National Cancer Institute
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Epidemiology and Genetics Research Branch
Cancer Control and Population Sciences

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Past News Flashes and Bulletins:

NCI logo  Epidemiology and Genetics Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
September 21, 2000

from G. Iris Obrams, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Director
Epidemiology and Genetics Research Program (EGRP)
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)

This is a brief News Flash to let you know of several announcements from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) that may be of interest:

  1. NCI To Give Special Attention to Funding Research in High-Priority Areas Beginning With Submissions for Oct. 1 Deadline
  2. Supplemental Funding Available to Expand Access to Specimen Collections, Requests Due by Nov. 5
  3. How to Locate Information on Modular Grants, Modifications Announced
  4. DCCPS Newsletter on the Web
  5. EGRP Contacts by Research Topics
  6. EGRP's Listserv Open to Investigators

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1. NCI To Give Special Attention to Funding Research in High-Priority Areas Beginning With Submissions for Oct. 1 Deadline

NCI will give special attention to research applications that address high-priority gap areas described in the reports of the Progress Review Groups (PRG) or similar types of priority-setting workshops. The disease sites presently highlighted are breast, prostate, ovarian, and head and neck cancer. Only those disease sites highlighted in announcements on a special Web site will be considered: "Disease Specific Research Initiatives," Additions will be made as new PRG or other key reports are released.

Investigators are asked to cite the relevant section(s) of the specific report and provide an identifying sentence in the background section of their grant applications. Applications citing the report(s) will be identified centrally, and the relevant NCI Program Directors will be notified. Applications received on or after Oct. 1, 2000, will be eligible for consideration.

Inquiries about specific NCI initiatives and grant application procedures should be directed to the contacts mentioned in the announcement. Direct inquiries about the disease specific initiative announcements themselves, or the PRGs, to Progress Review Group Coordinator, Office Science Planning and Assessment, Office of the Director, National Cancer Institute, 31 Center Dr., Bldg. 31, Rm. 11A03, MSC 2590, Bethesda, MD 20892-2590; telephone: 301-496-5515; fax: 301-435-3876; e-mail:

"Availability of NCI Announcements for Funding Opportunities Applicable to Breast, Prostate, Ovarian, and Head and Neck Cancers" (CA-00-024) appeared in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts for the week ending Aug. 25, 2000: (Release date: Aug. 23.)

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2. Supplemental Funding Available to Expand Access to Specimen Collections

Investigators who are collecting human specimens and associated clinical data as part of large studies are invited to apply to NCI for administrative supplements to make these resources more available for research. The supplements may be requested by any investigator who holds an NCI-funded research project grant (R01), program project grant (P01), cooperative agreement (U01 or U10), center grant (P30), or SPORE grant (P50). The grant or cooperative agreement must have at least two years of support remaining at the time the supplement is requested. Investigators who have recently reviewed competing applications that have been selected for competitive funding are also invited to apply. The proposed resource should fill a need and not duplicate publicly accessible procurement or banking efforts currently supported by NCI. The specimen collection and data must already exist. Requests are to be submitted to the appropriate Program Director by Nov. 5, 2000. See item 5 for a listing of EGRP Branch Chiefs and Program Directors.

The Notice "Supplements to Expand Access to Large Specimen Collections" (CA-00-025) appeared in the NIH Guide for the week ending Sept. 1, 2000: (Release date: Aug. 30.)

General inquiries about the Notice should be directed to Dr. Roger Aamodt, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute, 6130 Executive Blvd., Rm. 6035A, Bethesda, MD 20892; tel.: 301-496-7147; fax: 301-402-7819; e-mail

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3. How to Locate Information on Modular Grants, Modifications Announced

Some EGRP grantees have mentioned that they are having difficulty locating information about modular grant application procedures. This initiative was instituted two years ago to reduce the amount of budgetary information requested of investigators, and the length of time between receipt of applications and awards. Investigators request their budgets in $25,000 modules, eliminating the need to compile detailed and separate budget categories. The procedure applies to many major research grant mechanisms, including individual research project grants (R01), which is the most popular mechanism.

Two good ways to locate the information on modular grants are through the:

NIH recently issued a Notice on modifications to the modular grant application process. Five areas are covered: modifications to the budget narrative justification page, consequences of submission of non-compliant modular grant applications (application is returned to institution), update on the initial peer review of modular grant applications, clarification to the checklist instructions, and reminders.

Refer to "NIH Modular Grant Applications: Modifications and Update" (OD-00-046) in the NIH Guide for the week ending July 28, 2000: (Release date: July 24.)

