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  Common Logging Module (CLM)
Added by Denise Warzel, last edited by Ann Wiley on Dec 19, 2008  (view change)



Project and Product Information

Overview of CLM

CLM is a powerful set of tools that provides a flexible and comprehensive solution for auditing and logging. CLM has the following components:

  • Event Logging - This feature provides a log4j-based solution allowing users to log events. Since this feature provides the ability to propagate and store user information, it can be used for anything from auditing a user to detecting security breaches.
  • Automated Object State Logging - This tool provides an automated, Hibernate-based, object state logging mechanism to log the changes to an object's state.
  • Asynchronous Logging to database - This feature provides a log4j based JDBC appender that can log the messages to the database asynchronously. Asynchronous logging increases performance for applications that generate a high volume of log messages.
  • Query Interface - A new Query API provides programmatic access to the logged data. It also can return the log result in form of an XML document.
  • Web-based Log Locator Tool (LLT)- This tool is a web-based application that displays, searches, and filters log messages. The interface can be used to retrieve logs based on elements including timestamp, user ID, and log level. The LLT can now use CSM for User Provisioning as well as security.

About the CLM Wiki

This is the wiki home page for the Common Logging Module (CLM) product. caCORE developers may edit these pages and any user may add a comment.

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