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  • SpiderWeb

    SpiderWeb is a collaborative effort between the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University and the National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics (NCICB) to improve sharing of clinical and molecular information across enterprises. The SpiderWeb vision is one of a shared network of multiple databases all using common vocabularies, standards and technologies to exchange information while maintaining the security and confidentiality of patient information.

    SpiderWeb focuses on providing researchers with the ability to compare genomic and clinical information across trials in order to improve understanding about the molecular mechanisms of the underlying disease. The resulting system will enable researchers to design better diagnostics and therapeutics based on the physiological and pathophysiological states of cells and organs. It will also help researchers diagnose genetic predisposition, sub-classify diseases, and select optimal therapies. Data from SPOREs (Specialized Programs of Research Excellence) breast cancer research efforts will be used as the basis for this effort.

    The main objective of the Spider Web project is to seamlessly integrate multiple levels of information to achieve a complete understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological states of cells and organs. This understanding will provide a research basis for designing novel diagnostics and therapeutics.

    SpiderWeb will integrate functional genomics and clinical information so that researchers can diagnose genetic predisposition, achieve sub-classification of disease and select optimal therapies. This data integration promotes the clinical research cycle from bench to bedside and back.

    Potential Benefits
    Benefits to NCICB and the cancer research community:

    • Leading-edge informatics technologies leveraged at multiple stages in the research and development process.
    • External validation of NCICB Informatics solutions for clinical and genetic data management and analysis.
    • New open-source tools and capabilities that benefit NCI-supported clinical trials and research programs, particularly those that facilitate the integration of clinical and genetic data.
    • Ability to make new data publicly available (within the constraints of HIPAA).
    Anticipated outputs from the potential SpiderWeb collaboration include:
    • Common informatics platform and applications across both LCC and NCICB to provide common vocabulary, common standards, common underlying middleware, common systems management, and a common development framework, with Oracle Clinical and other applications plugged into this common infrastructure via well-documented APIs.
    • Integrated clinical and genetics database to allow matching of genetic data (Microarray data, SAGE data, SNPs, etc.) with clinical data (morphological findings, diagnoses, follow up).
    • Data Analysis and Visualization Tools: to facilitate access to information in the integrated database. This may include simple reporting and data analysis tools or sophisticated data mining capabilities.

    Detailed Scope
    Project phases and timelines have not yet been announced.

    The SpiderWeb project will incorporate existing system components wherever possible. This project will be based on the caBIG principles of Open Source, Open Development software development and will be designed to be fully integrated with caCORE.

    The SpiderWeb project will leverage the following NCICB capabilities:

    NCICB Genomic Infrastructure:

    • caARRAY gene expression data repositories and analysis tools
    • CGH line plot and annotation tool
    • caWorkbench array analysis tool
    • Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP) genomic tools
    • Genome Annotation Initiative (GAI) SNP tools
    • Cancer Molecular Analysis Project (CMAP) translational research tools

    NCICB Clinical Infrastructure

    • Participant Registry (C3PR)
    • Clinical Data Management System (C3DS)
    • HL7 SDK
    • Patient De-identification Service

    NCICB Core Infrastructure (caCORE)

    • cancer Bioinformatics Infrastructure Objects (caBIO)
    • cancer Data Standards Repository (caDSR)
    • Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS)
    • caCORE Security (Authorization/Authentication)

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