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National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health
Radiation Epidemiology Branch

Dosimetry Monograph

Radiation Dosimetry Monograph

Anthropomorphic (Alderson-Rando) phantoms, adult female, and 6-year-old child

REB and its collaborators have published a monograph entitled "Applications of Dosimetry in Radiation Epidemiology" published as a special supplement to Radiation Research in July 2006 (Volume 166, Number1). It presents a variety of radiation dosimetry methods that have been applied to epidemiological studies that have been conducted by, or in association with, REB investigators. The editors of the monograph received a NIH Group Merit Award in 2007 “for the first broad-based description of applications of radiation dosimetry to epidemiological studies, an invaluable international resource".

The monograph features dosimetry methods for studies of populations exposed to medical irradiation, reconstruction of doses from radioactive fallout from nuclear testing, dosimetry for studies of other environmental and occupational radiation exposures, radon measurements, A-bomb dosimetry, biodosimetry, and statistical methods to evaluate and account for uncertainty in dose estimates. All citations are included below.


Medical Dosimetry

Occupational Dosimetry

Environmental Dosimetry

Biological Dosimetry

Uncertainty in Dosimetry