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4. DCCPS Newsletter on the Web

DCCPS publishes the newsletter "Researcher's Toolbox," which is available on the Web. Visit the Web area, which goes by the same name, to access it: Below is the table of contents for the September 2000 issue:

  • Dr. Sherry Mills Departs NCI After 9 Years
  • Exploring the Process: Reviewing Minority Supplement Applications
  • Behavioral Scientists Can Meet the Challenges of Preparing Successful Proposals for Institutional Review Boards
  • Avon Establishes Cancer Program for Medically Underserved Women
  • Keeping Informed About Your Application
  • News Briefs
  • Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program Accepting Applications for 2001
  • NCI Names Associate Directory for Reducing Health Disparities
  • NCI Participates in NIH Mentoring Award
  • IRB Review of Human Subjects Protocols Changes
  • Making Cancer Control Research Funding MAGICC: Implications for Oncology Nursing
  • Funding Opportunities
  • NCI Changes Program Project Awards Budget Policy for Competing Continuation Grant Applications (Type 2)
  • Resources

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5. EGRP Staff Contacts by Topic Areas

You are welcome to contact our Program Directors for advice and consultation about NIH and NCI funding and scientific review policies and procedures, the preparation of grant applications, and funding instruments that relate to EGRP's mission. EGRP's Web site address is:

Analytic Epidemiology Research Branch (AERB)
Sandra Melnick, Dr.P.H., Branch Chief
Tel.: 301-435-4914; fax: 301-402-4279; email:

* Biometry -
Burdette Erickson, M.Sc., tel.: 301-435-4913; fax: 301-402-4279; e-mail:

* Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer -
A.R. (Joe) Patel, Ph.D., tel.: 301-435-4910; fax: 301-402-4279; e-mail:

* Geographic Information Systems as Tools in Cancer Epidemiology -
Burdette Erickson, M.Sc., tel.: 301-435-4913; fax: 301-402-4279; e-mail:

* Infectious Disease and AIDS-malignancy Epidemiology Programs -
Vaurice Starks, tel.: 301-402-9375; fax: 301-402-4279; e-mail:; and
Sandra Melnick, Dr.P.H., tel.: 301-435-4914; fax: 301-402-4279; email:

* Environmental/Molecular Epidemiology Programs -
Kumiko Iwamoto, M.D., Dr.P.H., tel.: 301-435-4911; fax: 301-402-4279; e-mail:

* Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Programs -
Jay Choudhry, M.S., tel.: 301-435-6613; fax: 301-402-4279; e-mail:

* Tobacco Research -
A.R. (Joe) Patel, Ph.D., tel.: 301-435-4910; fax: 301-402-4279, e-mail:
Clinical and Genetic Epidemiology Research Branch (CGERB) James Hanson, M.D., Acting Branch Chief Tel.: 301-435-6612; fax: 301-435-5477; e-mail:

* Cancer Genetics Network -
James Hanson, M.D., tel.: 301-435-6612; fax: 301-435-5477; e-mail:;
Susan Nayfield, M.D., M.Sc., tel.: 301-594-7344; fax: 301-435-5477; e-mail:; and
Carol Kasten-Sportes, M.D., tel.: 301-402-8212; fax: 301-435-5466; e-mail:

* Clinical Epidemiology Program -
Susan Nayfield, M.D., M.Sc., tel.: 301-594-7344; fax: 301-435-5477; e-mail:

* Genetic Epidemiology Program and Cancer Family Registries for Breast and Colon Cancer -
Daniela Seminara, Ph.D., M.P.H., tel.: 301-496-9600; fax: 301-435-5477; e-mail:

* Clinical, Social, and Behavioral Epidemiology Research in Genetics -
Susan Nayfield, M.D., M.Sc., tel.: 301-594-7344; fax: 301-435-5477; e-mail:
(You may be referred to Michael Stefanek, Ph.D., Basic Biobehavioral Research Branch, DCCPS; tel.: 301-496-8776; fax: 301-435-7547; e-mail:

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6. EGRP's Listserv Open to Interested Investigators

You are already subscribed to our Listserv "FRIENDS-OF-NCI-EGRP-L," but you may have colleagues who'd like to receive our EGRP Bulletins and shorter News Flashes. Our occasional communications won't add appreciable to your volume of e-mail. To subscribe (or unsubscribe), individuals can access the NIH LISTSERV Web site at Choose the "Browse" button, and then choose "Access unlisted lists." Type "FRIENDS-OF-NCI-EGRP-L" and follow the prompts. If individuals have difficulties, they can contact Linda Anderson, e-mail:, provide their names, and she will subscribe them.

Last modified:
29 Jun 2006
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