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February 26, 2008

February is American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month and a great time to start thinking about heart health. Perhaps this year you’ve already started taking care of your heart, but February is just the beginning. Heart health should be an ongoing goal throughout the year. Here are some tools from NHLBI that can help you take heart every month.

Your Guide to a Healthy Heart

If you’ve ever wished that your heart came with a user’s manual, then wish no more! The Your Guide to a Healthy Heart booklet can help. It is chock full of up-to-date information and practical tips about establishing and maintaining a heart healthy lifestyle.

Don’t miss pages 56-57 with tips on dining out for health.  Perfect for when you just can’t face cooking.

Order item #06-5269 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?sku=06-5269 for ONLY $4.00 each

woman eating yogurt

Your Guide to Living Well with Heart Disease

Do you know if you have heart disease?  Keep in mind that heart disease doesn’t always announce itself with symptoms.  That means you could have heart disease and still feel perfectly fine.  Take a look at page four to learn about “What is heart disease?” then read pages 7-8 for an overview of screening tests.

Order item #06-5270 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?sku=06-5270 for ONLY $4.00 each

"Lots of great information… Definitely a must read if you have or know someone with heart disease."

W I L B U R “ M A C ” M C C O T T R Y: My real wakeup call came about 2 weeks after
my heart bypass operation. The doctor said he
did all he could to save my life and the rest
was up to me. We l l , those words shook me up.
I knew exactly what he meant: lose the
weight, quit smoking, exercise more, and
make changes to my diet. So I took it very,
very seriously. I lost 70 lbs. I am walking
2 miles three times a week in a program
at the mall.


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Division for the Application of Research Discoveries
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Building 31, Room 4A10
31 Center Drive, MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480