. White, J. R. Murphy, and T. Smith
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 916–926.
PMCID: PMC2144647
The energetics of phosphate binding to a protein complex.
S. P. Edgcomb, B. M. Baker, and K. P. Murphy
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 927–933.
PMCID: PMC2144640
Role of Lys335 in the metastability and function of inhibitory serpins.
H. Im and M. H. Yu
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 934–941.
PMCID: PMC2144637
Synthesis and NMR solution structure of an alpha-helical hairpin stapled with two disulfide bridges.
P. Barthe, S. Rochette, C. Vita, and C. Roumestand
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 942–955.
PMCID: PMC2144636
Crystal structure of the antibiotic albomycin in complex with the outer membrane transporter FhuA.
A. D. Ferguson, V. Braun, H. P. Fiedler, J. W. Coulton, K. Diederichs, and W. Welte
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 956–963.
PMCID: PMC2144648
Peptide and metal ion-dependent association of isolated helix-loop-helix calcium binding domains: studies of thrombic fragments of calmodulin.
R. D. Brokx and H. J. Vogel
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 964–975.
PMCID: PMC2144632
NMR solution structure of Apis mellifera chymotrypsin/cathepsin G inhibitor-1 (AMCI-1): structural similarity with Ascaris protease inhibitors.
T. Cierpicki, J. Bania, and J. Otlewski
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 976–984.
PMCID: PMC2144628
Mutants provide evidence of the importance of glycosydic chains in the activation of lipase 1 from Candida rugosa.
S. Brocca, M. Persson, E. Wehtje, P. Adlercreutz, L. Alberghina, and M. Lotti
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 985–990.
PMCID: PMC2144638
Penicillopepsin-JT2, a recombinant enzyme from Penicillium janthinellum and the contribution of a hydrogen bond in subsite S3 to k(cat).
Q. N. Cao, M. Stubbs, K. Q. Ngo, M. Ward, A. Cunningham, E. F. Pai, G. C. Tu, and T. Hofmann
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 991–1001.
PMCID: PMC2144643
Characterization of an anti-Borrelia burgdorferi OspA conformational epitope by limited proteolysis of monoclonal antibody-bound antigen and mass spectrometric peptide mapping.
V. Legros, C. Jolivet-Reynaud, N. Battail-Poirot, C. Saint-Pierre, and E. Forest
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 1002–1010.
PMCID: PMC2144631
Nonpolar contributions to conformational specificity in assemblies of designed short helical peptides.
C. L. Boon and A. Chakrabartty
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 1011–1023.
PMCID: PMC2144635
Post-translational modification is essential for catalytic activity of nitrile hydratase.
T. Murakami, M. Nojiri, H. Nakayama, M. Odaka, M. Yohda, N. Dohmae, K. Takio, T. Nagamune, and I. Endo
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 1024–1030.
PMCID: PMC2144646
A model for the sickle hemoglobin fiber using both mutation sites.
A. Roufberg and F. A. Ferrone
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 1031–1034.
PMCID: PMC2144645
Temperature-sensitive suppressor mutations of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase B protein.
S. J. Blance, N. L. Williams, Z. A. Preston, J. Bishara, M. S. Smyth, and A. Maxwell
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 1035–1037.
PMCID: PMC2144630
NMR characterization of a pH-dependent equilibrium between two folded solution conformations of the pheromone-binding protein from Bombyx mori.
F. Damberger, L. Nikonova, R. Horst, G. Peng, W. S. Leal, and K. Wüthrich
Protein Sci. 2000 May; 9(5): 1038–1041.
PMCID: PMC2144629
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