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Classes listed in these pages are for helping librarians build evaluation skills. Click here for other education opportunities in the Region.

Measuring Your Impact: Using Evaluation for Library Advocacy
A hospital library evaluation workshop. 6 MLA C.E. Credits

This 6-hour workshop will provide an evaluation framework and the tools to develop and carry out an evaluation plan for a hospital library. Key concepts and tools covered include: assessment and data collection, logic models, evaluation plan models With skills learned in this class, you will enhance your ability to show how your library positively impacts your institution. The workshop is geared to the hospital librarian, but its concepts can be applied at any library. Lecture, class discussion and case study methods will be used.

Outreach Evaluation Workshop Series (OERC)

The goal of the Outreach Evaluation Workshop Series is to develop the ability of those who conduct health information outreach projects to gather and use evaluation data for program improvement and decision-making. The series targets general milestones in program evaluation: needs assessment, to identify the needs of target communities and make decisions about resources and activities to address those needs; program planning, focused by outcomes (i.e., intended results); data collection of useful information through a variety of methods; and data analysis and display with the intention of improving projects and making decisions about their future implementation. The series focuses on community-based projects, but the logic of evaluation can be used in many settings.

  • Community Assessment (3 hours)
    (Approved for 3 MLA CE contact hours; MLA Course #3013)
  • Planning Outcomes-Based Outreach Programs (3 hours)
    (Approved for 3 MLA CE contact hours; MLA Course #3011)
  • Answering the Right Questions: Data Collection for Health Information Outreach (4 hours)
  • Finding Information in Numbers and Words: Data Analysis for Health Information Outreach (4 hours)

For more information or to request a session to be held at your location or via distance technology, contact your Regional Medical Library or Susan Barnes.

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Breezing Along with the RML: Tools for Determining Library Value. Barb Jones and Betsy Kelly

A reprise of the Liaisons' MLA 2008 presentation on tools to enable health sciences librarians to determine the return on investment and cost benefit of their libraries and services. They demonstrated how to use the online calculators to show the value libraries bring to their institution. Click here to view and listen to the one hour session.

Demonstrating Effectiveness from Planning to Outcomes: One Regional Medical Library's Story. Betsy Kelly and Claire Hamasu.

The RML, committed to understanding and demonstrating the impact of its work, adopted Outcomes Based Evaluation strategies. Logic models provided a formal structure for program planning and activity reporting. Data derived from the reports was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Quarterly and annual reports were built from the analyzed data to measure the organization's impact on improving health information access. Presented at MLA 2008, Chicago IL and MCMLA 2008, Cody WY. Click here to view the PDF.

A Calculator for Measuring the Impact of Health Sciences Libraries and Librarians. Barb Jones and Betsy Kelly.

Libraries have traditionally relied on circulation statistics, gate counts, reference questions and anedcotal data to support budget requests. Public and state library valuation calculators currently available do not measure the impact of health science libraries and librarians. Two calculators were developed to enable hospital librarians to determine their retail replacement value as well as the return on investment and cost benefit of their libraries and services. Presented at MLA 2008, Chicago IL and MCMLA 2008, Cody WY. Click here to view the PDF.

Logic Models.

Betsy Kelly, Assessment and Evaluation liaison for the RML, gave a presentation on evaluation and logic models at the MCR Regional Advisory Board meeting on September 28, 2004. This requires a player for ram (Real Player) files. Requires Real Player to view.

Members are encouraged to contact their liaison, the Assessment and Evaluation Liaison or the RML office with questions, concerns or for assistance in designing and conducting evaluation of their programs.

Contact Betsy Kelly, Liaison for Assessment and Evaluation, with questions or comments about the program or for assistance in designing evaluation criteria for outreach projects and activities.