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Spotlight on Clinical Trials

A clinical trial is a research study in which a treatment or therapy is tested in people to see whether it is safe and effective. More than 100 NCCAM-funded clinical trials are currently under way, including the ones below, which were recruiting at press time. More information is available at or from the NCCAM Clearinghouse.

Effects of Electrical Acupuncture and Exercise in Older Adults with Chronic Low-Back Pain

Many older adults experience chronic low-back pain, which can limit activities and worsen one's quality of life. Conventional treatments are available, but older people are more likely to have side effects from them. This study will look at how a type of electrical acupuncture—with or without exercise—may affect pain, physical function, use of health care facilities, and social interactions.

Mistletoe Extract and Gemcitabine for the Treatment of Solid Tumor Cancers

Mistletoe extract has been used in Europe either alone or together with conventional cancer therapies. Data from studies suggest it may stimulate the immune system and help cancer patients feel better. This study is looking at how different doses of mistletoe extract combined with gemcitabine (an anticancer drug) affect how gemcitabine works in people with advanced solid tumors.