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Volume 12(2);  February 2000
In This Issue
Signal Transduction in Systemic Acquired Resistance
Harry B. Smith
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 179–181.
PMCID: PMC1464686
Letter to the Editor
C-Terminal Propeptides and Vacuolar Sorting by BP-80 –Type Proteins: Not All C-Terminal Propeptides Are Equal
Ken Matsuoka
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 181–182.
PMCID: PMC1464687
Research Articles
The Embryo MADS Domain Factor AGL15 Acts Postembryonically: Inhibition of Perianth Senescence and Abscission via Constitutive Expression
Donna E. Fernandez, Gregory R. Heck, Sharyn E. Perry, Sara E. Patterson, Anthony B. Bleecker, and Su-Chiung Fang
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 183–198.
PMCID: PMC139757
Genetic Interactions between the Chlorate-Resistant Mutant cr 8 8 and the Photomorphogenic Mutants cop1 and hy5
Dongsun Cao, Yun Lin, and Chi-Lien Cheng
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 199–211.
PMCID: PMC139758
A Highly Conserved Domain of the Maize Activator Transposase Is Involved in Dimerization
Lutz Essers, Ruth H. Adolphs, and Reinhard Kunze
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 211–224.
PMCID: PMC139759
RPT2: A signal transducer of the phototropic response in arabidopsis
Tatsuya Sakai, Takuji Wada, Sumie Ishiguro, and Kiyotaka Okada
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 225–236.
PMCID: PMC139760
The Cochliobolus carbonum SNF1 Gene Is Required for Cell Wall–Degrading Enzyme Expression and Virulence on Maize
Nyerhovwo J. Tonukari, John S. Scott-Craig, and Jonathan D. Walton
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 237–248.
PMCID: PMC139761
Structural Domains and Matrix Attachment Regions along Colinear Chromosomal Segments of Maize and Sorghum
Alexander P. Tikhonov, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, and Zoya V. Avramova
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 249–265.
PMCID: PMC139762
The Role of AHA Motifs in the Activator Function of Tomato Heat Stress Transcription Factors HsfA1 and HsfA2
Pascal Döring, Eckardt Treuter, Catherine Kistner, Ruth Lyck, Alexander Chen, and Lutz Nover
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 265–279.
PMCID: PMC139763
The Arabidopsis NPR1/NIM1 Protein Enhances the DNA Binding Activity of a Subgroup of the TGA Family of bZIP Transcription Factors
Charles Després, Catherine DeLong, Sarah Glaze, Enwu Liu, and Pierre R. Fobert
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 279–290.
PMCID: PMC139764
A New Family of High-Affinity Transporters for Adenine, Cytosine, and Purine Derivatives in Arabidopsis
Bernd Gillissen, Lukas Bürkle, Bruno André, Christina Kühn, Doris Rentsch, Birgit Brandl, and Wolf B. Frommer
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 291–300.
PMCID: PMC139765
Plant Cell. 2000 February; 12(2): 301–302.
PMCID: PMC149137
Corrects: G Creissen, et al. Elevated glutathione biosynthetic capacity in the chloroplasts of transgenic tobacco plants paradoxically causes increased oxidative stress . Plant Cell. 1999 July; 11(7): 1277–1292.
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