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» On Fox News Addressing Focus of the Next Congress, November 09, 2008
We want to focus on the economy, try to get it moving, creating jobs, stabilizing the downturn that we have seen. That would be our first priority...
» Statement on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, October 03, 2008
Republicans and Democrats together, Administration and Congress, Chairman and Ranking Member, each individual member decided that failure was not an option...
» Addressing Senate Financial Rescue Plan on MSNBC, October 01, 2008
I'm for most of the provisions that are in there. As a matter of fact, the house has sent most of those provisions to the senate, paid for them, and would have asked them -- asked the senate to consider them individually. They chose not to do that in sending it as a package. Not only as a package, but they're putting it on a bill that i think is critically important for the house to pass and the congress to pass and the president to sign to stabilize this economy...
» Addressing the Press on the Senate Financial Recovery Bill on CSPAN, October 01, 2008
We spent a lot of time working on getting it right. As you know the bill that was presented to us by the administration and asked to pass was not in a position that we thought was appropriate. We added very substantial provisions in terms of transparency, in terms of oversight, in terms of capping compensation so the taxpayers weren't enriching the already rich. And providing for protections for homeowners, trying to make sure that we can provide for some workouts for people so they're not kicked out of their homes.
» Discussing Senate's Vote on the Financial Recovery Bill on MSNBC, October 01, 2008
Frankly since Monday's failure there's been a greater appreciation by the american public that this affects them and their families and I think there's going to be a greater understanding and more support, more broad-based support during the consideration bill to the next few days...
» Discussing the Senate Bill for Financial Rescue on CNN, October 01, 2008
The concerns are not so much about the continuing of the tax extenders, that is the benefits research and development tax, the taxes to help solar, wind, other energy sources. Clearly we're for that. What the Blue Dogs are concerned about is paying for these and not making the deficit worse. That's the controversy...
» Speaking about the Senate Vote on the Financial Recovery Bill on NBC, October 01, 2008
No doubt the tax package is very controversial. The senate, in my opinion, is adding that on because they think that's the only way to get it passed...We'll have to be talking to them. I'm not particularly pleased with that addition myself, very frankly...
» Discussing the Rejected Financial Recovery Plan on CBS, September 29, 2008
We delivered two-thirds of the democrats for a proposal by the republican president and republican secretary of state... secretary of the treasury. So we think we did our job and we worked very hard at making sure that we had that two-thirds vote...
» Statement on Votes for the Recovery Bill on Squawkbox, September 29, 2008
I am very hopeful the votes are there from both sides of the package. You have the president of the united states, all the leaders of congress on both sides of the aisle, and you have senator mccain and senator obama both saying we need to do this. Will it work? I don't think anybody can guarantee that. If we do not act, will we be at greater risk? Most people agree with that...
» Supporting the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act on the House Floor, September 29, 2008
We swore an oath to protect this country, to protect our constitution and protect our people. Most days in the house of representatives, we make judgments...
» Addressing the Recovery Plan on Fox News, September 27, 2008
This is not a question that this is the Administration's plan, Paulson's plan, republican plan to meet a crisis that in our opinion was caused in large part by the fiscal irresponsibility of this administration and the regulatory neglect of this administration...
» Hoyer Delivers Democratic Radio Address, September 27, 2008
Before we find our way out of this mess we need to understand how we got into it essentially. We're here because much of our financial sector became dependent on the Housing Bill. On the gamble that home values would rise year after year...
» Discussing McCain's Contribution and GOP Proposal on MSNBC, September 26, 2008
What happened is the house republicans, as you just heard Mr. Pence say, put a new plan on the table after six or seven days of very, very vigorous work around the clock trying to meet this critical crisis. They put a new plan on. We were down at the white house, norah, and it was clear that Secretary Paulson did not believe their proposal was a workable proposal.
» On Progress of Financial Recovery Package on Power Lunch, September 26, 2008
I think it was accurate yesterday that there was a deal, an agreement on the table that was agreed to by -- in principle by most of the players. Towards the end of the day the house republicans indicated no they were not in agreement and they told the president that and they told secretary paulson that and as a result we are continuing to work to try to get an agreement. The fact is as we see it there's a crisis...
» Discussing Tax Extenders Bill on House Floor, September 25, 2008
I support this bill for two reasons: first because it provides essential tax relief to american families and businesses and secondly just as importantly because it is paid for. The tax credit extended by this bill are some of the most necessary that support renewable energy and energy efficiency.
» Insight to Where the Recovery Package Stands on Bloomberg, September 25, 2008
We are prepared to work through the weekend to get an agreement. Unfortunately, this afternoon, republicans in the house came up with their own separate plan, which they never mentioned yesterday during the hearings with bernanke and paulson, which came as news. that clearly has slowed us down.
» Overview of White House Meeting on $700 Billion Economic Recovery Plan with Wolf Blitzer, September 25, 2008
Clearly everybody in the room was not necessarily in agreement, but the president made it very clear and the speaker and harry reid both made it very clear we're working very hard to come to agreement and work very closely with paulson and bernanke. We realize that doing this correctly is critical, but also doing it soon is critical.
» Providing Details of Continued Negotiations on Recovery Plan on CNN, September 25, 2008
We need to work together to try to solve this crisis and respond to it. The president sent down a bill, secretary paulson sent it down saturday morning. That's early saturday morning. We have been working ever since to improve the bill to put in taxpayer protections, oversight committee to make sure that taxpayers could be included in any upside and equity.
» Speech on Failed Conservative Policies, September 25, 2008
the conservative governing philosophy practiced by George W. Bush—with such tenets as prohibiting intervention in free markets—and concluded it’s greatly damaged the country..
» Delivers Concise Statement of Our Economic State on Fox News, September 24, 2008
The irresponsibility, frankly of management on wall street, that has gotten us to this point. The risks that have been taken without any real concern about the ability of people to pay back debt should not be rewarded without substantially protecting the taxpayers...
» Supporting the Continuing Resolution on House Floor, September 24, 2008
We are debating frankly a c.r. today because we did not complete the appropriations process. I think that's regrettable. I hope we do not repeat that next year.
» Addressing Plan to Stabilize Financial Markets on Power Lunch, September 19, 2008
We need to act and we need to act very, very soon and we need to act in a decisive way, and I think what they heard and I think when you played Hank Paulson's comments a little earlier was a response that there was an understanding in a bipartisan way that this matter was extraordinarily serious.
» On Bloomberg Discussing AIG Bailout and Future Regulation, September 18, 2008
The Fed in this instance acted under authority that had been granted in depression era days. We have not seen this situation in our economy since those days. The bush management of our economy has been a very poor one. A debt did not matter and that has led us to this past. Unfortunately, the taxpayers are being put at risk.
» On Fox with Neil Cavuto on AIG and More Stimulus, September 17, 2008
There are two sides the investment side is not in good shape obviously. We just saw Lehman Brothers go down $650, clearly the consequences of a failure would be substantial. Secretary paulson was reflecting the fact that going further and putting the taxpayer at continued risk on bailing out companies that frankly have taken risks that were unjustified, is not necessarily the policy of what we continue to pursue, particularly when the federal government itself is so deep in debt.
» On House Floor Commemorating the ADA Amendments Act, September 17, 2008
We ought to look at the ability people have, what they can do, not what they can't do. All of us can't do certain things. I urge people to look at what people can do. That's what this bill was about in 1990. That's what this bill is about today. I am very pleased to be here to speak on behalf of this bill. I think this bill may well pass unanimously...


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