National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
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No More Hand-Me-Down Research

Children have often had to accept medicines and treatments based on what is known to work in adults. As a society, we should not agree to this "hand-me-down" approach. Many efforts are being made to provide proper research for children, to find the best treatments, drugs, and devices for them.

Research in children has helped to save lives and improve health. Children no longer suffer from many common childhood diseases like polio, measles or the flu as they did in the past. Therapy for childhood cancers and premature babies has improved survival and quality of life for children.

You may be wondering what clinical research is. This is the way that drugs, devices or other treatments like behavior therapy are tested in humans to see if they are safe and effective. This site will help you to find out about clinical research in more hand-me-down research.
"Children are not little adults. They are unique."
Dr. Renee Jenkins, Pediatrician, American Academy of Pediatrics President, 2007-2008
"And [research is] really the only way to bring children into first class citizenship in medical care."
Dr. Gail Pearson, Pediatric Cardiologist
Last Modified: 11/2008