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2009 Multimedia Clips

January Multimedia Clips
» " class="documentLink">Informing House Floor on Decision Behind the Economic Stimulus Plan, January 28, 2009
I want to start my remarks taking a little bit of time, I want to start my remarks talking about bipartisanship and how we got here and why we're here. Over a year ago it appeared to us that the economic program adopted in 2001, 2003 was not working. It also appeared to the administration that it was not working.
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» " class="documentLink">Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Of 2009 and Paycheck Fairness Act Encouraged to Pass on House Floor, January 27, 2009
Ladies and gentlemen of the House, this is the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do not just for Lilly Ledbetter, not just for women, it's the right thing to do because our country believes in fairness, in equity, that we are a nation of laws and treat people equally under those laws.
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» " class="documentLink">Leader Hoyer Discussing TARP on House Floor, January 22, 2009
We are the ones who also, notwithstanding the failure of the bush administration to request it, put yesterday in a bipartisan vote additional constraints for accountability and transparency and for focusing on those folks who are at risk of losing their homes. The gentlelady, I know, did not vote for that either. Today, I think that every member of the House is thinking back to words we said in a similar debate four months ago when the Tarp was originally in front of us and wondering whether we can still stand by them...
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» " class="documentLink">With Richard Armey Talking About Economic Fix On CNBC, January 22, 2009
There is a significant difference of opinion as to whether or not we need to act and how large the action needs to be. Marty Feldstein says we need to act with spend and tax cuts, which is what we're doing.
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» " class="documentLink">New Stimulus Plan Discussed by Steny Hoyer Under Democratic Administration, January 21, 2009
The challenges confronting this Administration and this Congress are unlike perhaps any in recent times, but i think the President-Elect, now President Obama said today that Americans are up to the task...
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» " class="documentLink">Digging America Out of Republican Debt... Again, January 16, 2009
"There is a great deal to gain from looking back honestly at the choices made and their consequences..."
» Statement on SCHIP Reauthorization, January 14, 2009
...If I can find the most efficient use of our health care dollars, I'd insure more children. I think 80% of americans agree with us on that...
» Gaza Strip Conflict Resolution on House Floor, January 09, 2009
The way to solve this problem is through reason and appeal to moral situation in the world community. How tragic it is that the Palestinian children and the Israeli children and their families, men, women, older people on both sides have been subjected to the terror sold by Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations.
» Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Discussed on the House Floor, January 09, 2009
Sexism, frankly, still robs women of their equal right to earn a livelihood, provide for their families and secure the dignity of their labor. And it does much of its worst work in the dark. Frankly, women in this body all know that they make the same thing as the men in this body.
» New Congress and Stimulus Package on Bloomberg, January 06, 2009
I do believe there is a commitment to come together to pass this. There will be a very substantial tax component to the relief to working americans, to get additional dollars in their paychecks starting now. We think that will have a very positive effect.
» Speaking on CNN about Stimulus Tax Cuts in 2009, January 06, 2009
The first one was more of a rebate payment, simply a payment to people on a lump sum basis. This will be a actual tax cut where workers will experience throughout the year and take place immediately upon signature by the President.
» Statement about Timeline For Stimulus Plan on NPR, January 06, 2009
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says the package is likely to be ready for Obama's signature by mid-February.
» Statement of Rules Package on House Floor, January 06, 2009
I would like to talk -- talk about the new standards. A new rules package that will insure that the House does the people's work ethically and efficiently.
» Congressional Agenda for the New Year Discussed on Fox News, January 04, 2009
All of those are objectives we'd like to attain. We've all talked about this, this is not a bill for special interest earmarks or add-ons, this is a bill to try to create jobs, quickly, and to invest for long term economic development and recovery. And so this is both a recovery package and investment package for the future...

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