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Volume 7(1);  January 1995
In This Issue
STARTing the Plant Cell Cycle
R. Chasan
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 1–4.
PMCID: PMC1464591
Research Articles
Incompatibility in Flowering Plants: Adaptation of an Ancient Response.
PR Bell
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 5–16.
PMCID: PMC160760
Elevated Levels of High-Melting-Point Phosphatidylglycerols Do Not Induce Chilling Sensitivity in an Arabidopsis Mutant.
J Wu and J Browse
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 17–27.
PMCID: PMC160761
Coordinated Activation of Programmed Cell Death and Defense Mechanisms in Transgenic Tobacco Plants Expressing a Bacterial Proton Pump.
R Mittler, V Shulaev, and E Lam
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 29–42.
PMCID: PMC160762
Transient induction of a peroxidase gene in Medicago truncatula precedes infection by Rhizobium meliloti.
D Cook, D Dreyer, D Bonnet, M Howell, E Nony, and K VandenBosch
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 43–55.
PMCID: PMC160763
Genetic Evidence for a Long-Range Activity That Directs Pollen Tube Guidance in Arabidopsis.
M Hulskamp, K Schneitz, and RE Pruitt
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 57–64.
PMCID: PMC160764
The Significance of Microspore Division and Division Symmetry for Vegetative Cell-Specific Transcription and Generative Cell Differentiation.
C Eady, K Lindsey, and D Twell
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 65–74.
PMCID: PMC160765
Cloning and characterization of the maize An1 gene.
R J Bensen, G S Johal, V C Crane, J T Tossberg, P S Schnable, R B Meeley, and S P Briggs
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 75–84.
PMCID: PMC160766
A family of cyclin D homologs from plants differentially controlled by growth regulators and containing the conserved retinoblastoma protein interaction motif.
R Soni, J P Carmichael, Z H Shah, and J A Murray
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 85–103.
PMCID: PMC160767
Reconstitution of Arabidopsis casein kinase II from recombinant subunits and phosphorylation of transcription factor GBF1.
L J Klimczak, M A Collinge, D Farini, G Giuliano, J C Walker, and A R Cashmore
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 105–115.
PMCID: PMC160768
The homeobox gene ATH1 of Arabidopsis is derepressed in the photomorphogenic mutants cop1 and det1.
N Quaedvlieg, J Dockx, F Rook, P Weisbeek, and S Smeekens
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 117–129.
PMCID: PMC160769
Organ-Specific Stability of Two Lemna rbcS mRNAs Is Determined Primarily in the Nuclear Compartment.
JL Peters and J Silverthorne
Plant Cell. 1995 January; 7(1): 131–140.
PMCID: PMC160770
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