CDP | Cancer Diagnosis Program Funds specimen resources and research to characterize tumors |
RRP | Radiation Research Program Funds novel radiotherapy research |
CIP | Cancer Imaging Program Evaluates imaging in diagnosis, disease staging, and treatment monitoring |
TRP | Translational Research Program Integrates scientific advancements in the understanding of the biology of human cancer |
CTEP | Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program Assesses new anticancer agents, radiation treatments, and surgical methods |
BRB | Biometric Research Branch Provides statistical and biomathematical analyses |
DTP | Developmental Therapeutics Program Funds drug discovery and development and provides related services |
OCCAM | Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine Increases the quality of cancer research on complementary and alternative modalities |
Cancer clinical research is changing, and a large part of the transformation is being spearheaded by the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD), an extramural component of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). More...
NCI Chemical Biology Consortium
RFP-Chemical Biology Consortium
NCI Launches First-Ever Study to Determine if Biomarkers Can Help Guide Treatment for Lung Cancer
NCI’s Clinical Trials Cooperative Groups
National Meeting Report
Webcast of the Phase 0 Trials in Oncologic Drug Development Workshop - Sep 5, 2007