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FreeShare - Free Reciprocal Interlibrary Loan Group

FreeShare is a cross-regional DOCLINE Library Group whose members agree to fill DOCLINE requests free of charge on a reciprocal basis. That is, FreeShare participants provide free ILLs to any other FreeShare group member. There are no charges for the material, the delivery method, or the service level. The loan is totally free to the requesting library.

Any DOCLINE library - except Borrow-Only Libraries - may ask to be added to the FreeShare Library Group by contacting the DOCLINE coordinator in that library's NN/LM region. Participation in this group is by self-selection. There is no agreement form, regional affiliation, or institutional affiliation required.

With the release of DOCLINE 2.7, which provides routing by Library Group, you can place the FreeShare Library Group directly into your routing table. For best performance, you should place FreeShare, and FreeShare alone, into a cell in your routing table with no other libraries or library groups in the same cell. DOCLINE will then randomly select up to 20 FreeShare libraries that are currently active, own the needed volume, provide the requested delivery method or alternative delivery methods, and provide the requested service level. DOCLINE will route the request to each of the randomly selected libraries until it is completed. By including FreeShare in your routing table, you can tap the collections and services of the over 1,300 libraries participating in FreeShare.

You may place the FreeShare Library Group into any cell in your routing table. Some libraries may prefer to place FreeShare into Cell 1. Others prefer their lower cells to include individual, known libraries that experience has shown provide reliable, efficient service and place the FreeShare Library Group in a higher cell; then if their preferred lenders cannot fill a loan, the request will route to FreeShare.

If you would like to be added to the FreeShare Library Group or if you have any questions about FreeShare, please contact your regional network office at the toll-free NN/LM number, 1-800-338-7657, or one of the regional contacts listed below.

Regional Contacts:

Greater Midwest Region

Charniel McDaniels, Network Coordinator,, 312-996-2464

Midcontinental Region

John Bramble, Utah/Network Liaison,, 801-587 5743 (MCR)

Camille Salmond, Regional docline support,, 801-581-5282

Middle Atlantic Region

Miguel Figueroa, Network Coordinator,, 212-263-4118

New England Region

Mark Goldstein, Network Coordinator,, 508-856-5964

Pacific Northwest Region

Patricia Devine, Administrative/Network Coordinator,, 206-543-8275

Pacific Southwest Region

Julie Kwan, Library Network Coordinator,, 310-825-5342

Marco Tamase, Network Assistant,, 310-206-5633

South Central Region

Ruicha Mishra, Health Professionals Outreach Coordinator,, 713-799-7182

Southeastern Atlantic Region

Beth Wescott, Network Access Coordinator,, 410-706-2855