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#475BIOBASE EXPLAIN, Systems Biology E-Tool for Analysis of Microarrays, Proteomic, ChIP-chip Experiments & Much More
NIH has site-wide license. To start your analysis, please visit Email for questions.

  • The Explain Analysis System is a web-based, gene regulation-focused, systems biology E-tool that promotes biological interpretation of high throughput experiments like microarrays, proteomic data, and ChIP-chip experiments.
  • Identification of key molecules upstream of TFs (kinases, adaptor proteins, receptors) that might be responsible for the coordinated regulation of the suggested TFs
  • Mapping of putative transcription factor (TF) binding sites on promoters in focus
  • Construction of promoter modules as combinations of individual binding sites and composite regulatory elements, thus suggesting TFs providing common regulation of differentially expressed genes
  • Functional classification according to GO terms, diseases terms, tissue/organ expression, and signaling pathways
  • The step-by-step workflow allows systematic creation of experimentally testable hypothesis for both gene transcription regulation and signaling networks

Who should attend:
Interested NIH staff
Dr. Craig Parmen, Manager of Customer Training and Support
Time Required:
3 hours
Sections Available:
-- Concluded -- 475-09F November 19 1:00 - 4:00 Building 12A, Room B51
NOTE: Although this course has already taken place, we'll put you on a waiting list for the next available session.

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