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Step 5 CDC Guidance for Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning

Guidelines for developing a comprehensive cancer control (CCC) plan that can be both implemented and evaluated. Information is based on the experiences of several states that undertook a comprehensive cancer control planning process in recent years.

Guidance for Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning - Volume 1: GuidelinesExternal link

Building Blocks of Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning
(as explained in Part II of the “Guidance for Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning”External link)


Planning Activities


Planning Goal

Enhance Infrastructure
Part II, Section 3

Assess infrastructure needs and capacity Gain buy-in from leadership of coordinating agency Identify/ hire dedicated coordinator/ staff Create core planning group Involve cancer-related coordinating agency staff Develop work plan to guide the planning process Coordinate and monitor process (e.g., staff work groups)
Management and administrative structures and procedures developed

Planning products produced, disseminated and archived





Mobilize Support
Part II, Section 4

Assess current level of support Secure funds and in-kind resources for planning Build support among the public and private sectors Publicize efforts of the partnership Develop approaches for funding plan strategies Reassess partnership representation and coverage for implementation
Partnership develops priorities for allocation of existing resources

Gaps in resources and level of support identified

Utilize Data/Research
Part II, Section 5

Build linkages to registry and other data agencies and sources Identify available data/ research Review data and research as the basis for plan objectives and strategies Assess data gaps Conduct data collection as feasible Identify or collect baseline data against which to measure outcomes
Planning and research data reviewed for needs assessment and strategy development

Data/research gaps identified

Build Partnerships
Part II, Section 6

Identify, contact, and invite potential partners Assess partner interest and capacity Prepare for first partnership meeting Agree on goals, vision and decision-making process with partners Establish partnership leadership Create work groups Assess partner satisfaction Develop ways for new members to join & non-members to provide input
Original members remain committed as new members join

Partnership/subcommittee meetings held and attended.

Assess/ Address Cancer Burden
Part II, Section 7

Organize partnership around areas of interest Determine critical areas of burden and high-risk populations Assess gaps in strategies already in place Create measurable goals and objectives for plan Identify possible intervention strategies Prioritize goals, objectives and strategies Identify implementing organizations for plan strategies
Target areas for cancer prevention and control selected and prioritized

Conduct Evaluation
Part II, Section 8

Identify resources and staff for evaluation Define planning evaluation questions Document the planning process Identify emerging challenges, solutions, and outcomes of the planning process Provide TA/ training on evaluation to partners Create evaluation plan for implementation
A strategy for assessing planning process, monitoring implementation, and measuring outcomes in place

Blue boxes denote evaluation activities

Operationalizing Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning  and Looking Ahead
(as outlined in Part III of the "Guidance for Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning"External link )

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