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Small Business Committee Newsletter Printer Friendly Version

Small Business Committee Notes

Friday, June 16, 2006

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Small Business Committee Notes

June 16, 2006 -- Issue 109-47

Phil Eskeland, Policy Director, House Committee on Small Business


SBA Disaster Loan Supplemental Appropriations Signed into Law

This week, the House and the Senate passed the final version of the $94.5 billion Fiscal Year 2006 emergency supplemental appropriations bill for Iraq and Afghanistan and hurricane relief (H.R. 4939).  Part of this bill contains funding for the long-term disaster recovery efforts of the Small Business Administration (SBA).  H.R. 4939 provides $542 million for the SBA’s Disaster Loans Program Account, of which $190 million may be used for administrative expenses to carry out the disaster loan program.


On Tuesday, June 13, the House passed H.R. 4939 by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 351 to 67.  On Thursday, June 15, the Senate followed suit by passing H.R. 4939 by a near unanimous vote of 98 to 1.  Later that day on June 15, the President signed H.R. 4939 into law.  Thus, there will be no interruption of service in the approval and disbursement of SBA disaster loans for homeowners, renters, and businesses for the rest of Fiscal Year 2006.


For more information, please contact Barry Pineles, Chief Counsel, or Phil Eskeland, Policy Director.


FY 2007 Funding Level for the SBA


On Wednesday, June 14, the Subcommittee on Science, the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce and Related Agencies (SSJC) of the House Appropriations Committee marked-up the Fiscal Year 2007 spending bill governing these agencies.  The SBA is one of the agencies covered by the SSJC Appropriations bill.  According to a press release and statement issued by the Chairman of the SSJC Appropriations Subcommittee, Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA), the spending bill “provides $643 million for the SBA, $4 million above the {President’s FY 07} request, and supports a record business loan program to help American entrepreneurs access capital.  The recommendation also provides $90 million for Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), a $2 million increase, to provide small businesses with counseling and other technical assistance.  The bill also allows up to $17.5 billion in general 7(a) business loans, an unprecedented program level, while requiring no appropriation.  The recommendation also supports an anticipated five-year average for disaster loans so that disaster victims to not have to wait for emergency funds in a time of need.” 


More details will be forthcoming after the full Appropriations Committee completes its mark-up of this bill next Tuesday.  For further information, please contact Barry Pineles, Chief Counsel, or Phil Eskeland, Policy Director.


SBA Proposed Rule on Women-Owned Small Business Contracting Program

On Thursday, June 15, the SBA published a proposed rule in the Federal Register to finally establish the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Assistance Program as authorized by the Small Business Reauthorization Act of 2000 as a tool to help increase the share of federal procurement going towards women-owned small businesses (WOSBs).  Currently, federal agencies have a goal of providing five percent of all government contracts to WOSBs.  However, the federal government has never met that target.  For the most recent statistics on government procurement, despite a sizable dollar increase to WOSBs, only 3.032 percent of federal contract dollars in FY 2004 went to WOSBs.

The proposed rule would authorize contracting officers to restrict competition for federal procurements of up to $3 million ($5 million for manufacturing) to eligible WOSBs in industries in which SBA has determined that such firms are underrepresented or substantially underrepresented in federal contracting.

To qualify as a WOSB, a small business must be at least 51 percent owned and controlled by women who are U.S. citizens.  At least 51 percent of an economically disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB) must also show an impaired ability to compete because of diminished capital and credit opportunities, as well as a personal net worth of less than $750,000 (excluding ownership in their business and equity in their home). 

Under the proposed rule, a business must demonstrate that it meets the criteria for the women’s procurement program and receive SBA certification as a WOSB or EDWOSB before submitting an offer for a set-aside procurement.  To streamline the process, applicants must apply through the SBA’s web site and only have to recertify every three years.  The proposed rule rejects self-certification.

Comments on the proposed rule are due by July 17, 2006.  You may submit comments, identified by Agency name and RIN 3245-AE65, by any of the following methods:


(1) The Federal eRulemaking  portal at http://www.regulations.gov;


(2) E-mail (include RIN number in the subject line) to: Linda.Waters@sba.gov or Fax: (202) 205-6390;


(3)  Mail or Hand Delivery/Courier to:

Linda Waters

Procurement Analyst

Office of Federal Contract Assistance for Women Business Owners

U.S. Small Business Administration

409 Third Street, SW., Washington, DC  20416.


For further information, please contact Linda Waters, Procurement Analyst, Office of Federal Contract Assistance for Women Business Owners, (202) 205-7315 or Linda.Waters@sba.gov.


Freda Manzullo Resting After Successful Surgery to Remove Tumor, Family Awaiting Test Results


Freda Manzullo, wife of House Small Business Committee Chairman Donald Manzullo (R-IL), is resting after undergoing successful surgery on Monday, June 12 to remove a cancerous tumor on her back and replace a fractured vertebra.


The six hour surgery took place on Monday afternoon at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia.  Doctors are confident the cancer was contained within the tumor and found no evidence of any other tumors.  Initial tests indicated the tumor is a form of lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system.  Further tests will be conducted over the next week to determine the exact type of cancer and whether the tumor is malignant or benign.  Mrs. Manzullo’s doctors then will determine the next course of treatment.


Mrs. Manzullo, 49, was hospitalized June 4 after complaining of extreme back pain following a day of moving boxes and furniture.  X-Rays showed a fracture of the T7 vertebra, and subsequent tests found the tumor growing inside the vertebra.  Chairman Manzullo and his family appreciate the tremendous outpouring of support and words of encouragement from so many people the past week.  The family continues to ask for prayers during the further testing period and Mrs. Manzullo’s subsequent treatment.  Friends can track Mrs. Manzullo’s condition and send get well wishes to her at http://fredamanzullo.wordpress.com/


Issues in Brief

On Wednesday, June 14, the House Financial Services Committee marked-up two bills originally co-sponsored and co-written by Small Business Committee Chairman Donald Manzullo:  reform of the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States (H.R. 5337) and the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (H.R. 5068).

A manager’s amendment offered by Domestic and International Monetary Policy Subcommittee Chairman Deborah Pryce (R-OH) and agreed to by voice vote to H.R. 5337 would make technical changes and clarify that the Director of National Intelligence provides analysis to CFIUS while serving no formal role.

A manager’s amendment also offered by Subcommittee Chairman Pryce to H.R. 5068 would: require the Bank to provide timely notice of an application receipt; encourage the Bank to ensure qualified minority and women applicants are considered when filling any position at Ex-Im; ensure the protection of sensitive information upon public disclosure of environmental reports and assessments; and establish an office of renewable energy promotion.  An amendment offered by Representative Joe Crowley (D-NY) would prohibit Ex-Im Bank participation in projects to develop certain rail connections.  An amendment offered by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) would establish formal mechanisms to determine the effectiveness of the Bank’s small business activities.  Finally, an amendment offered by Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL) would stop attempts to circumvent the Bank’s requirement for an economic impact analysis by breaking one large transaction into several smaller ones so as to avoid the dollar amount threshold that triggers an analysis.

For further information, please contact Phil Eskeland, Policy Director.


Upcoming Events


Wednesday, June 21  1:00PM in Room 2154 Rayburn HOB – Joint full committee hearing with the Government Reform Committee on Alaska Native Corporation (ANC) procurement program oversight (Note different time and hearing room location).


Tuesday, June 20  Time TBA  in Room 2359 Rayburn HOB – House Appropriations Committee mark-up of FY 07 SSJC Appropriations bill.




Past hearings/mark-ups/roundtables/meetings in 2006


February 1, 2006 – Tax, Finance & Exports (TF&E) and Rural Enterprises, Agriculture & Technology (REA&T) joint subcommittee hearing on “Transforming the Tax Code:  An Examination of the President’s Tax Reform Panel Recommendations.”

February 8, 2006 – Regulatory Reform & Oversight (RR&O) Subcommittee hearing on “The Internet Sales Tax:  Headaches Ahead for Small Business?”

March 2, 2006 – Workforce Empowerment & Government Programs (WE&GP) Subcommittee hearing on the “Oversight of the Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneurial Development Programs.”

March 8, 2006 – TF&E Subcommittee hearing on the “Oversight of the Small Business Administration’s Finance Programs.”

March 15, 2006 – REA&T Subcommittee hearing entitled, “The Missouri River and its Spring Rise:  Science or Science Fiction?”

March 15, 2006 – hearing on the Fiscal Year 2007 Budget and Reauthorization Proposals of the SBA.

March 16, 2006 – RR&O Subcommittee hearing entitled, “The State of Small Business Security in a Cyber Economy.”

March 30, 2006 – RR&O Subcommittee hearing on the “Procurement Assistance Programs of the SBA.”

April 5, 2006 – hearing on “IRS Latest Enforcement:  Is the Bulls-Eye on Small Businesses?”

April 6, 2006 – RR&O Subcommittee hearing entitled “Can Small Healthcare Groups Feasibly Adopt Electronic Medical Records Technology?”

April 26, 2006 – hearing on “Cutting Our Trade Deficit:  Can the U.S. Muster Its Diverse Trade Promotion Operations to Make an Impact?”

April 27, 2006 – WE&GP Subcommittee hearing on “Healthcare and Small Business:  Proposals that will Help Lower Costs and Cover the Uninsured.”

May 3, 2006 – REA&T Subcommittee hearing on “The Future of Rural Telecommunications:  Is Universal Service Reform Needed?”

May 3, 2006 – hearing on “What is the Proper Balance between Investor Protection and Capital Formation for Smaller Public Companies?”

May 10, 2006 – hearing on “Bridging the Equity Gap:  Examining the Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs Act of 2006.”

May 23, 2006 – RR&O Subcommittee hearing on “Data Protection and the Consumer:  Who Loses When Your Data Takes a Hike?”

May 25, 2006 – REA&T Subcommittee hearing on “Unlocking Charitable Giving.”

June 7, 2006 – hearing on “Contracting the Internet:  Does ICANN Create a Barrier to Small Business?




Small Business Website


Check out the Small Business Committee website at http://www.house.gov/smbiz.  The site includes regular updates on small business committee news.  The site features special projects, press releases, hearings and scheduling information.




Phil Eskeland

Deputy Chief of Staff & Policy Director

House Committee on Small Business


(202) 225-5821


To contact any staff member listed in the above newsletter, please use the general number for the House Small Business Committee – (202) 225-5821.  Please E-mail me if you want to be removed from the mailing list or if you know of others who might be interested in receiving this publication.



Mission Statement of the House Committee on Small Business


"We promote the success of America’s small businesses by leveling the global economic playing field and reducing domestic burdens that impede their growth.  In this spirit, we work to ensure that every branch of the U.S. government understands the critical role America’s small businesses play – both at home and abroad – including the jobs they create and the spirit of entrepreneurship they embody.”