Office of Congressman Vic Snyder Flag animation Arkansas 2nd district
News and Views
March 29, 2007
Press Release
Pryor: Lisa Ackerman (202) 224-2353
Lincoln: Katie Laning (202) 224-4843
 Snyder: Jennifer Oglesby Holman (501) 324-5943


Lincoln, Pryor and Snyder Announce $144,000 in
Grants for Second District



Washington, DCU.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, and U.S. Representative Vic Snyder (AR-02) announced today that the Department of Homeland Security's Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP) will invest over $144,000 in police and fire departments to help enhance first responder capabilities in Arkansas’s Second District.

CEDAP provides smaller communities and rural areas with technology, equipment, training and technical assistance to strengthen first responders’ ability to prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters and other emergencies. CEDAP offers equipment in the following categories: personal protective equipment (PPE); thermal imaging, night vision, and video surveillance tools; chemical and biological detection tools; information technology and risk management tools; and interoperable communications equipment.

"Our first responders play an integral role in keeping our rural communities safe," Senator Blanche Lincoln said. "With these federal dollars, our first responders will be able to purchase the necessary equipment to provide the best possible service to the citizens of the Second District."

"Our police and fire departments need the very best equipment, training and technology in order to swiftly and effectively prepare and respond to a major disaster," said Senator Mark Pryor. "This investment is invaluable, and I will continue to support first responder funding that makes a critical difference throughout Arkansas communities."

"Giving local law enforcement the tools they need, such as the most up to date equipment, training and technology, is so important to the safety of our communities," said Congressman Vic Snyder. "I am pleased to see these federal funds come through for Conway County, Faulkner County, Yell County, and Fairfield Bay."

The following is a list of CEDAP grant recipients in Arkansas Second District:

Conway Fire Department                                 $13,750
Fairfield Bay Police Department                     $2,936
Morrilton Police Department                            $13, 834
Conway County 911                                          $48,500
Conway County Sheriff                                     $46,375
Conway County Mounted Patrol                      $2,407
 Yell County Search and Marine Rescue        $17,167

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