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Volume 8(11);  November 2002
Research Article
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: versatile players in the changing theater of translation.
Christopher Francklyn, John J Perona, Joern Puetz, and Ya-Ming Hou
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1363–1372.
PMCID: PMC1370343
Identification of a family of group II introns encoding LAGLIDADG ORFs typical of group I introns.
Navtej Toor and Steven Zimmerly
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1373–1377.
PMCID: PMC1370344
Research Articles
A conserved Lsm-interaction motif in Prp24 required for efficient U4/U6 di-snRNP formation.
Stephen D Rader and Christine Guthrie
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1378–1392.
PMCID: PMC1370345
Inhibition of Klenow DNA polymerase and poly(A)-specific ribonuclease by aminoglycosides.
Yan-Guo Ren, Javier Martínez, Leif A Kirsebom, and Anders Virtanen
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1393–1400.
PMCID: PMC1370346
hnRNP A1 controls HIV-1 mRNA splicing through cooperative binding to intron and exon splicing silencers in the context of a conserved secondary structure.
Christian Kroun Damgaard, Thomas Ostergaard Tange, and Jørgen Kjems
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1401–1415.
PMCID: PMC1370347
The C-terminal amino acid sequence of nascent peptide is a major determinant of SsrA tagging at all three stop codons.
Takafumi Sunohara, Tatsuhiko Abo, Toshifumi Inada, and Hiroji Aiba
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1416–1427.
PMCID: PMC1370348
The human La (SS-B) autoantigen interacts with DDX15/hPrp43, a putative DEAH-box RNA helicase.
Michael A Fouraux, Marloes J M Kolkman, Annemarie Van der Heijden, Arjan S De Jong, Walther J Van Venrooij, and Ger J M Pruijn
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1428–1443.
PMCID: PMC1370349
Requirements for intron-mediated enhancement of gene expression in Arabidopsis.
Alan B Rose
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1444–1453.
PMCID: PMC1370350
Functional siRNA expression from transfected PCR products.
Daniela Castanotto, Haitang Li, and John J Rossi
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1454–1460.
PMCID: PMC1370351
Evolutionary dynamics and population control during in vitro selection and amplification with multiple targets.
Hua Shi, Xiaochun Fan, Zhuoyu Ni, and John T Lis
RNA. 2002 November; 8(11): 1461–1470.
PMCID: PMC1370352
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