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Meta-Analysis of Drug Abuse Prevention Programs

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 170 [Printed in 1997]

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Table of Contents

Meta-Analysis of Drug Abuse Prevention Research-----1
William J. Bukoski

Meta-Analysis of Adolescent Drug Prevention Programs: Results of the 1933 Meta-Analysis-----5
Nancy S. Tobler

Validity of Integrity Tests for Predicting Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Meta-Analysis-----69
Frank L. Schmidt, Vish Viswesvaran, and Deniz S. Ones

Meta-Analysis and Models of Substance Abuse Prevention-----96
Betsy Jane Becker

Realities of the Effect Size Calculation Process: Considerations for Beginning Meta-Analysts-----120
Patricia D. Perry

Issues and Challenges in Coding Interventions for Meta-Analysis of Prevention Research-----130
Elizabeth C. Devine

Experiments Versus Quasi-Experiments: Do They Yield the Same Answer?-----147
William R. Shadish and Donna T. Heinsman

Drawing Generalized Causal Inferences Based on Meta-Analysis-----165
Georg E. Matt

Issues in Classification in Meta-Analysis in Substance Abuse Prevention Research-----183
William B. Hansen and Lynn A. Rose

Improving Meta-Analysis for Policy Purposes-----202
Larry V. Hedges

Using Linked Meta-Analysis To Build Policy Models-----216
Mark W. Lipsey

Some Limiting Factors in Meta-Analysis-----234
Robert L. Bangert-Drowns

Ordering Information-----253

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