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Volume 12(1);  January 2000
In This Issue
Photoreceptors in Signal Transduction: Pathways of Enlightenment
Harry B. Smith
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 1–4.
PMCID: PMC1464685
Research Articles
The Late Developmental Pattern of Mu Transposon Excision Is Conferred by a Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S –Driven MURA cDNA in Transgenic Maize
Manish N. Raizada and Virginia Walbot
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 5–22.
PMCID: PMC140211
Determining the Physical Limits of the Brassica S Locus by Recombinational Analysis
Amy L. Casselman, Julia Vrebalov, Joann A. Conner, Anu Singhal, James Giovannoni, Mikhail E. Nasrallah, and June B. Nasrallah
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 23–34.
PMCID: PMC140212
ABI3 Affects Plastid Differentiation in Dark-Grown Arabidopsis Seedlings
Antje Rohde, Riet De Rycke, Tom Beeckman, Gilbert Engler, Marc Van Montagu, and Wout Boerjan
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 35–52.
PMCID: PMC140213
14-3-3 Proteins Form a Guidance Complex with Chloroplast Precursor Proteins in Plants
Timo May and Jürgen Soll
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 53–64.
PMCID: PMC140214
Expression Profiling of the Maize Flavonoid Pathway Genes Controlled by Estradiol-Inducible Transcription Factors CRC and P
Wesley Bruce, Otto Folkerts, Carl Garnaat, Oswald Crasta, Brad Roth, and Ben Bowen
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 65–80.
PMCID: PMC140215
Cryptochrome Nucleocytoplasmic Distribution and Gene Expression Are Regulated by Light Quality in the Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris
Takato Imaizumi, Takeshi Kanegae, and Masamitsu Wada
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 81–96.
PMCID: PMC140216
The ROOT MERISTEMLESS1/CADMIUM SENSITIVE2 Gene Defines a Glutathione-Dependent Pathway Involved in Initiation and Maintenance of Cell Division during Postembryonic Root Development
Teva Vernoux, Robert C. Wilson, Kevin A. Seeley, Jean-Philippe Reichheld, Sandra Muroy, Spencer Brown, Spencer C. Maughan, Christopher S. Cobbett, Marc Van Montagu, Dirk Inzé, Mike J. May, and Zinmay R. Sung
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 97–110.
PMCID: PMC140217
Water Deficit Triggers Phospholipase D Activity in the Resurrection Plant Craterostigma plantagineum
Wolfgang Frank, Teun Munnik, Katja Kerkmann, Francesco Salamini, and Dorothea Bartels
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 111–124.
PMCID: PMC140218
Role of the TATA Binding Protein–Transcription Factor IIB Interaction in Supporting Basal and Activated Transcription in Plant Cells
Songqin Pan, Eva Czarnecka-Verner, and William B. Gurley
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 125–136.
PMCID: PMC140219
Evidence for a Role of ClpP in the Degradation of the Chloroplast Cytochrome b6f Complex
Wojciech Majeran, Françis-André Wollman, and Olivier Vallon
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 137–150.
PMCID: PMC140220
A Lipid Transfer–like Protein Is Necessary for Lily Pollen Tube Adhesion to an in Vitro Stylar Matrix
Sang-Youl Park, Guang-Yuh Jauh, Jean-Claude Mollet, Kathleen J. Eckard, Eugene A. Nothnagel, Linda L. Walling, and Elizabeth M. Lord
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 151–164.
PMCID: PMC140221
Osmotic Stress Induces Rapid Activation of a Salicylic Acid–Induced Protein Kinase and a Homolog of Protein Kinase ASK1 in Tobacco Cells
Monika Mikołajczyk, Olubunmi S. Awotunde, Grażyna Muszyńska, Daniel F. Klessig, and Grażyna Dobrowolska
Plant Cell. 2000 January; 12(1): 165–178.
PMCID: PMC149182
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