Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
X v Y (1988); When is confidentiality a legal right?.
X-ray crystal structure of HIV-1 gp120.
X-ray Crystal Structures and Structural Analysis of Novel Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors.
X-ray crystal structures of RNA-DNA hybrids.
X-Ray Crystal Structures of the Inhibitors Actinonin and BB-3497 Bound to E. coli Peptide Deformylase.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of plasma-treated fluoropolymers.
X4/R5 Ratio Is a Sensitive Surrogate Marker of Long Term Immunovirologic Efficacy of HAART in Early HIV Infection.
Xenochimeric SCID mice as a possible model for human antiviral immunity.
Xenogeneic porcine thymic transplantation for the treatment of AIDS.
Xenograft transplantation: panacea or next pandemic?
Xenotransplantation and Infection: Opportunity or Apocalypse?
Xenotransplantation and the Risk of Infection.
Xerophthalmia in HIV-disease.
Xerostomia in an HIV positive cohort.
XM323, a novel non-peptidyl inhibitor of HIV protease with potent in vitro antiviral activity.
XM412: an improved cyclic urea inhibitor of HIV protease for oral administration.
XMP antifungal peptides demonstrate enchanced selectivity and oral availability.
XMP.629, a Peptide Derived from Functional Domain II of BPI, Demonstrates Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial and Endotoxin-Neutralizing Properties In Vitro and In Vivo.
xyR Protects Escherichia coli from Human Neutrophils.