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Volume 16(1);  January 2004
In This Issue
Aminotransferases Confer “Enzymatic Resistance” to Downy Mildew in Melon
Nancy A. Eckardt
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 1–3. doi: 10.1105/tpc.160110.
PMCID: PMC540262
Research Articles
The ASK1 and ASK2 Genes Are Essential for Arabidopsis Early Development
Fuquan Liu, Weimin Ni, Megan E. Griffith, Zhiyuan Huang, Changqing Chang, Wen Peng, Hong Ma, and Daoxin Xie
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 5–20. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017772.
PMCID: PMC301391
Dissection of Arabidopsis Bax Inhibitor-1 Suppressing Bax–, Hydrogen Peroxide–, and Salicylic Acid–Induced Cell Death
Maki Kawai-Yamada, Yuri Ohori, and Hirofumi Uchimiya
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 21–32. doi: 10.1105/tpc.014613.
PMCID: PMC301392
Loss-of-Function Mutations of the Rice GAMYB Gene Impair α-Amylase Expression in Aleurone and Flower Development
Miyuki Kaneko, Yoshiaki Inukai, Miyako Ueguchi-Tanaka, Hironori Itoh, Takeshi Izawa, Yuhko Kobayashi, Tsukaho Hattori, Akio Miyao, Hirohiko Hirochika, Motoyuki Ashikari, and Makoto Matsuoka
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 33–44. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017327.
PMCID: PMC301393
γ-Tubulin in Basal Land Plants: Characterization, Localization, and Implication in the Evolution of Acentriolar Microtubule Organizing Centers
Masaki Shimamura, Roy C. Brown, Betty E. Lemmon, Tomohiro Akashi, Koichi Mizuno, Naohisa Nishihara, Ken-Ichi Tomizawa, Katsuhiko Yoshimoto, Hironori Deguchi, Hiroshi Hosoya, Tetsuya Horio, and Yoshinobu Mineyuki
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 45–59. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016501.
PMCID: PMC301394
Programmed Cell Death Remodels Lace Plant Leaf Shape during Development
Arunika H. L. A. N. Gunawardena, John S. Greenwood, and Nancy G. Dengler
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 60–73. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016188.
PMCID: PMC301395
In Vivo Analysis of Cell Division, Cell Growth, and Differentiation at the Shoot Apical Meristem in Arabidopsis
Olivier Grandjean, Teva Vernoux, Patrick Laufs, Katia Belcram, Yuki Mizukami, and Jan Traas
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 74–87. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017962.
PMCID: PMC301396
Substrate-Dependent and Organ-Specific Chloroplast Protein Import in Planta
Chanhong Kim and Klaus Apel
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 88–98. doi: 10.1105/tpc.015008.
PMCID: PMC301397
A CDC45 Homolog in Arabidopsis Is Essential for Meiosis, as Shown by RNA Interference–Induced Gene Silencing
Rebecca Stevens, Mathilde Grelon, Daniel Vezon, Jaesung Oh, Peter Meyer, Claudette Perennes, Severine Domenichini, and Catherine Bergounioux
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 99–113. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016865.
PMCID: PMC301398
A Unique Set of 11,008 Onion Expressed Sequence Tags Reveals Expressed Sequence and Genomic Differences between the Monocot Orders Asparagales and Poales
Joseph C. Kuhl, Foo Cheung, Qiaoping Yuan, William Martin, Yayeh Zewdie, John McCallum, Andrew Catanach, Paul Rutherford, Kenneth C. Sink, Maria Jenderek, James P. Prince, Christopher D. Town, and Michael J. Havey
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 114–125. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017202.
PMCID: PMC301399
The Tomato Homolog of CORONATINE-INSENSITIVE1 Is Required for the Maternal Control of Seed Maturation, Jasmonate-Signaled Defense Responses, and Glandular Trichome Development
Lei Li, Youfu Zhao, Bonnie C. McCaig, Byron A. Wingerd, Jihong Wang, Mark E. Whalon, Eran Pichersky, and Gregg A. Howe
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 126–143. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017954.
PMCID: PMC301400
Distinct Light-Mediated Pathways Regulate the Biosynthesis and Exchange of Isoprenoid Precursors during Arabidopsis Seedling Development
Manuel Rodríguez-Concepción, Oriol Forés, Jaime F. Martínez-García, Víctor González, Michael A. Phillips, Albert Ferrer, and Albert Boronat
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 144–156. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016204.
PMCID: PMC301401
A Plant Caspase-Like Protease Activated during the Hypersensitive Response
Nina V. Chichkova, Sang Hyon Kim, Elena S. Titova, Markus Kalkum, Vasiliy S. Morozov, Yuri P. Rubtsov, Natalia O. Kalinina, Michael E. Taliansky, and Andrey B. Vartapetian
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 157–171. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017889.
PMCID: PMC301402
Plant eR Genes That Encode Photorespiratory Enzymes Confer Resistance against Disease
Dvir Taler, Marjana Galperin, Ido Benjamin, Yigal Cohen, and David Kenigsbuch
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 172–184. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016352.
PMCID: PMC301403
KIC, a Novel Ca2+ Binding Protein with One EF-Hand Motif, Interacts with a Microtubule Motor Protein and Regulates Trichome Morphogenesis
Vaka S. Reddy, Irene S. Day, Tyler Thomas, and Anireddy S. N. Reddy
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 185–200. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016600.
PMCID: PMC301404
Maize Mutants Lacking Chloroplast FtsY Exhibit Pleiotropic Defects in the Biogenesis of Thylakoid Membranes
Yukari Asakura, Toshiya Hirohashi, Shingo Kikuchi, Susan Belcher, Erin Osborne, Satoshi Yano, Ichiro Terashima, Alice Barkan, and Masato Nakai
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 201–214. doi: 10.1105/tpc.014787.
PMCID: PMC301405
Interactions between Plasma Membrane Aquaporins Modulate Their Water Channel Activity
Karolina Fetter, Valérie Van Wilder, Menachem Moshelion, and François Chaumont
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 215–228. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017194.
PMCID: PMC301406
SETH1 and SETH2, Two Components of the Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchor Biosynthetic Pathway, Are Required for Pollen Germination and Tube Growth in Arabidopsis
Eric Lalanne, David Honys, Andrew Johnson, Georg H. H. Borner, Kathryn S. Lilley, Paul Dupree, Ueli Grossniklaus, and David Twell
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 229–240. doi: 10.1105/tpc.014407.
PMCID: PMC301407
Experimental Analysis of the Arabidopsis Mitochondrial Proteome Highlights Signaling and Regulatory Components, Provides Assessment of Targeting Prediction Programs, and Indicates Plant-Specific Mitochondrial Proteins
Joshua L. Heazlewood, Julian S. Tonti-Filippini, Alexander M. Gout, David A. Day, James Whelan, and A. Harvey Millar
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 241–256. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016055.
PMCID: PMC301408
Overexpression of an Arabidopsis Formin Stimulates Supernumerary Actin Cable Formation from Pollen Tube Cell Membrane
Alice Y. Cheung and Hen-ming Wu
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 257–269. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016550.
PMCID: PMC301409
Storage Protein Accumulation in the Absence of the Vacuolar Processing Enzyme Family of Cysteine Proteases
Darren Gruis, Jan Schulze, and Rudolf Jung
Plant Cell. 2004 January; 16(1): 270–290. doi: 10.1105/tpc.016378.
PMCID: PMC301410
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