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Volume 16(5);  May 2004
In This Issue
The Role of PHANTASTICA in Leaf Development
Nancy A. Eckardt
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1073–1075. doi: 10.1105/tpc.060510.
PMCID: PMC423200
Research Articles
cis-Regulatory Elements for Mesophyll-Specific Gene Expression in the C4 Plant Flaveria trinervia, the Promoter of the C4 Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Gene
Udo Gowik, Janet Burscheidt, Meryem Akyildiz, Ute Schlue, Maria Koczor, Monika Streubel, and Peter Westhoff
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1077–1090. doi: 10.1105/tpc.019729.
PMCID: PMC423201
ATR Regulates a G2-Phase Cell-Cycle Checkpoint in Arabidopsis thaliana
Kevin Culligan, Alain Tissier, and Anne Britt
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1091–1104. doi: 10.1105/tpc.018903.
PMCID: PMC423202
Jittery, a Mutator Distant Relative with a Paradoxical Mobile Behavior: Excision without Reinsertion
Zhennan Xu, Xianghe Yan, Steve Maurais, Huihua Fu, David G. O'Brien, John Mottinger, and Hugo K. Dooner
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1105–1114. doi: 10.1105/tpc.019802.
PMCID: PMC423203
The Variability of Sesquiterpenes Emitted from Two Zea mays Cultivars Is Controlled by Allelic Variation of Two Terpene Synthase Genes Encoding Stereoselective Multiple Product Enzymes
Tobias G. Köllner, Christiane Schnee, Jonathan Gershenzon, and Jörg Degenhardt
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1115–1131. doi: 10.1105/tpc.019877.
PMCID: PMC423204
COS1: An Arabidopsis coronatine insensitive1 Suppressor Essential for Regulation of Jasmonate-Mediated Plant Defense and Senescence
Shi Xiao, Liangying Dai, Fuquan Liu, Zhilong Wang, Wen Peng, and Daoxin Xie
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1132–1142. doi: 10.1105/tpc.020370.
PMCID: PMC423205
The Ascorbic Acid Redox State Controls Guard Cell Signaling and Stomatal Movement
Zhong Chen and Daniel R. Gallie
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1143–1162. doi: 10.1105/tpc.021584.
PMCID: PMC423206
Differential Activation of the Rice Sucrose Nonfermenting1–Related Protein Kinase2 Family by Hyperosmotic Stress and Abscisic Acid
Yuhko Kobayashi, Shuhei Yamamoto, Hideyuki Minami, Yasuaki Kagaya, and Tsukaho Hattori
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1163–1177. doi: 10.1105/tpc.019943.
PMCID: PMC423207
SPIRAL1 Encodes a Plant-Specific Microtubule-Localized Protein Required for Directional Control of Rapidly Expanding Arabidopsis Cells
Keiji Nakajima, Ikuyo Furutani, Hideki Tachimoto, Hiroshige Matsubara, and Takashi Hashimoto
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1178–1190. doi: 10.1105/tpc.017830.
PMCID: PMC423208
The transparent testa4 Mutation Prevents Flavonoid Synthesis and Alters Auxin Transport and the Response of Arabidopsis Roots to Gravity and Light
Charles S. Buer and Gloria K. Muday
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1191–1205. doi: 10.1105/tpc.020313.
PMCID: PMC423209
The Embryo MADS Domain Protein AGAMOUS-Like 15 Directly Regulates Expression of a Gene Encoding an Enzyme Involved in Gibberellin Metabolism
Huai Wang, Leonardo V. Caruso, A. Bruce Downie, and Sharyn E. Perry
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1206–1219. doi: 10.1105/tpc.021261.
PMCID: PMC423210
Comparative Analysis of the Receptor-Like Kinase Family in Arabidopsis and Rice
Shin-Han Shiu, Wojciech M. Karlowski, Runsun Pan, Yun-Huei Tzeng, Klaus F. X. Mayer, and Wen-Hsiung Li
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1220–1234. doi: 10.1105/tpc.020834.
PMCID: PMC423211
Probing the MicroRNA and Small Interfering RNA Pathways with Virus-Encoded Suppressors of RNA Silencing
Patrice Dunoyer, Charles-Henri Lecellier, Eneida Abreu Parizotto, Christophe Himber, and Olivier Voinnet
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1235–1250. doi: 10.1105/tpc.020719.
PMCID: PMC423212
PHANTASTICA Regulates Development of the Adaxial Mesophyll in Nicotiana Leaves
Neil A. McHale and Ross E. Koning
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1251–1262. doi: 10.1105/tpc.019307.
PMCID: PMC423213
COTYLEDON VASCULAR PATTERN2–Mediated Inositol (1,4,5) Triphosphate Signal Transduction Is Essential for Closed Venation Patterns of Arabidopsis Foliar Organs
Francine M. Carland and Timothy Nelson
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1263–1275. doi: 10.1105/tpc.021030.
PMCID: PMC423214
Extracellular Invertase Is an Essential Component of Cytokinin-Mediated Delay of Senescence
Maria Encarnación Balibrea Lara, Maria-Cruz Gonzalez Garcia, Tahira Fatima, Rainer Ehneß, Taek Kyun Lee, Reinhard Proels, Widmar Tanner, and Thomas Roitsch
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1276–1287. doi: 10.1105/tpc.018929.
PMCID: PMC423215
maternally expressed gene1 Is a Novel Maize Endosperm Transfer Cell–Specific Gene with a Maternal Parent-of-Origin Pattern of Expression
Jose F. Gutiérrez-Marcos, Liliana M. Costa, Corinne Biderre-Petit, Bouchaib Khbaya, Donal M. O'Sullivan, Mark Wormald, Pascual Perez, and Hugh G. Dickinson
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1288–1301. doi: 10.1105/tpc.019778.
PMCID: PMC423216
Viral Virulence Protein Suppresses RNA Silencing–Mediated Defense but Upregulates the Role of MicroRNA in Host Gene Expression
Jun Chen, Wan Xiang Li, Daoxin Xie, Jin Rong Peng, and Shou Wei Ding
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1302–1313. doi: 10.1105/tpc.018986.
PMCID: PMC423217
Genome-Wide Analysis of Spatial Gene Expression in Arabidopsis Flowers
Frank Wellmer, José Luis Riechmann, Márcio Alves-Ferreira, and Elliot M. Meyerowitz
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1314–1326. doi: 10.1105/tpc.021741.
PMCID: PMC423218
P-Type ATPase Heavy Metal Transporters with Roles in Essential Zinc Homeostasis in Arabidopsis
Dawar Hussain, Michael J. Haydon, Yuwen Wang, Edwin Wong, Sarah M. Sherson, Jeff Young, James Camakaris, Jeffrey F. Harper, and Christopher S. Cobbett
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1327–1339. doi: 10.1105/tpc.020487.
PMCID: PMC423219
Determinants of Plant U12-Dependent Intron Splicing Efficiency
Dominika Lewandowska, Craig G. Simpson, Gillian P. Clark, Nikki S. Jennings, Maria Barciszewska-Pacak, Chiao-Feng Lin, Wojciech Makalowski, John W.S. Brown, and Artur Jarmolowski
Plant Cell. 2004 May; 16(5): 1340–1352. doi: 10.1105/tpc.020743.
PMCID: PMC423220
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