Testing Information

Testing Status of Agents at NTP


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CASRN: 103-23-1

Formula: C22-H42-O4

Synonyms/Common Names:


Known Uses:


Short-Term Toxicity

  • 14-Day (Dosed-Feed)  (C54386) Completed 
    • NTIS No. PB82-185927  (Peer Review 06/27/1980)
      Citation: Carcinogenesis Bioassay of Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (CAS No. 103-23-1) in F344 Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Feed Study)
    • Rats: F344/N; Mice: B6C3F1
  • 13-Week (Dosed-Feed)  (C54386) Completed 
    • NTIS No. PB82-185927  (Peer Review 06/27/1980)
      Citation: Carcinogenesis Bioassay of Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (CAS No. 103-23-1) in F344 Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Feed Study)
    • Rats: F344/N; Mice: B6C3F1
    • Dose: 0,1600,25000 PPM/10 PER GROUP

Long-Term Carcinogenicity

  • 2-Year (Dosed-Feed)  (C54386) Report Complete 
    • TR-212 (NTIS No. PB82-185927)  (Peer Review 06/27/1980)
      Carcinogenesis Bioassay of Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (CAS No. 103-23-1) in F344 Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Feed Study)
    • Rats: F344/N; Mice: B6C3F1
    • Carcinogenesis Results
      • Male Rats Negative 
      • Female Rats Negative 
      • Male Mice Positive 
      • Female Mice Positive 
    • Dose: 0,12000,25000 PPM/50 PER GROUP

Genetic Toxicology

  • Chromosome Aberrations  (959525) Completed 
    • Mice
    • Chromosome Aberation  Negative 
  • In Vitro Cytogenetics (CA/SCE)  (783757) Completed 
    • Citation: Galloway, S., Armstrong, M., Reuben, C., Colman, S., Brown, B., Cannon, C., Bloom, A., Nakamura, F., Ahmed, M., Duk, S., Rimpo, J., Margolin, B., Resnick, M., Anderson, B., and Zeiger, E. Chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells: Evaluations of 108 chemicals. Environ. Molec. Mutagen. Vol. 10 (Suppl 10) (1987) 1-176
    • Chromosome Aberation Weakly Positive 
    • Sister Chromatid Exchange Inconclusive 
  • Drosophila  (126266) Completed 
    • Citation: Woodruff, R.C., Mason, J.M., Valencia, R., and Zimmering, S. Chemical mutagenesis testing in Drosophila: V. Results of 53 coded compounds tested for the National Toxicology Program. Environ. Mutagen. Vol. 7 (1985) 677-702
    • Reciprocal Translocation/Sex-Linked Recessive Lethal Negative 
  • Mouse Lymphoma  (190909) Completed 
    • Citation: McGregor, D., Brown, A., Cattanach, P., Edwards, I., McBride, D., Riach, C., and Caspary, W. Responses of the L5178Y tk+/tk- mouse lymphoma cell forward mutation assay: III. 72 coded chemicals. Environ. Molec. Mutagen. Vol. 12 (1988) 85-154
    •  Negative 
  • Micronucleus  (719908) Completed 
    • Citation: Shelby, M.D., Erexson, G.L., Hook, G.J., and Tice, R.R. Evaluation of a three-exposure mouse bone marrow micronucleus protocol: Results with 49 chemicals. Environ. Molec. Mutag. Vol. 21 (1993) 160-179
    • Mice: B6C3F1
    • Male Negative 
  • Salmonella  (648372) Completed 
    • Citation: Zeiger, E., Haworth, S., Mortelmans, K., and Speck, W. Mutagenicity testing of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and related chemicals in Salmonella Environ. Mutagen. Vol. 7 (1985) 213-232
    •  Negative 
  • Salmonella  (947372) Completed 
    • Citation: Zeiger, E., Haworth, S., Mortelmans, K., and Speck, W. Mutagenicity testing of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and related chemicals in Salmonella Environ. Mutagen. Vol. 7 (1985) 213-232
    •  Negative 
  • Salmonella  (963935) Completed 
    •  Negative 
  • Sister Chromatid Exchanges  (959525) Completed 
    • Mice
    • Sister Chromatid  Negative