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Title: A transferability study of the EPR-tooth-dosimetry technique.
Author: Sholom S, Chumak V, Desrosiers M, Bouville A
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 120(1-4):210-215
Year: 2006
Month: September

Abstract: The transferability of a measurement protocol from one laboratory to another is an important feature of any mature, standardised protocol. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-tooth dosimetry technique that was developed in Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine, AMS, Ukraine (SCRM) for routine dosimetry of Chernobyl liquidators has demonstrated consistent results in several inter-laboratory measurement comparisons. Transferability to the EPR dosimetry laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was examined. Several approaches were used to test the technique, including dose reconstruction of SCRM-NIST inter-comparison samples. The study has demonstrated full transferability of the technique and the possibility to reproduce results in a different laboratory environment.