Contract Supported Publications (1990 - Present)


  1. McGowan, J.J., Tomaszewski, J.E., Cradock, J., Hoth, D., Grieshaber, C.K., Broder, S., and Mitsuya, H., 1990. An Overview of the Preclinical Development of an Antiretroviral Drug, 2',3'-Dideoxyinosine (ddI). Rev. Infect. Dis., 12, Suppl 5: S513-S521.

  2. Dusre, L., Rajagopalan, S., Eliot, H., Covey, J.M., and Sinha, B., 1990. DNA interstrand cross-link frequency and free radical formation in a human multidrug-resistant cell line from mitomycin C and its analogs. Cancer Res. 50: 648-652.

  3. Holm, C., Covey, J.M., Kerrigan, D., Kohn, K.W., and Pommier, Y., 1991. Protection by DNA synthesis inhibition against cell killing by topoisomerase blocking drugs. In: Potmesil, M., Kohn, K.W., Liu, L., Muggia, F. and Silber, R. (eds): DNA Topoisomerases in Cancer. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 161-171.

  4. Zaharko, D.S., Kelley, J.A., Tomaszewski, J.E., Hegedus, L., and Hartman, N.R., 1991. Cyclopentenyl Cytosine: Interspecies Predictions Based on Rodent Plasma and Urine Kinetics. Invest. New Drugs, 9: 9-17.

  5. Wientjes, M.G., M.E. Placke, M.J-W. Chang, J.G. Page, W.M. Kluwe and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1991. Pharmacokinetics of 2',3'-Dideoxyadenosine in Dogs. Invest. New Drugs, 9, 159-168.

  6. Ford, H., Jr., D.A. Cooney, G.S. Ahluwalia, Z. Hao, M.E. Rommel, L. Hicks, K.A. Dobyns, J.E. Tomaszewski and D.G. Johns, 1991. Cellular Pharmacology of Cyclopentenyl Cytosine in Molt-4 Lymphoblasts. Cancer Res., 51: 3733-3740.

  7. Luster, M.I., G.J. Rosenthal, W. Cao, M.B. Thompson, A.E. Munson, J.D. Prejean, G. Shopp, B.A. Fuchs, D.R. Germolec and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1991. Experimental Studies of the Hematologic and Immune System Toxicity of Nucleoside Derivatives Used Against HIV Infection. Int. J. Immunopharmacol., 13, Suppl. 1, 99-107.

  8. Capps, D.B., J. Dunbar, S.R. Kesten, J. Shillis, L.M. Werbel, J. Plowman and D.L. Ward, 1992. 2-(Aminoalkyl)-5-nitropyrazolo[3,4,5-k]acridines, a New Class of Anticancer Agents, J. Med. Chem., 35, 4770-4778.

  9. Hendriks, H.R., J. Plowman, D.P. Berger, K.D. Paull, H.H. Fiebig, Ø. Fodstat, H.C. Dreef-van der Meulen, R.E.C. Henrar, H.M. Pinedo and G. Schwartsmann, 1992. Preclinical Antitumor Activity and Animal Toxicology Studies of Rhizoxin, a Novel Tubulin-interacting Agent, Annals of Oncol., 3, 755-763.

  10. Hollingshead, M.G., L. Westbrook, M.J. Ross, J. Bailey, K.J. Qualls and L.B. Allen, 1992. An ELISA System for Evaluating Antiretroviral Activity Against Rauscher Murine Leukemia Virus, Antiviral Res., 18, 267-274.

  11. Supko, J.G. and L. Malspeis, 1992. Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of 9-aminocamptothecin in Plasma Monitored by Fluorescence Induced upon Post-column Acidification, J Liquid Chromatogr., 15, 3261-3283.

  12. Waud, W.R., K.S. Gilbert, S.D. Harrison, Jr and D.P. Griswold, Jr, 1992. Cross-resistance of Drug-resistant Murine P388 Leukemias to Taxol (NSC 125973), Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 31, 255-257.

  13. Waud, W.R., J. Plowman, S.D. Harrison, Jr, D.J. Dykes, W.K. Anderson and D.P. Griswold, Jr, 1992. Antitumor Activity and Cross-resistance of Carmethizole Hydrochloride (NSC 602668) in Preclinical Models in Mice, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 30, 261-266.

  14. Zaharko, D.S., J. Plowman, W. Waud, D. Dykes and L. Malspeis, 1992. L-Histidinol: Preclinical Therapeutic Studies in Combination with Antitumor Agents and Pharmacokinetic Studies in Mice, Cancer Res., 52, 3604-3609.

  15. Avramis, V.I., K.K. Chan, M.M. Solorzano and Z. Chen, 1993. Preclinical Pharmacology of the Antitumor Agent O-6-Methylguanine in CDF1 Mice, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 33, 197-202.

  16. Benson, L.M., A.J. Tomlinson, J.M. Reid, D.L. Walker, M.M. Ames and S. Naylor, 1993. Study of in Vivo Pyrazoloacridine Metabolism by Capillary Electrophoresis Using Isotachophoresis Preconcentration in Non-aqueous Separation Buffer, J. High Resolution Chromatogr., 16, 324-326.

  17. Branda, R.F., A.L. Moore, L. Mathews, J.J. McCormack and G. Zon, 1993. Immune Stimulation by a Antisense Oligomer Complementary to the REV Gene of HIV, Biochem. Pharmacol., 45, 2037-2043.

  18. El Dareer, S.M., K.F. Tillery, L.M. Rose, C.F. Posey, R.F. Struck, S.W. Stiller and D.L. Hill, 1993. Metabolism and Disposition of a Thiazolobenzimidazole Active Against HIV-1, Drug Metab. Dispos., 21, 231-235.

  19. Fisherman, J.S., B.L. Osborn, H.G. Chun, J. Plowman, A.C. Smith, M.C. Christain, D.S. Zaharko and R.H. Shoemaker, 1993. Chloroquinoxaline Sulfonamide: A Sulfanilamide Antitumor Agent Entering Clinical Trials. Invest. New Drugs, 11, 1-9.

  20. Holmes, K.A., S. Chaffins, B.L. Osborn, L.A. Liotta and E.C. Kohn, 1993. Quantitation of Human Plasma Levels of the Anticancer Agent Carboxyamidotriazole by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. J. Chromatogr. (Biomed App), 613, 317-325.

  21. Leslie, J., J.M. Kujawa, N. Eddington, M. Egorin and J. Eiseman, 1993. Stability Problems with Taxol in Mouse Plasma During Analysis by Liquid Chromatography, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 11, 1349-1352.

  22. Smith AC. Pulmonary Toxicity of Nitrosoureas: Activation and Toxicity of Chemical Agents to Lung Tissue and Cells. In: Gram T., ed. Metabolic International Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. New York: Pergamon Press, 1993.

  23. Supko, J.G. and L. Malspeis, 1993. Pharmacokinetics of the 9-Amino and 10,11-Methylenedioxy Derivatives of Camptothecin in Mice, Cancer Res., 53, 3062-3069.

  24. Waud, W.R. and D.P. Griswold, Jr, 1993. Therapeutic Resistance in Leukemia. In: Teicher BA, ed. Drug Resistance in Oncology, pp 227-250. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.

  25. Donzanti, B.A., J.S. Driscoll, J.E. Tomaszewski, J.S. Roth, P. Tosca, M. Placke, A. Singer, J.T. Yarrington and J.A. Kelley, 1994. Acute Cardiotoxicity of the Anti-HIV Dideoxynucleoside, F-ddA, in the Rat. Fund. Appl. Toxicol., 27, 167-176.

  26. Eiseman, J.L., N.D. Eddington, J. Leslie, C. Macauley, D.L. Sentz, M. Zuhowski, J.M. Kujawa, D. Young and M.J. Egorin, 1994. Plasma Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of Paclitaxel in CD2F1 Mice, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 14, 465-471.

  27. Hill, D.L., K.F. Tillery, L.M. Rose and C.F. Posey, 1994. Disposition of 7-Hydroxystaurosporin (UCN-01), a Protein Kinase Inhibitor with Antitumor Activity, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 35, 89-92.

  28. Kelloff, G.J., Crowell, J.A., Boone, C.W., Steele, V.E., Greenwald, P., Alberts, D.S., Covey, J.M., Doody, L.A., Knapp, G.G., Nayfield, S.,Parkinson, D.R., Prasad, V.K., Prorok, P.C., Sausville, E.A., and Sigman, C.C., 1994. Strategy and Planning for Chemopreventive Drug Development: Clinical Development Plans. J. Cellular Biochem (supp.) 20: 55-299.

  29. Newman, R.A., A. Fuentes, J.M. Covey and J.A. Benvenuto, 1994. Preclinical Pharmacology of the Marine Natural Product Dolastatin 10 (NSC 376128), Drug Metab. Dispos., 22, 428-432.

  30. Newman, R.A., M. Costa and A. Cisneros, 1994. High-performance Liquid Chromatography Measurement of the Novel Anti-HIV Agent: 7,8-Dihydrocostatolide (NSC 661123), J. Chromatogr. (Biomed App), 658, 129-133.

  31. Nomeir, A.A., M.F. McComish, A.L. Mongan, J.M. Covey and N.F. Ferrala, 1994. Liquid Chromatographic Analysis, Stability and Protein Binding Studies of the Anti-HIV Agent Benzoic Acid, 2-Chloro-5[[(1-methylethoxy)thioxomethyl]amino]-,1-methylethyl Ester, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 12, 693-698.

  32. Supko, J.G. and L. Malspeis, 1994. Dose-Dependent Pharmacokinetics of Rapamycin-28-N,N-Dimethylglycinate in the Mouse, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 33, 325-330.

  33. Walker, D.L., J.M. Reid and M.M. Ames, 1994. Preclinical Pharmacology of Bizelesin, a Potent Bifunctional Analog of the DNA-Binding Antibiotic CC-1065, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 34, 317-322.

  34. Hodge, J.W., J. Schlom, S.J. Donohue, J.E. Tomaszewski, C.W. Wheeler, B.S. Levine, L. Gritz, D. Panicali and J.A. Kantor, 1995. A Recombinant Vaccinia Virus Expressing Human Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA): Safety and Immunogenicity in a Nonhuman Primate. Int. J. Cancer, 63, 231-237.

  35. Reid, J.M., J.W. Benson, J. Viallet and M.M. Ames, 1995. Preclinical Pharmacology of Cholera Toxin, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 36, 115-120.

  36. Egorin, M.J., Sentz, D.L., Rosen, D.M., Ballesteros, M.F., Kearns, C.M., Callery, P.S., Eiseman, J.L., 1996. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 39(1-2), 51-60.

  37. Eiseman, J.L., Yuan, Z.M., Eddington, N.D., Sentz, D.L., Callery, P.S., Egorin, M.J., 1996. Plasma Pharmacokinetics and Urinary Excretion of the Polyamine Analogue 1, 19-bis(ethylamino)-5, 10, 15-triazanonadecane in CD2F1 Mice, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 38(1), 13-20.

  38. Kelloff, G.J., Crowell, J.A., Hawk, E.T., Steele, V.E., Lubet, R.A., Boone, C.W., Covey, J.M., Doody, L.A., Omenn, L.A., Greenwald, P., Hong, W.K., Parkinson, D.R., Bagheri, D., Baxter, G.T., Blunden, M., Doeltz, M.K., Eisenhauer, K.M., Johnson, K., Knapp, G.G., Longfellow, D.G., Malone, W.F., Nayfield, S.G., Seifried, H.E., Swall, L.M., and Sigman, C.C., 1996. Strategy and Planning for Chemopreventive Drug Development: Clinical Development Plans II. J. Cellular Biochem (supp.) 26: 54-71.

  39. Reid, J.M., Walker, D.L., Ames, M.M., 1996. Preclinical Pharmacology of Ecteinascidin 729, a Marine Natural Product with Potent Antitumor Activity, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 38(4), 329-34.

  40. Sedlacek, H.H., J. Czech, R. Naik, G. Kaur, P. Worland, M. Losiewicz, B. Parker, B. Carlson, A. Smith, A. Senderowicz and E. Sausville, 1996. Flavopiridol (L86 8275; NSC 649890), a New Kinase Inhibitor for Tumor Therapy. International J. Oncol. 9: 1143-1168.

  41. Volpe, D.A., A. Garg, R.E. Parchment, K.P. Flora, J.E. Tomaszewski, M.J. Murphy, Jr. and C.K. Grieshaber, 1996. Myelotoxic Effects of the Bifunctional Alkylating Agent Bizelesin to Human, Canine and Murine Myeloid Progenitor Cells. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 39, 143-149.

  42. Chan, K.K., R. Bakhitar and C. Jiang, 1997. Depsipeptide (FR901228, NSC-630176) Pharmacokinetics in the Rat by LC/MS/MS. Invest. New Drugs, 15, 195-206.

  43. Egorin, M.J., Rosen, D.M., Benjamin, S.E., Callery, P.S., Sentz, D.L., Eiseman, J.L., 1997. In Vitro Metabolism by Mouse and Human Liver Preparations of Halomon, an Antitumor Halogenated Monoterpene, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 41(1), 9-14.

  44. Erickson-Miller, C.L., R.D. May, J. Tomaszewski, B. Osborn, M.J. Murphy, J.G. Page and R.E. Parchment, 1997. Differential Toxicity of Camptothecin, Topotecan, and 9-Aminocamptothecin to Human, Canine and Murine Myeloid Progenitors (CFU-GM) In Vitro. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 39, 467-472.

  45. Fuse, E., Nishiie, H., Kobayashi, H., Ikeda, S., Saito, H., Covey, J., and Kobayashi, S, 1997. Disposition of DX-52-1, a Novel Anticancer Agent, after Intravenous Administration to Mice and Dogs. Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 22, 53-63.

  46. Newman, R.A., Chen, W., Madden, T., 1997. HPLC Measurement of the Novel Nonnucleoside Anti-HIV Agent (+)-Dihydrocalanolide A, J. Liquid Chromatogr. & Related Technologies, 20(4), 651-659.

  47. Rodman, L.E., D.R. Farnell, J.M. Coyne, P.W. Allan, D.L. Hill, K.L.K. Duncan, J.E. Tomaszewski, A.C. Smith and J.G. Page, 1997. Toxicity of Cordycepin with the Adenosine Deaminase Inhibitor, 2'-Deoxycoformycin, in Beagle Dogs. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 147, 39-45.

  48. 47. Tomaszewski, J.E. and A.C. Smith, 1997. Chapter 23. Safety Testing of Antitumor Agents. In Comprehensive Toxicology, Toxicity Testing and Evaluation. Eds., P.D. Williams and G.H. Hottendorf, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, England, Vol. 2, pp. 209-399.

  49. Budihardjo, I.I., Walker, D.L., Svingen, P.A., Buckwalter, C.A., Desnoyers,S., Eckdahl, S., Shah, G.M., Poirier, G.G., Reid, J.M., Ames, M.M., Kaufmann, S.H., 1998. 6-Aminonicotinamide Sensitizes Human Tumor Cell Lines to Cisplatin, Clinical Cancer Res. 4(1), 117-130.

  50. Howard, O.M.Z., J.J. Openheim, M.G. Hollingshead, J.M. Covey, J. Bigelow, J.J. McCormack, R.W. Buckheit, Jr., D.J. Clanton, J.A. Turpin and W.G. Rice, 1998. Inhibition of in Vitro and in Vivo HIV Replication by a Distamycin Analogue that Interferes with Chemokine Receptor Function: A Candidate for Chemotherapeutic and Microbicidal Application. J. Med. Chem., 41, 2184-2193.

  51. Newman, R.A., Chen, W., Madden, T.L., 1998. Pharmaceutical Properties of Related Calanolide Compounds with Activity Against Human Immunodeficiency Virus, J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 87, 1077-1080.

  52. Sausville, E.A., R.D. Lush, D. Headlee, A.C. Smith, W.D. Figg, S.G. Arbuck, A.M. Senderowicz, E. Fuse, H. Tanii, T. Kuwabara and S. Kobayashi, 1998. Clinical Pharmacology of UCN-01: Initial Observations and Comparison to Preclinical Models. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol.,42 (Suppl): S54-S59.

  53. Nomeir, A.A., McComish, M.F., Ferrala, N.F., Silveira, D., Covey, J.M., and Chadwick, M. 1998. Liquid chromatographic analysis in mouse, dog, and human plasma; stability, absorption, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of the anti-HIV agent 2-chloro-5-(2-methyl-5,6-dihydro-1,4-oxathiin-3-yl carboxamido)isopropylbenzoate (NSC 615985, UC 84). J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 17: 27-38.

  54. Egorin, M.J., Rosen, D.M., Wolff, J.H., Callery, P.S., Musser, S.M.,Eiseman, J.L., 1998. Metabolism of 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (NSC 330507) by Murine and Human Hepatic Preparations, Cancer Res., 58: 2385-2396.

  55. Walters, D.L., D.L. Jacobs, J.E. Tomaszewski and S.Graves 1999. Analysis of Various Neucleosides in Plasma Using Solid Phase Extraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV Detection. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 19, 955-965.

  56. Mirsalis, J.C., J. Schindler-Horvat, J.R. Hill, J.E. Tomaszewski, C.A. Tyson and S.J. Donohue, 1999. Toxicity of Dolastatin 10 in Mice, Rats and Dogs and its Clinical Relevance. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 44(5):395-402.

  57. Sim, B.K.L., Fogler, W.E., Zhou, X.H., Liang, H., Madsen, J.W., Luu, K., O'Reilly, M.S., Tomaszewski, J.E., Fortier, A.H., 1999. Zinc Ligand-Disrupted Recombinant Human Endostatin: Potent Inhibition of Tumor Growth, Safety and Pharmacokinetic Profile. Angiogenesis 3: 41-51.

  58. Walker, D.L., Reid, J.M., Svingen, P.A., Rios, R., Covey, J.M., Alley, M.C., Hollingshead, M.G., Budihardjo, I.I., Eckdahl, S., Boerner, S., Kaufmann, S.H., Ames, M.M., 1999. Murine Pharmacokinetics of 6-Aminonicotinamide (NSC 21206), A novel Biochemical Modulating Agent, Biochem. Pharmacol., 58: 1057-1066.

  59. Egorin, M.J., Z.-M. Yuan, D.L. Sentz, K. Plaisance and J.L. Eiseman, 1999. Plasma Pharmacokinetics of Butyrate after Intravenous Administration of Sodium Butyrate or Oral Administration of Tributyrin or Sodium Butyrate to Mice and Rats. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 43: 445-453.

  60. Egorin, M.J., E.G. Zuhowski, D.L. Sentz, J.M. Dobson, P.S. Callery and J.L. Eiseman, 1999. Plasma Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution in CD2F1 Mice of Pc4 (NSC 676418), a Silicone Phthalocyanine Photodynamic Sensitizing Agent. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 44: 283-294.

  61. Gao, H., Huang, K.-C., Yamasaki, E.F., Chan, K.K., Chohan, L., Snapka, R.M., 1999. XK469, a Selective Topoisomerase II Poison. PNAS, 96: 12168-12173.

  62. Freund, Y.R., J.C. Mirsalis, D.G. Fairchild, J. Brune, L.A. Hokama, J. Schindler-Horvat, J.E. Tomaszewski, J. W. Hodge, J. Schlom, J.A. Kantor, C.A. Tyson and S.J. Donohue, 2000. Vaccination with a Recombinant Vaccinia Containing the B7-1 Costimulatory Molecule Causes No Significant Toxicity and Enhances T-cell Mediated Cytotoxicity. Int J Cancer, 85(4): 508-517.

  63. MacGregor, J.T., Collins, J.M., Sugiyama, Y., Tyson, C.A., Dean, J., Smith, L., Andersen, M., Curren, R.D., Houston, J.B., Kadlubar, F.F., Kedderis, G.L., Krishnan, K., Li, A.P., Parchment, R.E., Thummel, K., Tomaszewski, J.E., Ulrich, R., Vickers, A.E.M., and Wrighton, S.A., 2001. In Vitro Human Tissue Models in Risk Assessment: Report of a Consensus-Building Workshop. Toxicol. Sci. 59: 17-36.

  64. Budihardjo, I.I., Boerner, S.A., Eckdahl, S., Svingen, P.A., Rios, R., Ames, M.M., and Kaufmann, S.H., 2000. Effect of 6-Aminonicotinamide and Other Protein Synthesis Inhibitors on Formation of Platinum-DNA Adducts and Cisplatin Sensitivity. Molecular Pharmacol., 57: 529-538.

  65. Gao, H., Yamasaki, E. F., Chan, K.K., Shen, L.L., and Snapka, R.M., 2000. Chloroquinoxaline Sulfonamide (NSC 339004) is a Topoisomarase II / Poison. Cancer Res. 60: 5937-5940.

  66. Li, Z.Y. and Chan, K.K., 2000. A Subnanogram API LC/MS/MS Quantitation Method for Depsipeptide FR901228 and its Preclinical Pharmacokoinetics. J. Pharmaceutical Biomed. Anal. 22: 33-44.

  67. Snapka, R.M., Gao, H., Grabowski, D.R., Brill, D., Chan. K.K., Li, L., Li, G.C., and Ganapathi, R., 2001. Cytotoxic Mechanism of XK469: Resistance of Topoisomerase Ii Kockout Cells and Inhibition of Topoisomerase I . Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 280: 1155-1160.

  68. Egorin, M.J., Zuhowski, E.G., Rosen, D.M., Sentz, D.L., Covey, J.M., and Eiseman, J.L. Plasma Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (NSC 330507) in CD2F1 Mice. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., In Press.


  1. Page, J.G., J.E. Heath, L.M. Thigpen, J.E. Tomaszewski, and C.K. Grieshaber, 1990. A Comparison of Clinical Chemistry Results and Liver Histopathology Following Oral Doses of Cyclodisone (NSC-348948) to Beagle Dogs [Abstract No. 1046]. Toxicologist, 10, 262.

  2. Tomaszewski, J.E., H.E. Heath, C.K. Grieshaber, and J.G. Page, 1990. Toxicity of Cyclopentenylcytosine (CPEC, NSC-375575) in CD2F1 Mice and Fischer-344 Rats [Abstract No. 2622]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 31, 441.

  3. Liao, J.T., W.T. Collins, S.M. Boss, A.C. Smith, J.E. Tomaszewski, and C.K. Grieshaber, 1990. Toxicological and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Pyrazoloacridine (NSC-366140) [Abstract No. 2634]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 31, 443.

  4. Dixit, R., R. Lopez, T. Douglas, E. Murrill, A. Schierhoff, M. Stoltz, M. El-hawari, N.I. Redmond, A. Smith, J. Tomaszewski and C. Grieshaber, 1990. Kinetics and Toxicity of 8-Chloroadenosine-3',5'-cyclic Monophosphate (8-Cl-cAMP) [Abstract No. 2275]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 31, 384.

  5. Rose, L.M., S.M. Schmid, J.E. Tomaszewski, C.K. Grieshaber,and J.G. Page, 1990. Uptake and Metabolism of 3H-Carbovir by CEM and MT-2 Cells [Abstract No. 2270]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 31, 383.

  6. Page, J.G., J.E. Heath, J.E. Tomaszewski and C.K. Grieshaber, 1990. Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics of Cyclopentenylcytosine (CPEC, NSC-375575) in Beagle Dogs [Abstract No. 2623]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 31, 442.

  7. Dixit, R., R. Lopez, T. Douglas, N. Indacochea-Redmond, M.A. Stedham, A.C. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1991. Toxicity of a Penclomedine (NSC-338720)-Oil/Lecithin Emulsion in Rats [Abstract No. 542]. The Toxicologist, 11, 154.

  8. Osborn, B.L., R. Buckheit, R.M. Sparks, J.E. Tomaszewski and J.G. Page, 1991. In Vivo Bioassay to Test the Bioavailability of Potential Anti-AIDS Agents. [Abstract No. 2517]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 32, 423.

  9. Liao, J.T., T.N. Merriman, E.M. Daniel, M.A. Stedham, A.C. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1991. The Effect of Intravenous Buthionine Sulfoximine (NSC-326231) on Carboplatin (NSC-241240) Induced Toxicity in Mice. [Abstract No. 2519]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 32, 423.

  10. Page, J.G., J.E. Heath, R.M. Sparks, J.A. Kelley and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1991. Preclinical Toxicology Studies of Cyclopentenylcytosine (CPEC; NSC-375575) Given by Continuous Intravenous Infusion to Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2518]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 32, 423.

  11. Dixit, R., R. Lopez, T. Douglas, M. Stoltz, N. Indacochea-Redmond, M. Stedham, A. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1991. Toxicity of a Penclomedine-Oil/Lecithin Emulsion (NSC-338720) in Fischer 344 Rats and Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2514]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 32, 423.

  12. Smith, A.C., J.E. Tomaszewski, R.M. Sparks, J.E. Heath, L.M. Rose and J.G. Page, 1991. Toxicity Produced by 5-Azacytidine Arabinoside (Ara-AC; NSC-281272) Administered Orally to Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2530]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 32, 425.

  13. Tomaszewski, J.E., R.M. Sparks, L.M. Rose, J.E. Heath and J.G. Page, 1991. Plasma Drug Levels and Toxicity Produced by Intravenous Infusions of 8-Chloro-cyclic AMP (8-Cl-cAMP, NSC-614491) to Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2529]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 32, 425.

  14. Huang, M., R.E. Parchment, J.E. Tomaszewski and M.J. Murphy, Jr., 1991. Standardization of Murine CFU-GM Assays for Preclinical Evaluation of Myelotoxicity of Anti-HIV and Anti-Cancer Agents. [Abstract No. 1664]. J. Am. Soc. Hem., Blood, 78, (10, Suppl 1,), 418a.

  15. Parchment, R.E., M. Huang, J.G. Page, B.L. Osborn, J.E. Tomaszewski and M.J. Murphy, Jr., 1992. New Anti-HIV Agents with Favorable Human Myelotoxicity In Vitro. 7th NCI-EORTC Symposium on New Drugs in Cancer Therapy, Amsterdam.

  16. Parchment, R.E., M. Huang, J.E. Tomaszewski and M.J. Murphy, Jr., 1992. Murine CFU-GM Assays are Optimized for Preclinical Myelotoxicity Evaluation of New Anti-HIV and Anti-cancer Drugs. 7th NCI-EORTC Symposium on New Drugs in Cancer Therapy, Amsterdam.

  17. Daniel, E.M., J.T. Liao, T.N. Merriman, D.E. Rodwell, M.G. Wientjes, B.L. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1992. Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability Study of Merck L651582 (NSC-609974) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 3166]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 530.

  18. Dixit, R., R. Lopez, T. Douglas, C. Fanska, M. Stoltz, D. Arneson, M. Stedham, A.C. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1992. The Intravenous Infusion Toxicity of 9-Amino-20[S]-Camptothecin (9-AC, NSC-603071) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 3278]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 548.

  19. Dixit, R., R. Lopez, T. Douglas, P. Muellner, L. Litle, M. Stoltz, D. Arneson, M. Stedham, A.C. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1992. Toxicity of a Five-Hour Intravenous Infusion of Penclomedine (PEN, NSC-338720) In Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 3279]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 548.

  20. Freeman, G.B., M.E. Placke, M.J. Ryan, A.C. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1992. Repeated-Dose Toxicity Studies of UC38, 1-Methylethl 2-Chloro-5-[[(1- Methylethoxy) Thiomethyl] Amino] Benzoate (NSC-629243) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 3287]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 550. Wilkinson, G.E., M.E. Placke, R.L. Persing, M.J. Ryan, A.C. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1992. 14- and 28- Day Toxicity Studies of UC38, 1-Methylethyl 2-Chloro-5[[(1-Methylethoxy) Thiomethyl] Amino]Benzoate (NSC-629243) in Hamsters. [Abstract No. 3288]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 550.

  21. Osborn, B.L., E.M. Daniel, J.T. Liao, D.E. Rodwell, R.M. Kovatch and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1992. 28 Day Toxicity Studies of Merck L651582 (CAI, NSC-609974) in Rats and Dogs. [Abstract No. 3289]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 550.

  22. May, R.D., M.J. Murphy, Jr., R.E. Parchment, M. Huang, B.L. Osborn, J.E. Tomaszewski and J.G. Page, 1992. Toxicity Evaluation of Deveopmental Anticancer/Anti-HIV Compounds to Mouse and Human Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells. [Abstract No. 3291]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 550.

  23. Rodman, L.E., H.D. Giles, J.M. Trang, J.E. Heath, L.M. Rose, A.G. Garrett, R.S. Sparks, J.E.Tomaszewski, B.L. Osborn and J.G. Page, 1992. Preclinical Toxicology and Pharmacokinetic Studies of Mitoguazone (NSC-32946), Carbamazepine, and Difluoromethylornithine in Rats. Administered Singly or in Combination. [Abstract No. 3292]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 551.

  24. Supko JG, Plowman J, Dykes DJ, Zaharko DS, 1992. Relationship Between the Schedule of 9-Amino-20(S)-camptothecin (AC; NSC 603071) Antitumor Activity in Mice and its Plasma Pharmacokinetics. [Abstract No. 2578]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 33, 432.

  25. Donzanti, B., P. Tosca, M. Placke, A. Singer, J. Roth, J. Driscoll, J. Kelley and J. Tomaszewski, 1993. Comparative Cardiotoxicity of Dideoxynucleosides in Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 Rats. Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, Louisiana.

  26. Daniel, E.M., D.E. Rodwell, K.L. Gliden, R.M. Kovatch, B.L. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. 25-Day Continuous Intravenous Infusion of a Polyethylene Glycol Based Vehicle in Beagle Dogs. Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, Louisiana.

  27. Dixit, R., R. Lopez, P. Muellner, B. Mowry, C. Fanska, T. Morton, D. Arneson, M. Stedham, A. Smith, B. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. A Species Comparison of Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics of 9-Amino-20[S]-Camptothecin in Rodents and Dogs. [Abstract No. 2552]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 428.

  28. Dixit, R., R. Lopez, T.T. Muellner, J. Baker, L. Litle, D. Arneson, R. Kovtach, M. McDermott* and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. Bioavailability and Oral Toxicity of Penclomedine (NSC-338720) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2553]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 428.

  29. Mathews, L., J. McCormack, J. Bigelow, L. Rodman, B. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. Pharmacokinetic Studies of Quinobene in Dogs (NSC-638352). [Abstract No. 2369]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 397.

  30. May, R.D., M.J. Murphy, Jr., C.L. Erickson-Miller, R.E. Parchment, J.G. Page, B.L. Osborn* and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. Myelotoxicity Evaluation of Camptothecin and Its Derivatives Using In Vitro CFU-GM Assays in Mouse, Dog, and Human. [Abstract No. 2551]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 428.

  31. May, R.D., M.J. Murphy, Jr., C.L. Erickson-Miller, R.E. Parchment, J.G. Page, B.L. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. Myelotoxicity Evaluation of Two Potential Anticancer Compounds Using Murine and Human In Vitro CFU-GM Assays. [Abstract No. 2281]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 383.

  32. Pai, L.H., Q-c Wang, U. Brinkmann, J. Tomaszewski, M.C. Willingham and I. Pastan, 1993. Pre-clinical Evaluation of Recombinant Immunotoxin LMB-7 [B3(Fv)-PE38]. [Abstract No. 2869]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 481.

  33. Rodman, L.E., H.D. Giles, R.B. Thompson, L.B. Coffey, J.G. Page, B.L. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. Dose Range-Finding Study of Bizelesin (NSC-615291) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2557]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 429.

  34. Schmid, S.M., R.T. Coffield, J.E. Harwell, D.G. Gordon, J.G. Page, B.L. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. In Vitro Toxicity of (NSC-630176), Doxorubicin (NSC-123127), and Minoxidil in Human, Canine, and Rat Myocytes. [Abstract No. 2556]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 34, 428.

  35. May, R.D., M.J. Murphy, C.L. Erickson-Miller, J.G. Page, B.L. Osborn and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1993. Myelotoxicity of Four Nucleoside Analogs as Potential Anti-AIDS Compounds Using Murine, Canine and Human In Vitro CFUGM Assays. Joint Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists and The Clinical Immunology Society. Denver, Colorado.

  36. Tomaszewski, J.E., 1994. Safety and Toxicity Evaluation of Recombinant and Synthetic Vaccine Products: The NCI Experience. BioEast 94, Session 5D, p 35. Washington, D.C.

  37. Agbaria, R., H. Ford, Jr., J.A. Kelley, A. Koester, V. Moore, C.R. Hassler, J.E. Tomaszewski and S.J. Donohue, 1994. Continuous Infusion of Cyclopentenyl Cytosine (NSC-375575) in Beagle Dogs with Hemodynamic and Pharmacologic Monitoring. [Abstract No. 2752]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 461.

  38. Benvenuto, J.A., L.A. Zwelling, W.N. Hittelman, W. Plunkett, D. Farquhar and R.A. Newman, 1994. Preclinical Pharmacology Studies of Penclomedine (NSC 338720), [Abstract No. 2303]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 386.

  39. Bigelow, J., L. Chrin, P. Horton, L. Mathews and J. McCormack, 1994. Analytical and Pharmacokinetic Studies of a Quinocarmycin Derivative, [Abstract No. 2545]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 427.

  40. Bigelow, J., L. Mathews, L. Chrin, P. Horton and J. McCormack, 1994. Analytical Studies and Murine Pharmacokinetics of Cosalane, [Abstract No. 2546]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 427.

  41. Egorin, M.J., D.M. Rosen, M.A. Simon, M.F. Ballesteros, E. Dixon and S.S. Pan, 1994. Cellular Accumulation of Chloroquinoxaline Sulfonamide (CQS), [Abstract No. 2334]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 392.

  42. Egorin, M.J., Z.M. Yuan, D.L. Sentz, N.D. Eddington and J.L. Eiseman, 1994. Plasma Pharmacokinetics (pk) in CD2F1 Mice of the Polyamine Analog (BE-4444) (NSC D640506), [Abstract No. 2557]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 429.

  43. Evans, E., R. Kovatch, R. Lopez, J. Baker, B. Mowry, D. Smith, D. Arneson, R. Gatz, M. McDermott and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1994. Five Daily Dose Toxicity of Bizelesin (NSC-615291) in Fischer 344 Rats and Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2750]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 461.

  44. Hill, J.R., J.E. Schindler-Horvat, R.C. Baldwin, J.T. MacGregor, B.L. Osborn, S.J. Donohue and C.A. Tyson, 1994. Toxicity of Ecteinascidin 729 (NSC-638718) in CD2F1 Mice and Beagle Dogs, [Abstract No. 2789]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 467.

  45. May, R.D., M.J. Murphy, Jr., C.L. Erickson-Miller, J.E. Tomaszewski, B.L. Osborn and J.G. Page, 1994. Myelotoxicity Evaluation of Dolastatin 10 (NSC-376128) and Swainsonine (NSC-614553) Using Murine, Canine and Human In Vitro CFUGM Assays. [Abstract No. 2398]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 402.

  46. Newman, R.A., M. Costa and A. Fuentes, 1994. Analytical Assay Development for Costatolide (NSC 661122) and 7,8-Dihydrocostatolide (NSC 661123), Potential Anti-HIV Agents, [Abstract No. 2526]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 424.

  47. Placke, M.E., D.C. Emmerling, M.E. Lynch, S.W. Graves, P.J. Tosca, J.T. Yarrington and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1994. Toxicity of Protease Inhibitor KNI-272 in Rats and Dogs Following Continuous Intravenous Infusion or Repeated IV Treatment. [Abstract No. 2751]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 461.

  48. Placke, M.E., R.R. Moutvic, A.W. Singer, L.H. Pai, Q-c Wang, I. Pastan and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1994. Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity Evaluations of the Recombinant Immunotoxin LMB-7 [B3(Fv)-PE38] in Cynomolgus Monkeys. [Abstract No. 2413]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 405.

  49. Page, J.G., H.D. Giles, S.L. Gerson, A.C. Smith and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1994. Preclinical Toxicity Study of O6-Benzylguanine (NSC-637037) and BCNU (Carmustine, NSC-409962) in Male and Female Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No.1952]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 328.

  50. Reid, J.M., D.L. Walker, S. Naylor, L.H. Benson and M.M. Ames, 1994. Murine Metabolism of Pyrazoloacridine (NSC-366140): Identification and Cytotoxicity of the Urinary Metabolites 9-Desmethylpyrazoloacridine and pyrazoloacridine N-Oxide, [Abstract No. 2512]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 421.

  51. Rodman, L.E., H.D. Giles, J.E. Tomaszewski, A.C. Smith, B.L. Osborn and J.G. Page, 1994. Preclinical Toxicology Study of O6-Benzylguanine (NSC-637037) and 1,3-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (NSC-409962) in Mice. [Abstract No. 1954]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 328.

  52. Rogers, T.S., L.E. Rodman, J.E. Tomaszewski, B.L. Osborn and J.G. Page, 1994. Preclinical Toxicology and Pharmacokinetic Studies of O6-Benzyl-guanine (NSC-637037) in Mice and Dogs. [Abstract No. 1953]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 328.

  53. Schindler-Horvat, J.E., J.R. Hill, S.J. Donohue, B.L. Osborn and C.A. Tyson, 1994. Species Comparison of Toxicity of Dolastatin 10 in CD2F1 Mice and Beagle Dogs, [Abstract No. 2790]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 468.

  54. Smith, A.C., L. Rubinstein, A. Koutsoukos, M. Christian, C.K. Grieshaber, J.E. Tomaszewski and M.R. Grever, 1994. Evaluation of Preclinical Toxicity Models for Phase I Clinical Trials of Anticancer Drugs. [Abstract No. 2741]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 459.

  55. Walker, D.L., J.M. Reid and M.M. Ames, 1994. Preclinical Pharmacology of the Potent Marine Natural Product, Ecteinascidin 729 (NSC-638718), [Abstract No. 2511]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 421.

  56. Yuan, Z., J. Eisman, K. Plaisance, D. Sentz, S. Bigora, M. Fossler, D. Young and M. Egorin, 1994. Plasma Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Butyrate after the Administration of Tributyrin & Na Butyrate to Mice & Rats, [Abstract No. 2556]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 35, 424.

  57. Garg, A., J.E. Tomaszewski, E. Barbera-Guillem and M.J. Murphy, Jr., 1994. In Vitro Bone Marrow Toxicity of the Antineoplastic Drug, Bizelesin (NSC-615921). ISEH Abstract No. 133. 23rd Annual Meeting, International Society for Experimental Hematology. Minneapolis, MN.

  58. Trang, J.M., L.E. Rodman, J.F. Martin, A.C. Smith, J.E. Tomaszewski and J.G. Page, 1994. Pharmacokinetics and Dose Range-Finding of O6-Benzylguanine (NSC-637037) in Beagle Dogs Following Single-Dose IV Administration. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Meeting.

  59. Trang, J.M., L.E. Rodman, J.F. Martin, A.C. Smith, J.E. Tomaszewski and J.G. Page, 1994. Pharmacokinetics of O6-Benzylguanine (O6BG) in Combination with 1,3-Bis(2-Chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) in Beagle Dogs. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Meeting.

  60. Garg, A., J.E. Tomaszewski, E. Barbera-Guillem and M.J. Murphy, Jr., 1994. In Vitro Bone Marrow Toxicity of Flavopiridol (NSC-649890) to Human, Canine and Murine Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells. 36th Annual Meeting, American Society of Hematology. Nashville, TN.

  61. Volpe, D.A., J.E. Tomaszewski, R.E. Parchment, A. Garg, K.P. Flora, M.J. Murphy and C.K. Grieshaber, 1994. Myelotoxic Effects of Bizelesin to Human, Canine and Murine Myeloid Progenitor Cells In Vitro. FDA Science Forum. Washington, DC.

  62. Fukazawa, T., N. Takeuchi, N. Fujisawa, N. Hattori, T. Mimoto, S. Abe, K. Yuki, Y. Kiso, J. Tomaszewski, H. Hayashi and H. Mitsuya, 1994. KNI-272: A Potent HIV Protease Inhibitor Exhibiting a Favorable Oral Bioavailability in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. PB0841, p. 207]. Tenth International Conference on AIDS. Yokohama, Japan.

  63. Arneson, D., E. Evans, R. Kovatch, R. Moore, T. Morton, J. Tomaszewski and A.C. Smith, 1995. Preclinical Toxicology and Pharmacology of Flavopiridol (NSC-649890) in Rats and Dogs. [Abstract No. 2181]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 366.

  64. Evans, E., D. Arneson, R. Kovatch, J. Supko, T. Morton, L. Siemann, J. Cannon, J. Tomaszewski and A. Smith, 1995. Toxicology and Pharmacology of Perillyl Alcohol (NSC-641066) in Rats and Dogs. [Abstract No. 2180]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 366.

  65. Hill, D.L., L.M. Rose, K.F. Tillery, T.-H., Lin and T.-W. Shih, 1995. Disposition of 2'-Deoxycoformycin and Cordycepin in Mice Dosed with These Compounds Singly or in Combination, [Abstract No. 2135]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 358.

  66. Newman, R. A. and T. Madden, 1995. Preclinical Pharmacology of Novel Rainforest-Derived Anti-HIV Compounds: Costatolide (NSC-661122), 7,8-Dihydrocostatolide (NSC-661123) and Calanolide A (NSC-664737), [Abstract No. 1858]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 312.

  67. Page, J.G., L.E. Rodman, J.E. Heath, J.E. Tomaszewski and A.C. Smith, 1995. Effect of Infusion Rate on the Toxicity of Depsipeptide (NSC-630176) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2193]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 368.

  68. Placke, M.E., P.J. Tosca, R.M. Moutvic, J.T. Yarrington and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1995. Safety Studies of Three 13-Mer Point Mutated ras Peptides in Rabbits and Two Recombinant Point Mutated ras/Vaccinia Virus Constructs in Monkeys. [Abstract No. 2932]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 492.

  69. Reid, J.M., D.L. Walker and M.M. Ames, 1995. Evaluation of L1210 Bioassay and HPLC Determination of Dolastatin 10 in Human and Murine Plasma, [Abstract No. 2171]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 364.

  70. Rodman, L.E., J.E. Heath, J.M. Trang, R.D. Wood, J.E. Tomaszewski, A.C. Smith and J.G. Page, 1995. Preclinical Toxicology and Pharmacology Studies of BE4x4 (NSC-640506) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2194]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 368.

  71. Schindler-Horvat, J.E., J.C. Mirsalis, J.R. Hill, N. Raju, S.J. Donohue and C.A. Tyson, 1995. Preclinical Toxicology Studies of Quinocarmycin Analog DX-52-1, [Abstract No. 2188]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 367.

  72. Schmid, S.M., R.T. Coffield, J.E. Harwell, D.G. Gordon, B.L. Osborn, J.E. Tomaszewski and J.G. Page, 1995. In Vitro Toxicity of Anti-HIV Dideoxynucleosides in Human and Rat Myocytes. [Abstract No. 2192]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 368.

  73. Schweikart, K.M., R. Parchment, B. Osborn, M. Murphy, R. May, J. Page and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1995. In Vitro/In Vivo Bone Marrow Toxicity: Comparison of Clinical and Preclinical Data for Selected Anticancer Drugs. [Abstract No. 2185]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 367.

  74. Tomaszewski, J.E., K.M. Schweikart, G.E. Wilkinson, S. Graves, C. Mahon, J. Toft, J. Yarrington and M.E. Placke, 1995. Preclinical Toxicity Evaluation of ß-F-ddA in the Rat and Dog. [Abstract No. 2184]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 367.

  75. Volpe, D.A., J.E. Tomaszewski, R.E. Parchment, A. Garg, K.P. Flora, M.J. Murphy and C.K. Grieshaber, 1995. Myelotoxic Effects of Bizelesin to Human, Canine and Murine Myeloid Progenitor Cells. [Abstract No. 2182]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 366.

  76. Walker, D.L., J.M. Reid and M.M. Ames, 1995. Preclinical Pharmacology of the HIV Protease Inhibitor, DG35 (NSC 654021), [Abstract No. 2170]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 364.

  77. Wheeler, C.W., B.S. Levine, J. Kantor, J.E. Tomaszewski and S.J. Donohue, 1995. Safety and Immunogenicity of a Recombinant Vaccinia Virus Vaccine Expressing a 70kDa Fragment of the Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen in a Nonhuman Primate. [Abstract No. 2179]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 366.

  78. Tomaszewski, J.E., 1995. Preclinical Toxicity of Ecteinascidin 743. Winter Meeting of the EORTC PAMM Group, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.

  79. Ames, M.M., Walker, D.K., Reid, J.M., Svingen, P.A., Budihardjo, I., Kaufmann, S.H., Covey, J.M., Alley, M.C., Hollingshead, M.G., 1996. 6-Aminonicotinamide: Murine Plasma Pharmacokinetics and Modulation of Drug Resistance. [Abstract No. 1965]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 289.

  80. Bigelow, J., Chrin, L., Mathews, L., McCormack, J., 1996. Analytical and pharmacokinetic studies with a novel tetrameric phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide. [Abstract No. 2418]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 354.

  81. Bigelow, J., Chrin, L., Mathews, L., McCormack, J., 1996. Analytical and pharmacokinetics studies with two complex naphthalenesulfonic acid derivatives. [Abstract No. 2536]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 372.

  82. Chan, K.K., Bakhtiar, R., Jiang, C., 1996. Depsipeptide (NSC-630176) pharmacokinetics in the rat by LC/MS/MS. [Abstract No. 2711]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 397.

  83. Chiu, M., Chan, K.K., Covey, J.M., Tosca, P.J., Placke, M.E., Tomaszewski, J.E., 1996. Preclinical Pharmacokinetics of the Anti-HIV Agent, Michellamine B (NSC-661755). [Abstract No. 2517]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 42.

  84. Egorin, M.J., Eiseman, J.K., Sentz, D.L., Rosen, D.M., Ballesteros, M.F., Kearns, C.M., Duncan, K., Callery, P., 1996. Pharmacokinetics (PK) & Tissue Distribution of Halomon in CD2F1 Mice. [Abstract No. 2544]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 373.

  85. Eiseman, J.L., Eddington, N.D., Sentz, D.L., Rosen, D.M., Ballesteros, M.F., Egorin, M.J., 1996. Tissue Distribution and Physiological Model of Halomon in Male and Female CD2F1 Mice. [Abstract No. 2543]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 373.

  86. Hill, D.L., Rose, L.M., Tillery, K., Lin, T.H., 1996. Use of HPLC for Determination of Pharmacokinetics of SarCNU (NSC-364432) in Rat Plasma. [Abstract No. 2503]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 367.

  87. Levine, B.S., Wheeler, C.W., Tomaszewski, J.E., Morrissey, R.L., Schweikart, K.M., Tosca, P.J., Singer, A.J. and Donohue, S.J., 1996. Preclinical Toxicology Studies of SarCNU. [Abstract No. 2554]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 42.

  88. Mirsalis, J.C., Schindler-Horvat, J.E., Tomaszewski J.E., Fairchild, D.G., Hill, J.R., Tyson, C.A., Schweikart, K.M., Turner, N.A., Sells, D., Donohue, S.J., 1996. Preclinical Toxicology Studies of Ecteinascidin 743. [Abstract No. 2556]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 42.

  89. Newman, R.A., Chen, W., Madden, T., 1996. Preclinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics of the Calanolides, a Novel Series of Non-nucleoside Anti-HIV Compounds. [Abstract No. 2787]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 408.

  90. Page, J.G., Rodman, L.E., Heath, J.E., Tomaszewski, J.E., Smith, A.C., 1996. Comparison of the Toxicity of Depsipeptide (NSC-630176) in Dogs and Rats.[Abstract No. 2549]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 42.

  91. Rajgolikar, G., Wang, H.-C.R., Chan, K.K., 1996. Cytotoxicity of Depsipeptide (NSC-630176, FR901288) in scr-Transformed 10T1/2 Cells. [Abstract No. 2712]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 397.

  92. Rodman, L.E., Giles, H.D., Farnell, D.R., Hill, D.L., Coyne, J.M., Tomaszewski, J.E., Smith, A.C., Page, J.G., 1996. Preclinical Toxicology Studies of Cordycepin (NSC-63984) in Combination with 2'-Deoxycoformycin (NSC-218321) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2550]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 42.

  93. Rosen, D.M., Benjamin, S.E., Eiseman, J.L., Sentz, D.L., Callery, P.S., Anderson, L.W., Strong, J.M., Duncan, K.L.K., Egorin, M.J., 1996. In Vitro Metabolism of Halomon by Mouse and Human Liver Preparations. [Abstract No. 2730]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 400.

  94. Schweikart, K.M., Sullivan, T.M., Shaw, M.E., Walters, D.L., Placke, M.E., Tabibi, E., Tomaszewski, J.E., 1996. Bioequivalence of Nanodispersed (Cremophor-free) vs. Cremophor-containing Formulations of Paclitaxel in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2502]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 211.

  95. Shostak, L., McCormack, J., Zon, G., 1996. Interactions of Phosphorothioate Oligodeoxynucleotides with DNA Binding Agents. [Abstract No. 2417]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 354.

  96. Smith, A.C., Rodman, L.E., Heath, J.E., Kovatch, R.A., Tomaszewski, J.E., Phillips, L.R., Wolfe, T.L., Supko, J.G., Page, J.G., 1996. Toxicity Produced by Breflate (NSC-656202), a Brefeldin a Prodrug, in Fischer 344 Rats and Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 2548]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 37, 42.

  97. Green, C.E., Muir, C., Romero, M., Tyson, C.A., Donohue, S.J., Tomaszewski, J.E., 1996. Pharmacokinetics of Quinocarmycin Analog DX-52-1 (NSC 607097) in Male Fischer 344 Rats. ISSX Proc., 10, 283.

  98. Mirsalis, J.C., Freund, Y.R., Brune, J., Fairchild, D., Donohue, S., Duncan, K., Tomaszewski, J., Tyson, C., 1997. Toxicity and Immunotoxicity of a B7 Recombinant Vaccinia Vaccine in C57BL/6 Mice. [Abstract No. 1362]. The Toxicologist, 36 (No. 1, Part 2), 268.

  99. Smith, A.C., Rodman, L.E., Butt, Mark, Simpson, S., Steiss, J., Daw, T.L., Phillips, L.R., Stinson, S.F., Farnell, D.R., Tomaszewski, J.E. Page, J.G., 1997. Neurotoxicity Produced by Breflate (NSC 656202), a Brefeldin A Prodrug, in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 76]. The Toxicologist, 36 (No. 1, Part 2), 15.

  100. Brown, A.P., Morrisssey, R.L., Tomaszewski, J.E., Donohue, S.J., Levine, B.S., 1997. Oral toxicity of (2-Chloroethyl)-3-sarcosinamide-1-nitrosourea (SarCNU) in the Rat. [Abstract No. 13]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 2.

  101. Chiu, M., Chan, K.K., Covey, J.M. 1997. Assay and Pharmacokinetics of Dithiane Dioxide in Mice. [Abstract No. 4055]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 604.

  102. Egorin, M., Zuhowski, E., Sentz, D., Ramsland, T., Callery, P., Eiseman, J. 1997. Pharmacokinetics & Tissue Distribution in CD2F1 mice of Pc4 (NSC 676418), a Photodynamic Sensitizing Agent. [Abstract No. 4000]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 596.

  103. Eiseman, J.L., Sentz, D.L., Zuhowski, E.G., Ramsland, T.S., Rosen, D.M., Reyna, S.P., Egorin, M.J. 1997. Plasma Pharmacokinetics & Tissue Distribution of 17-Allylaminogeldanamycin (NSC-330507), a Prodrug for Geldanamycin, in CD2F1 Mice & Fisher 344 Rats. [Abstract No. 2063]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 308.

  104. El-hawari, M., Evans, E., Pletcher, J., Morton, T., Bradley, S., Tomaszewski, J.E., Smith, A.C., 1997. Bioavailability and Preclinical Toxicology of Orally Administered Flavopiridol (NSC-649890) in Rats. [Abstract No. 4013]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 598.

  105. Kuffel, M.J., Reid, J.M., Ames, M.M. 1997. Cytochrome P450 Catalyzed Metabolism of Ecteinascidin 743 by Rat and Human Liver Microsomes. [Abstract No. 4003]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 596.

  106. Mirsalis, J.C., Fairchild, D.G., Smith, S., Duncan, K., Donohue, S.J., Tomaszewski, J.E., Tyson C.A., 1997. Toxicity of Ecteinascidin 743 in Female Fischer 344 Rats Administered i.v. in a Multiple-dose Regimen. [Abstract No. 2073]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 309.

  107. Newman, R.A., Chen, W., Beck, D.A., Madden, T. 1997. Species-dependent Metabolism of a Novel Anticancer Compound: 2,5-Bis(5-hydroxymethyl -2-thienyl)furan (2-thiophene; NSC-652287). [Abstract No. 2071]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 309.

  108. Page, J., Heath, J., Fulton, R., Yalkowsky, E., Tabibi, E., Tomaszewski, J.E., Smith, A., Rodman, L., 1997. Comparison of Geldanamycin (NSC-122750 and 17- Allylaminogeldanamycin (NSC-330507) Toxicity in Rats. [Abstract No. 2067]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 308.

  109. Page, J.G., Rodman, L.R., Noker, P.E., Emory, M.B., Smith, A.C., Tomaszewski, J.E., Hill, D.L., 1997. Plasma Levels of COL-3 in Rats and Monkeys. [Abstract No. 3999]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 596.

  110. Rajgolikar, G., Chan, K.K. and Wang, H-C.R. 1997. Signaling Inhibition by Depsipeptide. [Abstract No. 642]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 96.

  111. Rodman, L., Farnell, D., Tomaszewski, J.E., Smith, A., Page, J., 1997. Preclinical Dose-range-finding Studies of COL-3 (NSC-683551) in Rats and Monkeys. [Abstract No. 4021]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 599.

  112. Schweikart, K., Turner, N., Singer, A., Placke, M., Leeds, J., Geary, R., Truong, L., Pribble, J., Covey, J., Tomaszewski, J., 1997. Preclinical Toxicology and Pharmacokinetic Studies of ISIS 5320 in Cynomolgus Monkeys. [Abstract No. 4022]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 599.

  113. Turner, N., Duncan, K., Freeman, G., Singer, A., Placke, M., Pai, L., Pastan, I., Schweikart, K., Tomaszewski, J., 1997. Toxicity of Intraventricular LMB-7 in Rats. [Abstract No. 2054]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 38, 306.

  114. Tomaszewski, J.E., K.M. Schweikart and R.E. Parchment. 1997. Correlation of Clinical and Preclinical Bone Marrow Toxicity Data for Selected Anticancer Drugs. First International Symposium on Hematotoxicology in New Drug Development, Lugano, Switzerland.

  115. Mirsalis, J. C., D. G. Fairchild, S. J. Donohue, K. L. K. Duncan, J. E. Tomaszewski, C. A. Tyson, 1998. Gender-specific Toxicity of Ecteinascidin 743 in Surgically Altered Rats. [Abstract No. 254]. The Toxicologist, 42, 51-52.

  116. Chan, K.K., Chiu, M., Yu, C., Covey, J.M., Tomaszewski, J.E. 1998. Preclinical Pharmacokinetics of Halichondrin B (NSC-609395), a Natural Occurring Antitumor Macrolide from Sea Sponges, by Electrospray LC/MS. [Abstract No. 1544]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 226.

  117. Egorin, M.J., Rosen, D.M., Wolff, J.H., Callery, P.S., Mussor, S.M., Eiseman, J.L. 1998. Metabolism of 17-(Allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17AAG) (NSC-330507) by Murine & Human Hepatic Preparations. [Abstract No. 3567]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 524.

  118. Hill, D.L., Lin, T.H., Duncan, K.L.K., Smith A.C. 1998. Binding of UCN-01 to Plasma Proteins of Humans, Rats, and Dogs. [Abstract No. 2483]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 364.

  119. Kuffel, M.J., Squillace, D.P., Ames, M.M. 1998. Cytochrome P450 and 17ß-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Oxidation of 2-Methoxyestradiol by Murine and Human Hepatic Microsomes. [Abstract No. 3566]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 524.

  120. Squillace, D.P., Reid, J.M., Kuffel, M.J., Ames, M.M. 1998. Bioavailabilty and in Vivo Metabolism of 2-Methoxyestradiol in Mice. [Abstract No. 3560]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 523.

  121. Brown, A.P., Rodvold, K.A., Tolhurst, T.A., Tomaszewski, J.E., Donohue, S.J. and Levine, B.S. 1998. Oral Bioavailability and Plasma Elimination Kinetics of (2-Chloroethyl)-3-sarcosinamide-1-nitrosourea (SarCNU) in the Rat and Dog. [Abstract No. 3572]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 525.

