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Valuing Library Services Calculator

What is your library worth to your institution?

How much would it cost to replace your library services on the retail market? Calculate what it would cost to buy library services - at a book store, through pay per view for articles, from an information broker - if you and your library weren't there.

  • Select your state and your library type, enter annual library budget and the number of months of statistics you are using.
  • Enter in the left hand column the number of times your library's services are used for those months.
  • Either use the estimated retail cost - not your library cost - provided for each service or change it to reflect your area or library. Click here to see how to determine the cost of your services.
  • In the three bottom lines enter any other services or resources you would like to include in your calculation along with the number of uses and the retail value for each service or resource.
  • As you enter data the retail value of each service will be calculated on the right and the return for every dollar spent will be displayed.
  • The total value of your library services is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
  • Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
ADVOCATE FOR LIBRARIES! SHARE YOUR DATA! We are collecting data from librarians so that we can demonstrate the combined value of all health sciences libraries. Use the Submit Data button below if you would like your library location, type, budget, timeframe, value of your library services and benefits added to the database. We will not receive any personal information in the submission and we will not include in the database your name, email address or feedback, if sent. We are eager include your data and to hear your thoughts about the calculator and how you have or will use it.

Value of Library Resources and Services

Your institution realizes a benefit of $ for every one dollar budgeted.

 Where is your library?
 What type of library is it?
Library Annual Budget
Number of months of stats:
Number of
Library Resources or Services Cost of
or Service
   Value of
   Resources or
(i.e. Internet, MS Word, etc.)

Please answer the following question before you submit this form. (This step helps prevent automated programs from submitting erroneous data.)
4 + 1 =

Click here to submit this data to the national database.

NO personal information will be transmitted with your submission. You will have an opportunity to provide feedback from the submission acknowledgement page.

You may use this form to provide feedback about the calculator without submitting data to the national database.


 Email address:


Please answer the following question before you submit this form. (This step helps prevent automated programs from submitting erroneous data.)
4 + 1 =

If JavaScript is not supported, use this link to a downloadable Excel spreadsheet that has the formulas locked or to one that you can modify in its entirety to calculate your library's value.

Members are encouraged to contact their state liaison, the Advocacy Liaison, the Assessment and Evaluation Liaison, or the RML office with questions, concerns or for assistance in program design and evaluation.

This calculator was adapted from the one originally provided by the Massachusetts Library Association and then adapted for the web by Chelmsford Public Library. The MidContinental Regional Medical Library modified the Services and Values for health science libraries. This spreadsheet requires either Microsoft Excel or the Excel Viewer.