Julie E.Young | Biography
Julie Young
President and CEO


In 1997, President and CEO Julie Young pioneered the launch of Florida Virtual School with the goal of providing high-quality, online courses to students throughout Florida. That vision resulted in Florida Virtual School becoming one of the largest providers of Internet-based courseware and instruction for middle and high school students, not only in Florida, but around the globe.

Young began her career as a classroom teacher and has since served as an administrator, e-Learning advocate, and e-Learning industry expert. At Florida Virtual School, Young directs a staff of more than 600 faculty, courseware developers, web design specialists and technology support personnel. Young is a frequent national conference speaker and has played an important role in e-learning policy direction.

Young is the winner of the prestigious 1999 USDLA Most Outstanding Achievement by an Individual Award for K-12, and was inducted into the USDLA “Hall of Fame” in 2003. She was honored as one of the first National Net Day Heroes. She has received the 2002 eSchool News Tech-Savvy Superintendent Award, and the Medallion of the Alliance from the Global Alliance for Transnational Education.

Under her leadership, Florida Virtual School has been recognized by such prestigious organizations as the National School Boards Association, the Canadian Association for Distance Education, the United States Distance Learning Association’s (USDLA) Excellence in Distance Learning Program award, EdNet, Business Week, and more.

Ms. Young serves as President elect of the United States Distance Learning Association, Chairman of the Board of the North American Council for Online Learning, and serves on the board of the Florida Learning Alliance. In addition, she serves on the Southern Regional Education Board Distance Learning Task Force, the Florida Taxwatch Center for Educational Performance and Accountability, and the UT Telecampus Advisory Board.

Ms. Young earned her M.S. in Administration and Supervision from the University of South Florida, and her B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Kentucky. She began her teaching career in 1981 as a middle school teacher.