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September 9, 2008

This Month is National Cholesterol Education Month

September is here and we’re well into National Cholesterol Education Month. Have you had a chance to get your cholesterol checked? It’s not too late to learn your numbers.

There is also plenty of time this month to spread the word about high blood cholesterol and the importance of lowering it to reduce the risk for heart disease. The NHBLI offers many easy tools and resources you can try and share right now.

Assess Your Risk for Having a Heart Attack

Screen Shot of the online Heart Attack CalculatorDid you know high blood cholesterol increases the risk for having a heart attack? Determine your 10-year risk in a few steps. Simply enter your age, gender, cholesterol numbers, smoker status, and systolic (top) blood pressure, and the NHLBI’s online tool calculates your risk score. Then follow the links to learn the meaning of your risk score and the cholesterol goal for your level of risk. Based on the Framingham Heart Study, the calculator is designed for adults ages 20 and older who do not have heart disease or diabetes.

Share the link with your loved ones and community:

Share Trustworthy Cholesterol Information Today

The NHLBI offers a wealth of National Cholesterol Education Month resources for individuals, health professionals, and community educators. Find links to heart healthy recipes, printer-friendly bulletin board information, educational guides, and more. Also, be sure to review the booklet Your Guide to Lowering Your Cholesterol with Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC).

All can be found at:

Running person, vegetable images, biking person, and weight scale

New! Visit ‘Live Help’ for Online Chat Support

Do you need help ordering NHBLI health education materials or simply assistance using the NHLBI Web site? We’re here to lend a hand. Watch for the friendly Live Help face near the bottom of your screen and click to try our online chat support pilot program.



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Division for the Application of Research Discoveries
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Building 31, Room 4A10
31 Center Drive, MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute