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Comparison Table - Old and Current Performance Programs

Comparison Table - Old and Current Performance Programs



  SES Title 42 GS **Covers all employees except SES
Appraisal Format Plans Contracts Plans Contracts obsolete. New performance program uses "plan." Forms utilize a rating point system.
Minimum Appraisal Period 90 days 120 days 120 days Minimum rating period of 90 days for all employees.
Rating Cycle FY FY (Division Director and above) CY CY. for all PMAP covered employees, except interns appointed under formal intern programs.  Management Interns, Presidential Management Fellows, Administrative Fellows and Emerging Leader’s performance cycle will begin in August of each year and end in July, with two performance evaluations being given under their internship.

Senior Executive Service and the following senior-level T-42 209 (f) employees are on a fiscal year rating cycle and are exempt from PMAP:  NIH Deputy Directors, IC Directors, IC Deputy Directors, Scientific Directors, Clinical Directors, Directors of Extramural Programs who report directly to an IC Director, Associate Directors in the NIH OD, and Office Heads in the NIH OD who report directly to the NIH Director.
Forms Separate Form Separate Form Separate Form Uses one appraisal form for all employees, except SES and possibly Title-42 senior scientific leaders.
Focus Two Critical Elements
  1. Executive Leadership
  2. Perf. Agreement (10x10 plus Ethics critical element for DECs and Supervisors)
Outputs and Outcomes; no limit to number of critical elements. About 5-7 critical elements Two Critical Element Categories:
  1. Administrative Requirements
  2. Individual Performance Outcomes (must include one or more outcomes that track back to Dr. Zerhouni’s 2007 Performance Plan (.doc)(Replaces the 2007 One HHS Objectives)
Type of Rating System Four level rating system Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Four level rating system for all employees (Exceptional, Fully Successful, Minimally Successful, Unacceptable ). MAJOR CHANGE: Anticipate increase in employee grievances . Numerical scoring methodology
Summary Ratings All critical elements must be rated Exceptional to receive a final summary rating of Exceptional Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Combination of critical elements rated Exceptional and Fully Successful may still yield a final summary rating of Exceptional . Harder for SES to get Exceptional rating.
Assessments Written supervisory narrative required for Exceptional, Minimally Successful and Unacceptable N/A N/A Written supervisory narratives required only for ratings less than Fully Successful ; optional for Exceptional and Fully Successful . Exceptional SES ratings must be justified. However, NIH could require that written narratives accompany Exceptional ratings.
Recognition Pay-for-Performance:
  • "E" rating: 2.5 - 5% of salary, including locality payment or special rate supplement (as of the last day of the rating period- December 31), subject to funds availability.
  • "FS" rating: up to 2% of salary, including locality payment or special rate supplement (as of the last day of the rating period- December 31), subject to funds availability.
ICs determine performance awards for all others within allowable guidance. Performance awards linked to performance ratings.
  • "E" rating: 2.5 - 5% base pay including locality pay
  • "FS" rating: up to 2% base pay including locality pay