Testing Information

Testing Status of Agents at NTP


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CASRN: 1836-75-5

Formula: C12 H7 CL2 N O3

Synonyms/Common Names:


Known Uses:


Short-Term Toxicity

  • 14-Day (Dosed-Feed)  (C00420A) Completed 
    • NTIS No. PB296038  (Peer Review 10/25/1978)
      Citation: Bioassay of Nitrofen for Possible Carcinogenicity (CAS No. 1836-75-5)
    • Rats: F344/N; Mice: B6C3F1
  • 14-Day (Dosed-Feed)  (C00420B) Completed 
    • NTIS No. PB277440  (Peer Review 09/26/1977)
      Citation: Bioassay of Nitrofen for Possible Carcinogenicity (CAS No. 1836-75-5)
    • Rats: Osborne Mendel; Mice: B6C3F1
  • 13-Week (Dosed-Feed)  (C00420A) Completed 
    • NTIS No. PB296038  (Peer Review 10/25/1978)
      Citation: Bioassay of Nitrofen for Possible Carcinogenicity (CAS No. 1836-75-5)
    • Rats: F344/N; Mice: B6C3F1
    • Dose: R: 0,6800,31530, M: 0,1180,25520 PPM/5 PER GROUP
  • 13-Week (Dosed-Feed)  (C00420B) Completed 
    • NTIS No. PB277440  (Peer Review 09/26/1977)
      Citation: Bioassay of Nitrofen for Possible Carcinogenicity (CAS No. 1836-75-5)
    • Rats: Osborne Mendel; Mice: B6C3F1
    • Dose: R: 0,1000,10000, M: 0,1780,17800 PPM/5 PER GROUP

Long-Term Carcinogenicity

  • 2-Year (Dosed-Feed)  (C00420A) Report Complete 
    • TR-184 (NTIS No. PB296038)  (Peer Review 10/25/1978)
      Bioassay of Nitrofen for Possible Carcinogenicity (CAS No. 1836-75-5)
    • Rats: F344/N; Mice: B6C3F1
    • Carcinogenesis Results
      • Male Rats Negative 
      • Female Rats Negative 
      • Male Mice Positive 
      • Female Mice Positive 
    • Dose: 0,3000,6000 PPM/50 PER GROUP
  • 2-Year (Dosed-Feed)  (C00420B) Report Complete 
    • TR-026 (NTIS No. PB277440)  (Peer Review 09/26/1977)
      Bioassay of Nitrofen for Possible Carcinogenicity (CAS No. 1836-75-5)
    • Rats: Osborne Mendel; Mice: B6C3F1
    • Carcinogenesis Results
      • Male Rats Inadequate Study 
      • Female Rats Positive 
      • Male Mice Positive 
      • Female Mice Positive 
    • Dose: MR: 0,2300,3656 (AVG), FR: 0,1300,2600 (AVG), M: 0,2348,4696 (AVG) PPM/50 PER GROUP

Genetic Toxicology

  • In Vitro Cytogenetics (CA/SCE)  (363245) Completed 
    • Chromosome Aberation Negative 
    • Sister Chromatid Exchange Negative 
  • Mouse Lymphoma  (927047) Completed 
    •  Positive 
  • Salmonella (NCI)  (N-9367) Completed 
    • Citation: Dunkel, V., Zeiger, E., Brusick, D., McCoy, E., McGregor, D., Mortelmans, K., Rosenkranz, H., and Simmon, V. (1985) Reproducibility of microbial mutagenicity assays. II. Testing of carcinogens and noncarcinogens in Salmonella typhimurium and Escerichia coli. Environ. Mutagen. 7 (Suppl 5): 1-248.
    • Citation: Dunkel, V., Zeiger, E., Brusick, D., McCoy, E., McGregor, D., Mortelmans, K., Rosenkranz, H., and Simmon, V. Reproducibility of microbial mutagenicity assays. II. Testing of carcinogens and noncarcinogens in Salmonella typhimurium and Escerichia coli Environ. Mutagen. Vol. 7 (Suppl 5) (1985) 1-248
    • Salmonella-NCI  Positive