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West Virginia

What is the Overall Health Care Quality Performance Compared to All States?

How Has That Performance Changed?

All measures performance meter for West Virginia in the most recent and preceding data years compared to all States.
The position of the solid arrow represents the state's performance meter score for the most recent data year, while the dashed arrow represents the same for the baseline year. The most recent and baseline years are defined in the All-State Data Table for All Measures.

All measures performance meter for West Virginia compared to all States. The performance meter has five categories: very weak, weak, average, strong, and very strong. Compared to all States, for the most recent data year, the performance for West Virginia for all measures is in the weak range. For the preceding data year, performance is in the weak range. The meter represents the State's balance of below average, average, and above average measures. An arrow pointing to "very weak" means all or nearly all included measures for a State are below average within a given data year. An arrow pointing to "very strong" indicates that all or nearly all available measures for a State are above average within a given data year. A missing arrow or performance meter means there were insufficient data to create the summary measure for this State.

What performance measures comprise this meter? (select this link or the Meter)

How are measures represented by a performance meter? (select this link or Methods)