  122. Hill, D.L., Noker, P.E., Coyne, J.M., Smith, A.C., Tomaszewski, J.E., Newman, R.A., & Page, J.G. 1998. Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics of EF-5 (NSC-684681) in Dogs Dosed by Intravenous Infusion. [Abstract No. 3546]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 521.

  123. Page, J.G., Rogers, T.S., Fulton, R.B., Thompson, C.R., Hill, D.L., Smith, A.C., Tomaszewski, J.E. 1998. Toxicity of COL-3 to Rats and Monkeys. [Abstract No. 4054]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 596

  124. Schindler-Horvat, J.E., Fairchild, D.G., Hassler, C., Tomaszewski, J.E., Donohue, S.J., Tyson, C.A. 1998. Toxicity of Jasplakinolide (NSC-613009) in Rats and Dogs. [Abstract No. 4063]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 39, 597.

  125. Parchment, R.E., Tomaszewski, J.E., Grieshaber, C.K., Valeriote, F.A., Corbett, T.A. and LoRusso, P.M. 1998. In Vitro Hematotoxicology Studies of Neutropenia Induced by the Novel Agent, XK469. [Abstract No. 205, p.54]. 10th NCI-EORTC Symposium on New Drugs in Cancer Therapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  126. Tomaszewski, J.E., S.J. Donohue, A.P. Brown, B.S. Levine, R.L. Morrisssey, C.A. Carter, W.R. Waud and M.C. Alley. 1998. Preclinical Efficacy and Toxicity of (2-Chloroethyl)-3-sarcosinamide-1-nitrosourea (SarCNU, NSC 364432). [Abstract No. 202, p.53]. 10th NCI-EORTC Symposium on New Drugs in Cancer Therapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  127. Jenta T, Soejarto, D, Buckheit, R, Arnold, E, Schweikart, K, and Covey, J. 1999. (-)-Calanolide B - A Novel and Naturally-occurring Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor of HIV-1. 6th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.

  128. Brown, A.P., R.L. Morrissey, S.J. Donohue, B.R. Vishnuvajjala, J.E. Tomaszewski, and B.S. Levine, 1999. 8-Chloro-cyclic AMP, but not 2-Fluoro-8-chloro-cyclic AMP Is Nephrotoxic in Mice [Abstract No. 135]. The Toxicologist, 48 (1-S): 29.

  129. Hassler, C.R., R.I. Hamlin, N.A. Turner, K.M. Schweikart and J.E. Tomaszewski, 1999. Cardiotoxicity of Neriifolin (NSC 123976) in Beagle Dogs [Abstract No. 1394]. The Toxicologist, 48 (1-S): 295.

  130. Smith, A.C., C.J.G. Chang, R.B. Thompson, J.E. Tomaszewski and J.G. Page, 1999. The Effect of O6Benzylguanine Pretreatment on BCNU-Induced Pulmonary Toxicity [Abstract No. 1534]. The Toxicologist, 48 (1-S): 325.

  131. Bigelow, J., Mathews, L., McCormack, J. 1999. Analytical and Pharmacokinetic Studies of a Trichothecene Derivative with Antitumor Activity. [Abstract No. 2581]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 390.

  132. Bigelow, J., Mathews, L., McCormack, J. 1999. Analytical and Pharmacokinetic Studies of a Steroid Glycoside with Antineoplastic Activity. [Abstract No. 2580]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 390.

  133. Chan, K.K., Jiang, C., Covey, J. 1999. Pharmacokinetics of 6-Hydroxydopamine in the Rat with and Without Tempol, the Stable Free Radical. [Abstract No. 2595]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 392.

  134. Egorin, M.J., Sentz, D.L., Zuhowski, E.G., Dobson, J.M., Schulte, T.W., Neckers, L.M., Eiseman, J.L. 1999. PC3 Human Prostate Xenograft Retention Of, & Oncoprotein Modulation by, 17-Allylaminogeldanamycin (17AAG) in Vivo. [Abstract No. 3409]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 517.

  135. Hale, J., Bigelow, J., Mathews, L., McCormack, J. 1999. Analytical and Pharmacokinetic Studies with 5-Chloro-2'-deoxycytidine. [Abstract No. 2590]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 391.

  136. Kuffel, M.J., Squillace, D.P., Reid, J.M., Ames, M.M. 1999. Cytochrome P450-catalyzed Metabolism of the Aminoflavone Analog NSC 686288 in Human and Rat Liver Microsomes: the Role of CYP1A Subfamily Enzymes. [Abstract No. 2544]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 384.

  137. Brown, A.P., Morrissey, R.L., Rodvoid, K.A., Tolhurst, T.A., Donohue, S.J., Tomaszewski, J.E., Levine, B.S. 1999. Intravenous Plasma Elimination Kinetics and Toxicity of an Aminoflavone in the Dog. [Abstract No. 2579]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 390.

  138. Chang, C.J.G., Smith, A.C., Elliott, P.J., Pien, C.S., Fulton, R., Thompson, R.B., Page, J.G. 1999. Multiple Dose Toxicity and Proteasome Inhibition of PS-341 (NSC 681239) in Rats. [Abstract No. 3416]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 518.

  139. Green, G.E., Ramanathan-Girish, S., Magon, M., Catz, P., Donohue, S.J., Schweikart, K.M., Tomaszewski, J.E., Tyson, C.A. 1999. Toxicity and Comparison of Oral Bioavailability of Dimethyl Amino Benzoylphenylurea (NSC 639829) in Beagle Dogs and Fischer 344 Rats. [Abstract No. 2551]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 385.

  140. Mirsalis, J.C., Schindler-Horvat, J.E., Fairchild, D.G., Tomaszewski, J.E., Donohue, S.J., Tyson, C.A. 1999. Preclinical Toxicology Studies of Halichondrin B in Rats and Dogs. [Abstract No. 2550]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 385.

  141. Noker, P.E., Thompson, R.B., Smith, A.C., Tomaszewski, J.E., Page J.G. 1999. Toxicity and pharmacokinetics of 17-Allylaminogeldanamycin (17-AAG, NSC 330507) in Dogs. [Abstract No. 804]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 121.

  142. Page, J.G., Noker, P.E., Tomaszewski, J.E., Smith, A.C. 1999. Lack of Schedule Dependent Toxicity of 17-Allylaminogeldanamycin (17-AAG, NSC 330507) in Rats. [Abstract No. 805]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 121.

  143. Schweikart, K.M., Tosca, P.J., Bollinger, L., Ryan, M., Turner, N., Tomaszewski, J.E. 1999. Toxicity of Pc4± Laser Treatment in Mice and Rabbits. [Abstract No. 2555]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 386.

  144. Tomaszewski, J.E., Schweikart, K.M., Covey, J.M., Turner, N., Tosca, P.J., Hassler, C., Simpson, B., Fogler, W.E., Sim, B.K.L. 1999. Pharmacokinetics and Range-finding Toxicity Studies of Recombinant Human Endostatin™ in Cynomolgus Monkeys. [Abstract No. 2553]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 385.

  145. Tomaszewski, J.E., Schweikart, K.M., Covey, J.M., Turner, N., Tosca, P.J., Simpson, B., Fogler, W.E., Sim, B.K.L. 1999. Mouse Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacological Basis for Drug Development of Recombinant Human Endostatin™. [Abstract No. 2554]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 386.

  146. Tosca, P.J., Bollinger, L., Zutshi, A., Ryan, M., Turner, N., Wang, Q.C., Pai, L., Pastan, I., Schweikart, K.M., Tomaszewski, J.E. 1999. Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity of Pseudomonas Exotoxin Monoclonal Antibody Conjugate LMB-9 in Cynomolgus Monkeys. [Abstract No. 3126]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 473.

  147. Turner, N., Tosca, P.J., Bollinger, L., Hassler, C., Ryan, M., Kreitman, R.J., Wang, Q.C., Pastan, I., Schweikart, K.M., Tomaszewski, J.E. 1999. Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity of Pseudomonas Exotoxin Monoclonal Antibody Conjugate BL22 in Cynomolgus Monkeys. [Abstract No. 3127]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 40, 473.

  148. Tomaszewski, J.E., 1999. Correlation of Clinical and Preclinical Bone Marrow Toxicity Data for Selected Anticancer Drugs. In Vitro Human Tissue Models in Risk Assessment Society of Toxicology Contemporary Concepts in Toxicology Workshop. Ellicott City, MD.

  149. Tomaszewski, J.E., 1999. Development of Novel Biological Agents: Pseudomonas Immunotoxin Conjugates. Twentieth Annual Meeting of the American College of Toxicology, McLean, VA.

  150. Chan, Kenneth K., Jiang, Chun, Zheng, Helen H., Chiu, Ming H., and Covey, Joseph, 1999. Pharmacokinetics of S(-)XK469 (NSC-698216) in CD1F2 Mice and Fischer 344 Rats. [Abstract No. 546]. AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. Washington, DC. November 1999.

  151. Eiseman, J., Grimm, A., Sentz, D., Lessor, T., Gessner, R., Zuhowski, E., Nemieboka, N., Egorin, M., Hamburger, A., 1999. Pharmacokinetics of 17-Allylamino(17-demethoxy)geldanamycin in SCID Mice Bearing MDA-MD-453 Xenografts and Alterations in the Expression of p185erb-B2 in the Xenografts Following Treatment. [Abstract No. 536]. AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. Washington, DC. November 1999.

