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Yun-Xing Wang, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Zuo X, Wang J, Foster TR, Schwieters CD, Tiede DM, Butcher SE, Wang YX.
Global molecular structure and interfaces: refining an RNA:RNA complex structure using solution X-ray scattering data.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130: 3292-3, 2008.
2)  Lee D, Walsh JD, Yu P, Markus MA, Choli-Papadopoulou T, Schwieters CD, Krueger S, Draper DE, Wang YX.
The structure of free L11 and functional dynamics of L11 in free, L11-rRNA(58 nt) binary and L11-rRNA(58 nt)-thiostrepton ternary complexes.
J. Mol. Biol. 367: 1007-22, 2007.
3)  Lee D, Walsh JD, Migliorini M, Yu P, Cai T, Schwieters CD, Krueger S, Strickland DK, Wang Y.
The structure of receptor-associated protein (RAP).
Protein Sci. 16: 1628-40, 2007.
4)  Wang J, Walsh J, Kuszewski J, Wang Y.
Periodicity, planarity, and pixel (3P): A program using the intrinsic residual dipolar coupling periodicity-to-peptide plane correlation and phi/psi angles to derive protein backbone structures.
J. Magn. Res. 189: 90-103, 2007.
5)  Lee D, Walsh JD, Yu P, Migliorini M, Wu Y, Strickland DK, Wang YX.
NMR assignment of domain 3 of the receptor-associated protein (RAP).
J. Biomol. NMR. 36 Suppl 1: 56, 2006.
6)  Walsh JD, Lee D, Yu P, Migliorini M, Strickland DK, Wang YX.
NMR assignment of domain 2 of the receptor-associated protein.
J. Biomol. NMR. 36 Suppl 1: 54, 2006.
7)  Lee D, Walsh JD, Mikhailenko I, Yu P, Migliorini M, Wu Y, Krueger S, Curtis JE, Harris B, Lockett S, Blacklow SC, Strickland DK, Wang YX.
RAP uses a histidine switch to regulate its interaction with LRP in the ER and Golgi.
Mol. Cell. 22: 423-30, 2006.
8)  Walsh JD, Kuszweski J, Wang YX.
Determining a helical protein structure using peptide pixels.
J Magn Reson. 2005.
9)  Walsh JD, Wang YX.
Periodicity, planarity, residual dipolar coupling, and structures.
J Magn Reson. 174: 152-62, 2005.
10)  Wu Y, Migliorini M, Walsh J, Yu P, Strickland DK, Wang YX.
NMR structural studies of domain 1 of receptor-associated protein.
J Biomol NMR. 29: 271-9, 2004.
11)  Cabello-Villegas J, Giles KE, Soto AM, Yu P, Mougin A, Beemon KL, Wang YX.
Solution structure of the pseudo-5' splice site of a retroviral splicing suppressor.
RNA. 10: 1388-98, 2004.
12)  Walsh JD, Cabello-Villegas J, Wang YX.
Periodicity in residual dipolar couplings and nucleic acid structures.
J Am Chem Soc. 126: 1938-9, 2004.
13)  Wu Y, Migliorini M, Yu P, Strickland DK, Wang YX.
1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of domain 1 of receptor associated protein.
J Biomol NMR. 26: 187-8, 2003.
14)  Neamati N, Murthy M, Wang YX.
Preparation of DNA-protein complexes suitable for spectroscopic analysis.
Methods Mol. Med. 85: 185-202, 2003.
15)  Freedberg DI, Ishima R, Jacob J, Wang YX, Kustanovich I, Louis JM, Torchia DA.
Rapid structural fluctuations of the free HIV protease flaps in solution: relationship to crystal structures and comparison with predictions of dynamics calculations.
Protein Sci. 11: 221-32, 2002.
16)  Wang YX, Jacob J, Wingfield PT, Palmer I, Stahl SJ, Kaufman JD, Huang PL, Huang PL, Lee-Huang S, Torchia DA.
Anti-HIV and anti-tumor protein MAP30, a 30 kDa single-strand type-I RIP, shares similar secondary structure and beta-sheet topology with the A chain of ricin, a type-II RIP.
Protein Sci. 9: 138-44, 2000.

This page was last updated on 7/31/2008.