NIH Enterprise Architecture Home

Large Scale Integration Pattern


The Large Scale Integration Pattern illustrates the vision for the overall application integration topology at NIH. It could be decomposed into hundreds or thousands of the basic integration problems. The other patterns described in the NIH Integration Technology domain are components of this broader pattern showing the interaction between multiple environments through the use of NIH's Integration Broker Suite (IBS)

This is the preferred alternative to point-to-point integration. At the center of the diagram there is a “hub” - the IBS. Applications are at the end of the “spokes”; they connect to the hub via adapters and message-oriented middleware (MOM). The central hub may also connect to other hubs owned by other enterprises.

This pattern emphasizes NIH's preference for hub and spoke integration in order to achieve a more manageable, flexible, and efficient enterprise-wide application infrastructure.

Please view the Large Scale Integration Pattern below:


Large Scale Integration Pattern


  • The hub-and-spoke topology lowers the number of connections that must be built from N*(N-1) to N*2.
  • Specialized IBS tools are more efficient for building and maintaining interfaces and transformations.


  • N/A

Time Table

This architecture definition approved on: May 24, 2006

The next review is scheduled in: TBD