U.S. National Institutes of Health

Small Animal Imaging Resource Programs

Barbara Y. Croft, Ph.D.
301-435-9025, bc129b@nih.gov

Small animal models, particularly genetically engineered mice, are increasingly recognized as powerful discovery prototypes in cancer research. Imaging techniques are an important tool for providing data about biological processes in vivo, and they can be performed repetitively in the same animal. However, not every researcher can afford the expensive imaging equipment needed to perform in vivo studies.

To make imaging tools available to a greater pool of researchers, CIP created the Small Animal Imaging Resource Program (SAIRP). To increase the efficiency and synergy among basic, clinical, and translational cancer researchers, this initiative supports:

  • Multiple imaging technologies for small animals, emphasizing technologies that can provide information in vivo
  • Research and development on innovative new imaging technologies appropriate for small animals
  • Assistance with small animal anesthesia and care, and advice on the optimal use of animals in imaging experiments

CIP has funded 10 SAIRPs under RFA-CA-07-004 ( http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-07-004.html), which was re-released in February 2006. These small animal resources focus on different topics. For example, one SAIRP at Massachusetts General Hospital established a shared resource for the New England region, which is supporting more than 10 grants from different institutions and two local mouse model consortia. Technology development is directed towards optimizing and adapting new imaging technologies, validating new imaging approaches, and correlating structural and functional information.

At Stanford University, SAIRP funding is being used to establish a shared small-animal imaging facility to enable investigators to evaluate the efficacy of combination drug therapies and novel immune cell therapies in treating various types of tumor cells at different disease stages. CIP anticipates a recompetition in fiscal year 2007 for five of the 10 SAIRPs. As a result of this recompetition, CIP expects to fund eight five-year SAIRPs using the U24 cooperative agreement mechanism, bringing the total number of NCI-funded SAIRPs to 13.