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REMBRANDTs the REpository for Molecular BRAin Neoplasia DaTa - Empowering translational research for brain tumor studies.

About this application
Release 1.5.2

REpository for Molecular BRAin Neoplasia DaTa (REMBRANDT) is a robust bioinformatics knowledgebase framework that leverages data warehousing technology to host and integrate clinical and functional genomics data from clinical trials involving patients suffering from Gliomas. The knowledge framework will provide researchers with the ability to perform ad hoc querying and reporting across multiple data domains, such as Gene Expression, Chromosomal aberrations and Clinical data.

Scientists will be able to answer basic questions related to a patient or patient population and view the integrated data sets in a variety of contexts. Tools that link data to other annotations such as cellular pathways, gene ontology terms and genomic information will be embedded.

Please visit for more information.

Data Statistics No. of Study Participants No. of Specimens
Gene Expression Data 448 439
Clinic Data 770 770
Copy Number Data 418 643

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Release 1.5.2
powered by caIntegrator
National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health