  152. Fortier, A.H., Fogler, W.E., Tomaszewski, J.E., DuVall, M., Schweikart, K.M., Covey, J.M., Paciotti, G.F., Ruiz, A., Sim, B.K.L., 1999. Pharmacologic Design and Results of a 28-Day Intravenous Toxicity Study with Recombinant Human Endostatin Protein in Cynomolgus Monkeys. [Abstract No. 417]. AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. Washington, DC. November 1999.

  153. Mirsalis, J, Schindler-Horvat, J, Fairchild, D, Schweikart, K, Donohue, S, Tomaszewski, J and Tyson, C, 2000. Species Differences in Target Organ Effects of Benzoylphenylurea (BPU) in Rats and Dogs. [Abstract No. 1919]. The Toxicologist, 54 (1-S): 409.

  154. Brown, A.P., Morrissey, R.L., Smith, A.C., Tomaszewski, J.E., and Levine, B.S. 2000. Comparison of 8-Chloroadenosine (NSC-354258) and 8-Chloro-cyclic-AMP (NSC-614491) Toxicity in Dogs. [Abstract No. 3132]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 491.

  155. Chang, C.J.G., Smith, A.C., Fulton, R., Farnell, D.R., Lin, T.H., Emory, M.B., Page, J.G. 2000. 120-Hour Infusion Dose Range-Finding Study of 2'-Fluoro-ara-Deoxyuridine (FAU, NSC-678515) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 4472]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 703.

  156. Chan, K.K., Chiu, M., and Covey, J. 2000. GC/MS and Stable Isotope Dilution Assay for the Radiation Protecting Agent Tempol (NSC-142784) and Reduced Tempol in Plasma. [Abstract No. 4485]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 705.

  157. Chen, W., Gandhi, V., Rhie, J. K., Ayres, M., Felix, E. and Newman, R.A. 2000. Plasma and Cellular Pharmacology of 8-Chloro-Adenosine (NSC-354258) in Mice. [Abstract No. 4451]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 700.

  158. Covey, J.M., Chan, K.K., and Chiu, M. 2000. Pharmacokinetics of Tempol (NSC-142784) and Reduced Tempol in the Rat as Measured by a Specific GC/MS assay. [Abstract No. 4484]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 705.

  159. Eiseman, J.L., Sentz, D.L., Rosen, D.M., Zuthowski, E.G., White, K.D., Musser, S.M., Egorin, M.J. 2000. Murine Plasma Pharmacokinetics of the Hybrid Polar Compound, Pyroxamide (NSC-696085). [Abstract No. 4903]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 771.

  160. Hale, J., Bigelow, J., Mathews, L., McCormack, J., Torti, S., Torti, F., Brechbiel, M., and Planalp, R. 2000. Analytical and Pharmacokinetic Studies in Mice with Tachpyr. [Abstract No. 4483]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 705.

  161. Kuffel, M.J., Bowman, S.L., Browne, J.A., Reid, J.M., Naylor, S., and Ames, M.M. 2000. Tumor Cell and Tissue-Selective Cytochromes P450 Oxidation of Aminoflavone Analog NSC-686288. [Abstract No. 2347]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 370.

  162. Lin, T.H., Noker, P.E., Johnson, J.D., Rhie, J.K. 2000. Pharmacokinetics of a Novel Antifolate, PT523, in Mice and Rats. [Abstract No. 3129]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 490.

  163. Lin, T.H., Chang, C.J.G., Noker, P.E., Smith, A.C., Page, J.G. 2000. Disposition of 2'-Fluoro-ara-Deoxyuridine (FAU, NSC-678515) in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 4471]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 703.

  164. McCormick, D.L., Johnson, W.D., Pribluda, V.S., Green, S.J., Tomaszewski, J.E., Smith, A.C. 2000. Preclinical Development of 2-Methoxyestradiol (2ME2, NSC-659853). [Abstract No. 2080]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 328.

  165. Noker, P.E., Lin, T.H., Smith, A.C., Page, J.G. 2000. Pharmacokinetics of Pyroxamide (NSC-696085), A Hybrid Polar Compound, in Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 4904]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 772.

  166. Noker, P.E., Chang, C.J.C., Smith, A.C., and Page, J.G., 2000. Preclinical Toxicology of Pyroxamide (NSC-696085) in Dogs and Rats. [Abstract No. 4902]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 771.

  167. Squillace, D.P., Ruben, S.L., Reid, J.M. and Ames, M.M., 2000. HPLC Analysis and Murine Pharmacokinetics of the Cytotoxic Bioreductive Agent NLCQ-1 (NSC-709257). [Abstract No. 4488]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 706.

  168. Tomaszewski, J.E., Schweikart, K.M., Turner, N.A., Tosca, P.J., Hassler, C.R., Prezioso, J.A., Ryan, M.J., Giedlin, M., Bouchard, P., Wiltrout, R., and Wigginton, J., 2000. Toxicological Evaluation of Interleukin-12/Interleukin-2 (IL-12/IL-2) Combination in Cynomolgus Monkeys. [Abstract No. 4475]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 704.

  169. Tosca, P.J., Turner, N., Ryan, M., Yarrington, J., Bollinger, L., Long, H., Schweikart, K. and Tomaszewski, J.E. ,2000. Toxicity of R(+) XK469 (NSC-698215) and S(-) XK469 (NSC-698216) in Rodents and Beagle Dogs. [Abstract No. 4480]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 41, 705.

  170. Pribluda, V.S., LaVallee, T.M., Swartz, G.M., Fogler, W.E., Smith, A.C., Tomaszewski, J.E., Gubish, E.R., and Green, S.J., 2000. From Bench to Bedside: The Pharmaceutical Development of 2-Methoxyestradiol, A Potent Orally Active Antiangiogenic and Antitumor Agent. 25th ESMO Congress at Hamburg, Germany.

  171. Zheng, HH, Chan, KK, and Covey JM, 2000. Enantioselective determination of (R+)- and S(-)XK469, an antitumor agent, in rat plasma by chiral HPLC. AAPS PharmSci. 2 (Supp.), AAPS Annual Meeting Abstracts.

  172. Young Geun Shin, Xun Cheng, Richard B. van Breemen, Adaline C. Smith, Joseph E. Tomaszewski, and Barry S. Levine, 2001. Quantitative Analysis of Betulinic Acid in Mouse, Rat and Dog Plasma Using Electrospray LC-MS. 49th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, Chicago, IL.

  173. Feng, W.Y., Chan, K.K., and Covey, J.M., 2001. Electrospray LC/MS/MS Quantitation of Bradykinin Antagonist Polypeptide B201 in Plasma Using an Ion-trap Mass Spectrometer. 49th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, Chicago, IL.

  174. Chen, W., Gandhi, V., Ayres, M.L., Madden, T.L., Rhie, J., and Newman, R.A., 2001. Plasma and Cellular Pharmacology of 8-Chloro-Adenosine (NSC-354258) in Rats. [Abstract No. 433]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 80-81.

  175. Wang, H., Wang, S.Y., Wang, Z., Oliver, P., Nan, L., Rhie, J., Zhang, R., and Hill, D.l., 2001. Tissue Distribution of Radiolabeled 2'-Fluorodeoxyuracil-b-D-Arabinofuranoside and 2'-Fluoro-5-Methyldeoxyuracil-b-D-Arabinofuranoside In Tumor-Bearing Mice. [Abstract No. 448]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 83.

  176. Alley, M.C., Covey, J.M., Pacula-Cox, C.M., Waud, W.R., Dykes, D.J., Egorin, M.J., Eiseman, J.L., and Sausville, E.A., 2001. In Vitro and in Vivo Pharmacologic Evaluations of N,N-DimethylaminoBenzoylphenyl-urea and a Principal Metabolite Which Exhibit Multi-Spectrum Anticancer Activities. [Abstract No. 2035]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 378.

  177. Noker, P.E., Fulton, R., Lin, T-H., Weinberg, D.S., Schweikart, K.M., and Page, J.G., 2001. Effect of Tetrahydrouridine on the Pharmacokinetics of 5-Chloro-2'-Deoxycytidine in Monkeys. [Abstract No. 2041]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 379.

  178. Zheng, H., Chan, K.K., Covey, J.M., Tosca, P., and Turner, N., 2001. Pharmacokinetics of R(+)- and S(-) XK469, an Antitumor Topoisomerase IIb Poison, in the Rat by Chiral HPLC. [Abstract No. 2048]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 380.

  179. Egorin, M.J., Stecklair, K.P., Hamburger, D.R., Parise, R.A., Zuhowski, E.G., Covey, J.M., and Eiseman, J.L., 2001. The Plasma Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of Halofuginone (NSC713205) in Rodents. [Abstract No.2049 ]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 380-381.

  180. Smith, A.C., Tosca, P.J., Prezioso, J., Grossi, I., Ryan, M., Zutshi, A., Lee, S., Son, W.C., Juhn, S.H., Tomaszewski, J.E., and Turner, N., 2001. Preclinical Toxicity of LB 42908 (NSC-712392), a Novel New Farnesyl transferase (FTase) Inhibitor Proposed for the Treatment of Cancer. [Abstract No. 2631]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 489.

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  182. Johnson, W.D., McCormick, D.L., Nakanishi, O., Tomaszewski, J.E., and Smith, A.C., 2001. Preclinical Development of MS-275 (NSC-706995), a Synthetic Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor. [Abstract No. 5013]. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 42, 933.

  183. Tomaszewski, J.E., 2001. Use of In Vitro Bone Marrow Toxicity Data in the Development of Anticancer Drugs. TestSmart - Pharmaceuticals: An Efficient and Humane Approach to Predictors of Potential Toxic Effects of Drugs. Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

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