NIH Telephone & Services Directory

Telecom Information and Topics

  Location Phone TTY Fax
Division of Complaints Management and Resolution (OD-OEODM-DCMR)
Director Selina Lee 2/3W05 301-496-9013 301-496-9755 301-402-0994
DCMR Customer Service Hotline / 301-496-1551 301-496-9755 301-402-0994
Division of IC Services (OD-OEODM-DICS)
Acting Director Sharrell Butler 2115EJ/BB-28 301-402-4157 301-496-0524
Division of Policy, Planning, Programs and Diversity Management (OD-OEODM-DPPPDM)
Director VACANT 2/3W05 301-402-6583 301-480-3122 301-402-0994
Division of Program Evaluation (OD-OEODM-DPE)
Director Marcella Haynes 2/3W05 301-496-2689 301-480-3122 301-480-2254
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OD-OEODM)
Director Lawrence Self 2/3W05 301-496-6301 301-480-3122 301-480-1818
Special Assistant Carolyn Hunter 2/3W05 301-496-9281 301-480-3122 301-480-1818
Management Analyst Patricia Ruben 2/3W05 301-402-3680 301-480-3122 301-480-2618
Administrative Officer Dave Talley 2/3W05 301-451-0753 301-480-3122 301-480-2264
updated on. August 2, 2007
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