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Volume 6(7);  July 2000
Recognition of functional groups in an RNA helix by a class I tRNA synthetase.
Y M Hou, M Sundaram, X Zhang, J A Holland, and D R Davis
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 922–927.
PMCID: PMC1369969
Research Articles
Diverse splicing mechanisms fuse the evolutionarily conserved bicistronic MOCS1A and MOCS1B open reading frames.
T A Gray and R D Nicholls
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 928–936.
PMCID: PMC1369970
Pentamidine inhibits mitochondrial intron splicing and translation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Y Zhang, A Bell, P S Perlman, and M J Leibowitz
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 937–951.
PMCID: PMC1369971
Nonsense-mediated decay mutants do not affect programmed -1 frameshifting.
L Bidou, G Stahl, I Hatin, O Namy, J P Rousset, and P J Farabaugh
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 952–961.
PMCID: PMC1369972
Mature mRNAs accumulated in the nucleus are neither the molecules in transit to the cytoplasm nor constitute a stockpile for gene expression.
D Weil, S Boutain, A Audibert, and F Dautry
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 962–975.
PMCID: PMC1369973
Cross-talk between orientation-dependent recognition determinants of a complex control RNA element, the enterovirus oriR.
W J Melchers, J M Bakkers, H J Bruins Slot, J M Galama, V I Agol, and E V Pilipenko
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 976–987.
PMCID: PMC1369974
Selective importation of RNA into isolated mitochondria from Leishmania tarentolae.
M A Rubio, X Liu, H Yuzawa, J D Alfonzo, and L Simpson
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 988–1003.
PMCID: PMC1369975
dADAR, a Drosophila double-stranded RNA-specific adenosine deaminase is highly developmentally regulated and is itself a target for RNA editing.
M J Palladino, L P Keegan, M A O'Connell, and R A Reenan
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 1004–1018.
PMCID: PMC1369976
Junction phosphate is derived from the precursor in the tRNA spliced by the archaeon Haloferax volcanii cell extract.
L Zofallova, Y Guo, and R Gupta
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 1019–1030.
PMCID: PMC1369977
Unusual synthesis by the Escherichia coli CCA-adding enzyme.
Y M Hou
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 1031–1043.
PMCID: PMC1369978
Aminoglycoside antibiotics mediate context-dependent suppression of termination codons in a mammalian translation system.
M Manuvakhova, K Keeling, and D M Bedwell
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 1044–1055.
PMCID: PMC1369979
The human coronavirus 229E superfamily 1 helicase has RNA and DNA duplex-unwinding activities with 5'-to-3' polarity.
A Seybert, A Hegyi, S G Siddell, and J Ziebuhr
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 1056–1068.
PMCID: PMC1369980
Genetic interference in Trypanosoma brucei by heritable and inducible double-stranded RNA.
H Shi, A Djikeng, T Mark, E Wirtz, C Tschudi, and E Ullu
RNA. 2000 July; 6(7): 1069–1076.
PMCID: PMC1369981
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