U.S. National Institutes of Health

OCCAM Programs

OCCAM focuses on the following three program areas:

Research Development and Support Program
The Research Development and Support Program (RDSP) was stimulates research in cancer CAM as it relates to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer, cancer-related symptoms and side effects of conventional treatment.

Practice Assessment Program
The Practice Assessment Program (PAP) performs reviews of retrospective and prospective data on cancer patients treated with unconventional therapies and includes th NCI Best Case Series Program. This program allows practitioners to share their successes and have them evaluated by experts in both conventional and alternative medicine.

Communications and Outreach Program
The Communications and Outreach Program (COP) focuses on disseminating information about CAM-related program initiatives at NCI, including funding opportunities, clinical trials, and educational materials via the OCCAM Website. Projects include assessing the opinions and interests of cancer researchers, CAM practitioners, and cancer patients regarding CAM cancer issues.