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Volume 13(11);  November 2001
In This Issue
Transcription Factors Dial 14-3-3 for Nuclear Shuttle
Nancy A. Eckardt
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2385–2390.
PMCID: PMC2652721
Letter to the Editor
Renaming Genes and Duplication of Gene Names in the Literature
Sheng Luan, Jörg Kudla, Klaus Harter, Wilhelm Gruissem, Joanne Chory, and Ralph Quatrano
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2391–2392. doi: 10.1105/tpc.131140.
PMCID: PMC2652722
Research Articles
Molecular Characterization of Subunit 6 of the COP9 Signalosome and Its Role in Multifaceted Developmental Processes in Arabidopsis
Zhaohua Peng, Giovanna Serino, and Xing-Wang Deng
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2393–2408. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010248.
PMCID: PMC139460
Regional Localization of Suspensor mRNAs during Early Embryo Development
Koen Weterings, Nestor R. Apuya, Yuping Bi, Robert L. Fischer, John J. Harada, and Robert B. Goldberg
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2409–2426. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010326.
PMCID: PMC139461
A Novel Plant Kinesin-Related Protein Specifically Associates with the Phragmoplast Organelles
Y.-R. Julie Lee, Hoa M. Giang, and Bo Liu
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2427–2440. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010225.
PMCID: PMC139462
Multidrug Resistance–like Genes of Arabidopsis Required for Auxin Transport and Auxin-Mediated Development
Bosl Noh, Angus S. Murphy, and Edgar P. Spalding
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2441–2454. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010350.
PMCID: PMC139463
The Arabidopsis BELL1 and KNOX TALE Homeodomain Proteins Interact through a Domain Conserved between Plants and Animals
Mohammed Bellaoui, Mark S. Pidkowich, Alon Samach, Kumuda Kushalappa, Susanne E. Kohalmi, Zora Modrusan, William L. Crosby, and George W. Haughn
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2455–2470. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010161.
PMCID: PMC139464
EMBRYONIC FLOWER2, a Novel Polycomb Group Protein Homolog, Mediates Shoot Development and Flowering in Arabidopsis
Nobumasa Yoshida, Yukihiro Yanai, Lingjing Chen, Yoshihiro Kato, Junzo Hiratsuka, Tatsushi Miwa, Z. Renee Sung, and Shigeru Takahashi
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2471–2482. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010227.
PMCID: PMC139465
14-3-3 Proteins Regulate Intracellular Localization of the bZIP Transcriptional Activator RSG
Daisuke Igarashi, Sarahmi Ishida, Jutarou Fukazawa, and Yohsuke Takahashi
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2483–2498. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010188.
PMCID: PMC139466
Role of SH3 Domain–Containing Proteins in Clathrin-Mediated Vesicle Trafficking in Arabidopsis
Bernard C.-H. Lam, Tammy L. Sage, Fabrizio Bianchi, and Eduardo Blumwald
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2499–2512. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010279.
PMCID: PMC139467
Abscisic Acid Activation of Plasma Membrane Ca2+ Channels in Guard Cells Requires Cytosolic NAD(P)H and Is Differentially Disrupted Upstream and Downstream of Reactive Oxygen Species Production in abi1-1 and abi2-1 Protein Phosphatase 2C Mutants
Yoshiyuki Murata, Zhen-Ming Pei, Izumi C. Mori, and Julian Schroeder
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2513–2524. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010210.
PMCID: PMC139468
Repression of the Defense Gene PR-10a by the Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein SEBF
Brian Boyle and Normand Brisson
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2525–2538. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010231.
PMCID: PMC139469
HCF164 Encodes a Thioredoxin-Like Protein Involved in the Biogenesis of the Cytochrome b6f Complex in Arabidopsis
Katja Lennartz, Henning Plücken, Andreas Seidler, Peter Westhoff, Nicole Bechtold, and Karin Meierhoff
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2539–2552. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010245.
PMCID: PMC139470
Insertion Preference of Maize and Rice Miniature Inverted Repeat Transposable Elements as Revealed by the Analysis of Nested Elements
Ning Jiang and Susan R. Wessler
Plant Cell. 2001 November; 13(11): 2553–2564. doi: 10.1105/tpc.010235.
PMCID: PMC139471
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